All Chapters of Reincarnation Of The Warrior: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
154 chapters
On the way home
Luh raised his hand making the leaders immediately fall silent. Luh thanked the three of them for wanting to help him. Because now he and Luh's parents wanted to say goodbye to the four chairmen. "Since you are also here, I will just say goodbye," said Luh. "Thank you for wanting to help me," continued Luh. "There's no need to thank you, actually we did it because we have a purpose, it's just that we didn't expect you to go," said Chairman Zaki. "Even so, we won't arrest you," said Chief Atu. "Go," said Chairman Du. "That's right, go quickly," said the head of Mis. Luh walked up to the four leaders and hugged them, Luh was happy to be with them all this time. "Because you have been kind to my child as parents, I want to repay you," said Ashu. Ashu immediately took out several items from his space ring, Ashu took out martial arts points for chairman Zaki, gave the Goddess crown pill to chairman Mis, deadly poison liquid to chairman Atu, and to chairman Du Ashu gave him a book,
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Home After the war
Elsewhere, the Prince of the Mandala kingdom did not expect that 2000 of his troops who had surrounded the Dong kingdom's troops would be completely slaughtered, now he and only 10 troops were left alive, of course Prince Chen didn't really let himself go but all of them lived. to play with it."Ha ha ha ha... ."Prince Qer suddenly laughed so loudly that Prince Chen frowned, even though all his troops were dead and soon he would catch up, but Prince Qer could still laugh that hard."What makes you feel so happy, or maybe it's your last laugh," said Prince Chen."No, I'm laughing at you and your troops. You succeeded in completely slaughtering my troops, but now you must have no strength anymore, soon you will all die," said Prince Qer."Because I'm sure the reinforcements from the Sur kingdom are very close, you won't have any preparations to welcome them and that means you will lose," continued Prince Qer.Hearing what Prince Qer said, Prince Chen suddenly became anxious, if what he
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Suddenly war
Arriving in front of the residence, the shop that was usually open looked quieter than usual, even though it didn't matter what it looked like, as long as the shop was open, there would definitely be buyers. Ashu, who saw something like that, went inside first, leaving his wife and child behind. Ashu entered and was greeted by his adopted brothers who had gathered, now their faces looked anxious as if they were worried about something. "What is it?" Ashu asked surprising his brothers. "Brother Ashu," said Mian. "The border is being attacked, the King is looking for you because you are not there, Lord Wu and Hun are gone," continued Mian. "Why were they suddenly attacked? Aren't they all scared and no one dares to move," said Ashu. "I don't know it myself, but Mr. Wu suspects that there are spies around the kingdom, they know that brother Ashu is not at home at the moment," said Mian. "Damn, they just gave me a job, when did they leave?" Ashu asked. "Just this morning," said Mi
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Luh wanted to hear more about what his father was like when he was on the battlefield. Luh put on an impatient face for Wu to immediately continue the story."Grandpa, continue," said Luh when he saw that Wu was silent."Yes, the story ends here," said Wu."Continue the story about father, how father was on the battlefield," said Luh."Ahhhh, I don't know about that, because Ashu was in the front row killing the reinforcements from the Sur kingdom alone, we were fighting the Mandala kingdom's troops so I don't know how many he killed alone," said Wu."So father killed thousands of soldiers alone," said Luh again."Like that," Wu said."My father is great," said Luh.***Elsewhere, Prince Chen, who had returned with the good news, was immediately greeted by his father. Prince Poh's head had also been brought as proof of victory."Congratulations, my son, you have won your first battle," said King Dun Ta."Thank you Dad, but it wasn't because I finished it alone, it was all thanks to th
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Attacking Alone
Zin, who knew that Ashu didn't need anything, just prepared the food he needed before attacking. Zin himself actually really wanted to join in attacking the Mandala kingdom, but because Ashu went to attack because of punishment, he couldn't go, just like Wu. After saying goodbye, Ashu rushed to the city gate. There, 100 troops that had been prepared by Prince Chen were ready with their respective equipment. Prince Chen, who could only accompany him to the gate, felt disappointed because he really wanted to take part in the attack. "Teacher, if the time comes when you attack another kingdom, I will join," said Prince Chen. "Then before the time comes, don't you have to become stronger? How can I carry the burden when attacking and have fun," said Ashu. Hearing that, Prince Chen just nodded his head. Prince Chen looked at Ashu who was walking leading 100 troops towards the Mandala kingdom area. Using his God's vision, Ashu looked for a shortcut that could take him to the Mandala ki
