All Chapters of Reincarnation Of The Warrior: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
154 chapters
Upon arrival at his residence, Ashu performed the wedding ceremony, after paying respects, the two of them welcomed the invited guests who had arrived.Ashu's residence looked very busy, everyone who knew Ashu came and congratulated him, people who weren't invited also came because they didn't want to miss the special day of the person who saved humans from demons.No no no.The sound of firecrackers enlivened the party even more, everyone looked happy in an invisible place. A Ye kept looking at Ashu and Zin, A Ye didn't expect Ashu to get married and her marriage wasn't with him either.From the start, Ashu was very kind, A Ye, who liked her, was even willing to study at a flint college to become strong, so that he wouldn't be embarrassed if he lived with her later."A good person doesn't mean he likes us," said chairman Yan Sing."Do you regret studying at my college?" asked chairman Yan Sing."Even if I regret it, what's the point," said A Ye."Chief, don't worry about me, I'm fine
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Ashu who disappeared moved quite far from the city and from the crowds, currently Ashu is sitting under a large tree on the outskirts of the forest where it is impossible for people to pass, Ashu hurriedly closed his eyes and repeatedly asked the voice that usually spoke to him to immediately speak to him again. because there was something he wanted to ask.For two hours, Ashu continued to do the same thing without getting any results at all. Currently, he is no longer a God, but that doesn't mean he has never done anything for God."Your persistence is still the same. I shouldn't be able to talk to you anymore but this time I will make an exception," said a disembodied voice."Then I'll just ask," said Ashu."I was brought back to life and so was my wife, is it possible that my three children were also brought back to life," continued Ashu.The silent voice did not provide an answer for a moment, Ashu repeated his question again so that the disembodied voice would answer his question
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Look for
After arriving in the city, Ashu immediately looked for the nearest accommodation. Ashu, who was carrying Zin, attracted the attention of many people and made them all keep staring at him, some thought that Ashu was kidnapping the woman he was currently carrying.Not caring about what they all said, Ashu continued to enter the inn. The inn servant was forced to give him the key to the empty room even though he was actually suspicious of Ashu, especially as Ashu immediately gave him more money."Why give him a room, what if he does something to that woman," said one of the inn customers."I dare not do anything," said the servant."Tell you what, keep an eye on that person. I'll call the head of the martial arts union, because our place doesn't have an official leader, we can only ask the head of the union for help," said the man who immediately walked away leaving the waiter behind.The place Ashu is currently visiting is called the Santaka Continent, the fifth continent which is very
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Look for 2
Even though at the moment he doesn't have the appetite to eat, Ashu still eats the food that is in front of him. Ashu doesn't care at all if there is poison in the food because his body is immune to any poison. Since Chairman Zaki talks as if he knows about the earth where he lives, Ashu is convinced that it might still be related to his son, Zin, who was silent, actually felt the same way. After finishing eating and everything had been taken away, Ashu immediately looked sharply at Chairman Zaki. Ashu couldn't wait to hear how Chairman Zaki found out. "I'll say don't look at me like that, you feel like you want to kill me with that look," said chairman Zaki. "Actually, months have passed, a 10 year old child said that he came from a far away place," continued Chairman Zaki. "Surprisingly, this child has lived on this continent from the start, even his parents are also here," said Chairman Zaki. "So!" Zin replied. "At first the child was the same as other children, after a
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Martial Arts Union
After watching from above for a long time, Ashu couldn't find anything that caused him and his wife to be thrown, but right now there was an invisible barrier that he didn't understand how to get past. Ashu rushed back downstairs to Zin who was sitting, Ashu wanted to think together and find a solution on how they could penetrate the invisible wall. "I didn't find anything," said Ashu. "Me too," said Zin. "But if we just keep quiet we won't get there," continued Zin. "I'll try attacking him first. Who knows, it might work," said Ashu. "No, we will solve it together. I will help attack," said Zin. Ashu just nodded his head and flew back up followed by Zin below him, after paying attention once again Ashu gave Zin directions as to when they would attack simultaneously. "Now!" Ashu, who had just shouted, immediately threw his attack, Zin, who also knew it, also threw his essay, making two large attacks fly in the air. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaar. The enormous attack from above made
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After they were both flying again, they both stopped and stared at each other in silence, just two obstacles had wasted their time and now there was another obstacle they had to face.In front of them, there was a white light like electricity. When Ashu touched it, his body felt like he was being electrocuted."Don't hold it," said Ashu, trying to remind Zin."Whatever now," said Zin."Isn't it clear that if we pass through we will be electrocuted, we will probably die, but even if we survive, the cultivation in our bodies will be lost," said Ashu."Isn't that too scary," said Zin."Do you guys need help?"Chairman Zaki who had just arrived looked at Ashu and Zin, Chairman Zaki also looked at the light that was in front of them at this time."It's started," said Chairman Zaki."What started?" Ashu and Zin asked."This barrier is installed if someone has done special training, I gave the map because I thought it wasn't too late," said chairman Zaki."So how do we get past this hurdle?"
