All Chapters of Reincarnation Of The Warrior: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
154 chapters
The Devil Begins to Attack 2
Ten was a slave he bought with his five adopted brothers, just because Ten didn't believe him, Ashu freed Ten to go live his life. Who would have thought that he would meet her again and have to come back to save her."How lucky we are, the number of humans has increased to 2," said several demons standing not far from Ashu."What actually happened? Explain to me," Ashu said to Ten who was standing behind him."There's no time to explain, the devils are crazy, many have died at their hands," said Ten."You two ignoring us was a big mistake, now die," shouted one of the demons who immediately attacked Ashu.Ashu glared at the demon who wanted to attack him, not wanting to waste time Ashu took out his sword and remained calm.Wheeeeeeeeeeessssss.Wheeeeeeeeeeeeesssssss.Ashu moved quickly swinging his sword right at the hearts of the demons, just a few swings of the sword all the demons in front of him died."Now you can explain what happened," said Ashu."Since a few days ago, demons h
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The death of the Demon King
The demon king still didn't understand what happened, how could all his members who were attacking Ashu suddenly explode, he didn't even see Ashu move at all."What are you waiting for, attack him." shouted the Demon Lord.Ashy took out his sword and held it tightly, the power that Ashu put into the sword made the sword instantly shine.Wheeeeeeeeeesssss.Wheeeeeeeeeeesssssss.Ashu swung his sword, the flash of the sword that struck the demons scorched the demons without a trace.Ashu did not expect that the power of God was so strong, even just a little, his decision to meditate to calm himself turned out to be correct.Ashu released his five elements simultaneously and put God's power into them, when all the demons weren't aware of what was going to happen Ashu threw his five elements in all directions.Ashu's water element that hit the demons instantly froze their hearts, in just a few seconds the demons' hearts exploded and shattered into pieces.Even though both of the Ashu flame
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Mission prince fifth
Teng Teng...It had been a month since Ashu became a minister of the Dong kingdom, even though he was a minister, Ashu still opened his business with his adopted brother, and Ashu entered the hall and was greeted by silence from everyone inside."Please begin, Your Majesty," said Ashu"Since the Minister of Defense has also arrived I will start, in the northern area of ​​the border with the empty forest something happened at the kingdom's gemstone mine.""Workers in the mines report that every night they are always being stalked, and those who are stalking them are not humans. What do you think we should do or should we just leave it like that," continued King Dun Ta."Sorry Father, if we leave it alone there will be problems with the workers. What if those lurking around attack our workers," said the fifth prince."I thought the fifth prince would not change. It turns out I was wrong. What the fifth prince said is true. We can't just leave it like that," said Ashu.Hearing what Ashu
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Orc race
Upon arrival in the northern region, the Prince asked the soldiers he brought to stand guard, before starting to look for scouts. Prince Chen wanted to find out the true incident first."Welcome, prince, my name is Kil. I was assigned by the king to look after this place and manage it," said Kil."Then explain to me what really happened," said Prince Chen, who looked very serious."It's been more than two months since the workers felt like someone was stalking them, but after we searched we didn't find anyone around here, and those who were lurking have not done anything until now," said Kil."On the way, one of my soldiers was thrown a spear like this. There is a possibility that the person who threw the spear and the one who was stalking was the same person," said Kil."Then how is the prince?" Kil asked.Prince Chen was silent for a moment to think, even though the scouts up to now had not harmed the mine and the work I was doing was still uncomfortable, Prince Chen thought that th
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Arriving not far from the mine, Ashu gave healing pills to Prince Chen. Ashu didn't want other people to know that he had intervened to help Prince Chen. After waiting until Prince Chen had recovered enough, Ashu hurriedly left.Two days later Prince Chen and his soldiers returned to the royal palace, Prince Dangan reported to his father that everything was just a misunderstanding, the scouts who had been scouting the mines were the Orc race and they had no intention of doing any harm at all.A sudden meeting was held by King Dun Ta right after prince Chen's return, all the ministers including Ashu were ready to hear prince Chen's report."I know this is your first assignment, I don't expect much but try to explain what you got," said King Dun Ta."Father answered, those scouting the mines were a race of Orcs who had just moved to the empty forest, they all had no intention of harming the workers, they just wanted to get along with humans," said Prince Chen."Orc race?"Everyone seeme
