All Chapters of Reincarnation Of The Warrior: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
154 chapters
Successfully Beat
Buuuuuuuug.Braaaaaaaaaaaak.Chairman Liang woke up repeatedly and fell down, no matter where Chairman Liang stood, the attacks continued to aim at him."If you dare, don't just play behind your back," said Chairman Liang."I don't understand what you mean, I don't play behind," said Ashu while looking at the other 2 Chairmen.Chairman Lim and Luang attacked Ashu simultaneously, both of them had observed Chairman Liang who was completely unable to attack, only by defeating Ashu would the invisible attacks attacking Chairman Liang stop.Ashu smiled as he welcomed the two attacks from different directions that continued towards him, using the God's Eye of the opponent's attacks that he could easily see, Ashu continued to fend off the attacks while occasionally striking back to warm up."Your strength is too weak, you don't deserve to be called Chairman, don't you think about how your strength became what it is now," said Ashu.Chairman Lim and Chairman Luang stared at each other, the de
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Looking for the Roots
Ashu who took Hun away from the one palm school stopped under a big tree, seeing the many wounds on Hun Zuan's body just shook his head."Swallow it," said Ashu, giving the healing pill to Hun."Thank you," said Hun.Hun immediately swallowed the pill that Ashu gave him without caring what pill Ashu gave him. After swallowing the pill, Hun could feel the pain in his body slowly reducing.Ashu shook his head again in disbelief, Hun was the same as the three college heads a few days ago, but his changes seemed very big after being separated from the devil who was united with him.All day and night Ashu stood guard beside Hun who was still recovering. Ashu thought that after this he would do everything himself so that his time would not be wasted again, even if it was just one day."My body is not only healed, I can even feel much better now," said Hun."Good, now I can go," said Ashu."I'll come with you," said Hun, making Ashu stop in his tracks."Are you deliberately trying to slow me
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Place of Eternity
Ashu, who was surrounded by demons, was not afraid at all, he even looked very happy to get the welcome sent to him.Facing a demon that still has a body is easier, unlike one that has merged into one with a human, however, Ashu decided to let the demons attack him as they pleased first.The movements of dozens of demons who surrounded Ashu were very fast, attack after attack alternately aimed at Ashu who had not done anything."Wow, you made my body injured and exposed to poison, but do you think this poison can kill me," said Ashu.The poison on Ashu's skin slowly disappeared, the demons who saw that their poison had no effect on Feng at all felt very shocked.Whuuuuuuuuuussssss.Not yet fully absorbed by the poison on Ashu's skin, fire attacks aimed at him, from various directions the demons threw fire and their respective fire swords repeatedly without stopping at Ashu."Haaaaaah," Ashu took a deep breath.Since earlier he had been continuously attacked without fighting back at al
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Fighting the Demon Mawa
"Hahahahaha."Ashu's eyes which were pretending to be empty suddenly changed, Ashu laughed very hard while holding his stomach."Just like this, do you think this alone can work on me," said Ashu.Si and Wu followed Ashu who was the first to go inside, seeing Ashu laughing so hard, both of them thought that the devil's first trap didn't work on him."Come out, I know where you are," said Ashu.Hearing Ashu's words, Devil Mawa clenched her fists, according to her, Ashu must have known all about where she was hiding and making new traps would be useless."You all come out, this human is not just any human, we better finish it off as soon as possible," said Devil Mawa."Yes sir," said all the demons simultaneously."Who are you, the human I saved at that time," said the demon Mawa."Wait, Master is planning to fight him himself, isn't it that Master's men have intervened against that human," replied the subordinate."I'm not sure they can win," said the demon Mawa."Never mind, there's n
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Death of the Demon Mawa
Hun didn't waste any time rushing around the place of eternity, passing behind Hun looking for and following the source of Mawa's demonic energy which made him strong.At the front, the fierce battle was still going on, Wu and Si, who were fighting Mawa's demon subordinates, fought to a draw. Wu himself didn't expect that he was only a Mawa demon subordinate, but his strength was quite large, making it quite difficult for him.Baaaaaaaam.Baaaaaaaaaaam.Ashu continued to attack the Mawa Demon without stopping, even though the more the Mawa Demon attacked, the stronger Ashu became, he did not give up."You've wasted a lot of time, don't you want to kill the human I saved with your own hands, if it's like this he will die before you can kill me," said the demon Mawa arrogantly."Then give him to me now," said Ashu."Hahahaha, that won't be possible. Because he is useful to me," said the devil Mawa."Wait, is he the one who makes you stronger now," said Ashu suspiciously."You just guess