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Attack Complete
Ashu really liked the courage of the two princes who were currently in front of him. Ashu really regretted it because both of them were princes from the Mandala kingdom. If only they were just ordinary people, maybe he would let them both go.Wheeeeeeeeeeesss.10 arrows immediately aimed at Ashu who remained silent. Prince Lio was an expert in archery while Prince Kio was an expert in swordsmanship. When Prince Lio's arrows aimed at Ashu, Prince Kio moved quickly to attack.The combination of the brothers' attacks which they had often done again, they did it again at this time, Ashu himself received an arrow attack and another arrow attack which followed immediately cut him down, Prince Kio's attack which was quickly aimed at him along with an arrow which was unsuccessful in being parried, a swing Prince Kio's sword managed to injure Ashu's hand quite deeply.Proook proook proook.Ashu, who was hit by an attack like that, instead clapped his hands. Not long after, the wound on his han
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Meet the Dragon
Ashu, who returned with his troops, rushed to the royal palace. Ashu, who returned just in time for the meeting, immediately gave King Salo's head to King Dun Ta."You have seen it yourself, the punishment you gave him was to attack the Mandala kingdom and Minister Chen has carried out his punishment, the head below is proof that he was successful in the attack," said King Dun Ta.None of the ministers dared to speak because what was in front of them was really King Salo's head, which meant that Ashu had really carried out his punishment. In fact, they all couldn't believe that the punishment given by King Dun Ta was to attack the Mandala kingdom with only 100 troops. They also knew that Ashu actually helped on the battlefield."If any of you still have objections, say so now. If the punishment is to be increased, I don't mind attacking the Sur kingdom," said Ashu."No, that's enough," said Minister Vie."That's right, there is no need to discuss attacking the Sur kingdom because they
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Many Are Surprised
Luh immediately ran towards Ashu's room, not caring that the door was still tightly closed. Luh immediately opened it from a distance and rushed inside. "Dad, Dad!" Luh shouted while hitting Ashu's hand repeatedly, seeing that his father wasn't getting up. Luh shouted loudly in his father's ear. "Daddy wake up I want a healing pill!" Luh shouted. Hearing his son asking for a healing pill, Ashu thought that something had happened to his son, Ashu, who opened his eyes, immediately sat up, his hand held his son's cheek and using his divine vision, Ashu looked for the part where his son was currently injured. "You are not injured, what are healing pills for?" Ashu asked. "For this," said Luh showing the small dragon currently in his hand. "Dragon, where did you find it?" Ashu asked. "I found it in a ravine," said Luh. "So you guys were the ones who injured him like that, why are you confused about how to treat him now," said Ashu. Luh couldn't answer Ashu's words because it was
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Dinner invitation
Prince Chen, who returned to the palace, hurriedly headed to his father's reading room. Currently, his father was with advisor Siul. The two of them were always together even though they weren't discussing anything. Braaaaaaaaaak. "Father, I have something very important," said Prince Chen who had just broken through the door. King Dun Ta and advisor Siul were both looking at Prince Chen. King Dun Ta even looked at Prince Chen sharply. "What did you get that makes you no longer have manners?" King Dun Ta asked. "Sorry Father, but this is something very important about minister Ashu," said King Dun Ta. Hearing Prince Chen say the name Ashu Rjaa, Dun Ta thought that something his son had received was the news about Ashu's wife's pregnancy. The news was indeed important but not so much that it had to make his son lose his sense of politeness. "You must be punished," said King Dun Ta. "But father, you haven't even listened to me," said Prince Chen. "What you mean must be the news
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A Plans
The news that Ashu had a 10 year old child spread very quickly, many did not believe it but members of the Royal family themselves also said the same thing, even so, no one dared to ask him directly, only occasionally those who were curious asked Ashu's other siblings. The news about Ashu who had a child disappeared after several days, currently the residents are talking about the flying dragon that has recently been seen. "Your Majesty, the dragons flying around the city should not be expelled," said one of the ministers. "Why? Doesn't the Dragon hurt anyone," said King Dun Ta. "But many residents were scared after seeing the dragon," said Left Minister Joh. "So... ." "The meaning of the Left Minister is that His Majesty was asked to handle the expulsion of dragons," said advisor Siul. "Can Minister Joh face that dragon?" King Dun Ta asked. "Of course I can't. Isn't my job just to manage things in the kingdom, not take part in the fight," said Minister Joh. "So, Min
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