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Strange Woman
Because he couldn't wait to train to become strong, Prince Chen left very early, Prince Chen waited for Ashu's residence to open, no matter how many residents were watching him.Even though he knew of Prince Chen's presence, Ashu still did not leave his house, Ashu wanted Prince Chen to practice what is called patience, because the first key to success is patience.After the door was opened by his other brother, Ashu came out to approach Prince Chen. Ashu looked at Prince Chen who remained sitting and didn't realize that he had come out."You've learned the first very important thing," Ashu said."Teacher, I've been just waiting, what have I learned from waiting?" asked Prince Chen."Patience," said Ashu."Okay, let's go in, but if you stay here I don't have a problem," continued Ashu."No, of course I will enter the teacher's office," said Prince Chen.Prince Chen walked past Ashu's brother who looked very busy. Ashu walked into the backyard followed by Prince Chen. After Ashu stoppe
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It turns out
Ashu looked at the woman who was currently casually eating what was on the table in front of her. After embarrassing her, the woman seemed shameless because she felt that nothing had happened after what she wanted to say."Now get out of here, I helped you because I thought you were a little attractive, but I felt wrong that you weren't attractive at all, so it's better to just leave," said Ashu, getting back to his feet."Okay, I'll go, I'll leave after we do that," said the woman."Are you crazy! I don't know you and you don't know me, why do we have to do this," said Ashu."The reason is because I am interested in you, very interested in you," said the woman."So I'll leave after we do that," continued the woman, biting the apple in her hand."Stop dreaming, leave now or I will kill you, don't think I'm helping you because I can't kill women, you should know that many women have died in my hands," said Ashu.The woman in front of Ashu suddenly fell silent, suddenly the woman smiled
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Looking for it
From the start, Zin never expected that he, who died during the massacre of the Water Dragon Clan, would come back to life in a different body. Not only does Zin live in a different body, he also has greater power than he had in his previous life, including the power that can improve other people's cultivation. through dual cultivation. When he met Ashu in the forest, Zin didn't recognize him at all and only thought he was an interesting man, that also made Zin have the desire to dual cultivate with him, but after entering Ashu's residence another power within him made him able to see everything that happened to Ashu, right then and there. Zin felt happy that he finally met his husband again even though they were now in different bodies. Even though Zin was very happy, she felt that she and Ashu were like other people, they also had their own lives and that didn't mean that she had to be Ashu's wife again this time. In her room, Zin looked up at the night sky where the moon above w
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Tell Them
When he arrived at his residence, Prince Chen was already in the backyard and was practicing alone. Before leaving, Ashu had left a book with Wu that Prince Chen could use to practice."Master," said Prince Chen."What is this," continued Prince Chen who smelled a different smell from Ashu."I thought I was the only one who smelled the smell, but everyone smelled it too," said Wu."Don't just talk, don't bother us, I will train it myself," said Ashu.Wu walked back inside while shaking his head, Wu could already guess what had just happened to Ashu."Don't think too much, concentrate the energy into the spiritual solution and feel the formation of the Aura nadi," said Ashu."Okay," said Prince Chen.I spent half a day training Prince Chen directly, Ashu deliberately did it to make it faster because after this he would be very busy, after training the formation of Aura Nadi, Ashu gave several books of moves that Prince Chen had to master himself, so Prince Chen was busy mastering the b
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All the dowry needed had been prepared by Mian and his other siblings, after thinking together it was decided that only Ashu and Wu would go, the two of them only proposed and gave the dowry once it was accepted, both of them would bring the bride and hold the wedding at Ashu's residence.Ashu and Wu rushed towards the western region towards the Saing region, Ashu, who had never been to that region, did not know what his wife's residence would be like after returning to life.It took a full day for Ashu and Wu to ride Si to finally arrive at the Saing area. The Saing area is almost the same as the city, only it doesn't have a gate with the name of the city written on it.Whuuuuuuuuuuuuuusss.One arrow went straight up in front of Si, who stopped in his tracks, making Ashu and Wu immediately go down. Wu, who took the arrow, immediately opened the paper on the arrow."Tradition," Wu and Ashu said in unison."I think I know," Wu said."Knowing what?" Ashu asked."In some places there are
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