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Final Hurdle
The remaining obstacles were successfully passed by Ashu and Zin, thanks to the help of chairman Zaki, everyone managed to get through more quickly, there was only one obstacle left which made the three of them suddenly separate, currently Ashu was in a very dense forest, the sunlight covered by the trees made The forest looked darker than other forests Ashu had ever been to. Being in the dark forest doesn't make Ashu feel anything, right now what I'm thinking about is what happened to his wife, his wife is not weak but as a husband he is still worried about her. "Damn, I have to leave this forest immediately," said Ashu. The forest that Ashu entered was like a maze, Ashu who tried to find a way out repeatedly returned to the previous place, his God's eyes also couldn't be used and Ashu could only try to find a way out his way. Whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussss. Whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussss. Ashu thought he couldn't find a way out because sunlight didn't enter the forest. Ashu immediately saw
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The three of them who arrived at one place looked at the boy who was currently sitting cross-legged, Zin who read the boy's past memories had tears in his eyes, it was true that the boy was his son in his previous life . Seeing Zin crying, Ashu immediately hugged him, Ashu guessed that Zin must have read the past memories of the child in front of them now. "You've seen this child, what are you going to do?" Chairman Zaki asked. "Of course I will wake him up," said Ashu. "No way, he is currently doing special training, it will take him 1 year to complete it and if you wake him up, everything he has done so far will be in vain," said Chairman Zaki. "I wouldn't want to wait that long," said Ashu. "Let's put it this way, if you really intend to wake him up, there is still one way left, you have to help him succeed more quickly by combining your strengths because I know the strength of the two of you is not weak, your strength is even far above mine," said Chairman Zaki. "How long w
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Helping Children
The power that Ashu and Zin sent to the boy in front of them was draining quite a lot of energy over time. If both of them ran out of energy before they finished helping their son, their efforts would be in vain, even so, neither of them could open your eyes to absorb the energy first and then return to help. Not far away, the four Sarekat leaders began to notice something strange about Ashu and Zin. They could see that currently the power that the two of them were channeling into the boy was getting less and less, if it continued like that, the two of them would stop giving their power by themselves. "Wouldn't it be that if we let it all be in vain," said chairman Zaki. "That's right, so what should we do to help them," said Chairman Du. "You can't, if we send our power to them, our power will actually be different. The three of them have the same power, which means the four of us have the same power, our powers are different," said the head of Mis. "Then, how?" asked chairman A
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Zin, who saw Ashu attack Luh, was not at all surprised, in his previous life Ashu was very strict when educating their children, teaching lessons by beating him directly made the children understand more quickly. "Who are you to dare hit me? Seek death," said Luh. "Who are you saying is looking for death? I think it's you who wants to die twice but this time you died in my hands," said Ashu, making Luh surprised. Luh is very sure that he has never told anyone that this is his second life, so how can a stranger who is not even remembered know about his second life? "Who exactly are you guys?" Luh asked. "Looks like I have to beat you again so that you immediately realize it," said Ashu. "Never mind, why not just tell him directly," said Zin. Zin immediately hugged Luh, who looked confused because he was suddenly hugged. Luh really didn't think that the one hugging him at the moment was his mother. "See even after you hugged him like that he doesn't know that you are his mother,
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