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Come back
Along the way, Ashu knows that everything will not be easy for him, he has succeeded in completing the root of his task, but after this he will face the Demon King. Ashu is not afraid to fight the Demon King, it's just that Ashu is not confident that his current strength can kill the Demon King. "I know what you're thinking," Wu said telepathically to Ashu. "Don't worry, I will always be there to help you," continued Wu. "Relying on other people doesn't necessarily end well, I have to rely on myself to get everything done," said Ashu. "So what would you do?" Wu asked. "We'll think about it after we get home," said Ashu, trying to remain calm. In front of the first city gate, Ashu stopped his steps, his journey for 5 days took him to the city of Yuga, a city filled with followers of demonic sects. "Whatever I do, all of you will remain silent and don't help me," said Ashu. "I understand," said Hun. Si just nodded his head as he walked following Ashu who stepped into the city g
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Two days have passed since Ashu returned home, Ashu continues to think that his strength is still not enough to defeat the Demon King, even though he has mastered many moves, Ashu still doubts that he cannot defeat the Demon King and his followers, who still don't know how many there are.In his room, Ashu thought about what he should do and where he should go to become stronger, lest his brothers and other innocent people suffer because he was still weak.Brrrrrrrrraaaaaaaak.Whuuuuuuuuuuuuussssss.The strong wind that came through the window shocked Ashu. Seeing a white mass that suddenly appeared not far from him, Ashu immediately stood up.Ashu stared questioningly at what creature was in his room, why it was only in the form of a wisp of smoke and didn't have a mental form."Who are you?" Ashu asked."Human, you don't have to gain strength by pursuing it, your strength is not strong enough but in your body there is a little of the power of the Gods," said a wisp of white smoke in
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Wu Preparation 1
(One month has passed since Ashu's meditation.)In a place inhabited only by demons, the Demon King stood in the middle of his people, he raised his magic staff high while smiling broadly as if he was challenging the sky."Long live the devil, long live the devil King," shouted all the devils in unison."After your rigorous training for a month, it's time for some of you to attack the humans, while waiting for the other members who haven't arrived yet, we will make all humans fearful," said the Demon King."Are we just scaring the King's humans?" asked the devil who didn't understand what the King meant.The demon king lifted the demon who had just asked, his sharp gaze made the other demons know what their King was going to do.Duuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaar.All the demons were silent when they saw their fellow humans exploding to death just because they asked, none of them dared to make a sound, let alone look at the Demon King."That's why you have to listen to what I say, I don't like any
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Wu Preparation 2
It only took one day's journey for Hun to arrive at the flint college. Hun stood not far from the college gate looking at several students standing guard outside.Hun, who felt he was nobody, hesitated to approach, what if they didn't believe his words and thought he was lying.Puuuuuuuk.A tap on the shoulder made Hun jump instantly. Hun was very surprised to see a graceful looking woman looking at him with a smile."Why are you just staying here? Don't you want to go inside," said Mel Yan."Are you a student of flint school?" Hun asked back."You can think of it that way," said Mel Yan again with a friendly smile."I want to meet Chairman Yan Sing, there is something very important I want to discuss," said Hun."Then let's go in," said Mel Yan without asking too many questions.Hun followed Mel Yan into the flint school, seeing all the students staring at him Hun became increasingly doubtful whether his words would be believed."Sister, someone wants to see you." shouted Mel Yan.Bl
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The Devil Begins to Attack
"Kill all humans in sight, leave none alive," shouted the demons in unison.The spreading demons began to wreak havoc, almost every city and even remote villages were completely attacked by demons."It turns out it's true, the devil attacked," said Chairman Yan Sing.The students of the flint school who were in the middle and final levels also attacked and helped save the people around them. The students were passionately determined to save humans from the cursed demons.In an uncontrollable situation, Chairman Yan Sing was grateful for the warning sent, thanks to this warning his college was able to help save many lives."Damn devil, I will make you regret dealing with Ashu," shouted A Ye who was standing at the front.Previously, A Ye asked Zun a lot about how Ashu was doing, Hun explained everything to A Ye about the fight between Ashu and the demon Mawa, that was the reason why Ashu was currently imprisoned and the demon would attack.A Ye, who had not known what Ashu was doing fo
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