All Chapters of Reincarnation Of The Warrior: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
154 chapters
The Kor contacted unofficial newspaper publishers who published any news as long as they got paid. Apart from getting paid from the news published by unofficial newspaper publishers, they also made a profit from the newspapers in circulation. One of Kor's friends is the son of an unofficial newspaper publisher. "My friend, we haven't sent any news for a long time and now you are inviting me to meet you," said Xe. "Don't you know that I'm very busy, I'm asked to keep studying to become my father's successor and that's really boring," said Kor. "Every day I just listen to the news over and over again which makes my ears feel like they are going deaf because I hear it too often," continued Kor, who was starting to get into his role. "What news? Tell me, I'm always excited when I hear news like this," said Xe. "I heard that Minister Ashu has a 10 year old child. Isn't it strange that they've only been married for a month," said Kor. "Ahhhh, I've heard the news about that," said Xe.
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Finding Out News Spreaders
Whuuuuuuuuuuuuusss.Regardless of whether his opponent was currently his son, Ashu continued to train him very seriously, Ashu swung his sword at his son and blocked it.Ashu continued to attack without giving his son the slightest gap, even though he was continuously attacked, Luh was able to overcome the attacks very easily, but he didn't get the chance to attack his father back."Fighting isn't just about holding back, I deliberately didn't give you a gap to fight because you have to find that gap yourself, if it's like this you can't, how will you face the cultivators in 3 days," said Ashu."Okay, I understand," said Luh.Luh saw that his father wanted him to really fight very seriously. Luh thought that his father was only asking him to block every attack. He didn't expect that his father was also asking him to look for opportunities to counterattack.Looking for a gap against someone who is stronger is very difficult, even so, Luh, who looks at his father seriously, keeps trying
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Catch him
In the room, the three poisons he had collected were ready to be swallowed by his son, but before that, Ashu first asked his son to regulate his breathing. After controlling his breathing, Ashu swallowed the three poisons at once. Right after the poison passed through Luh's throat, Ashu asked his son to regain control of his breathing, Ashu himself immediately used his power to channel the poison very quickly into his son's body, and after the poison spread, Ashu neutralized it with his own blood which he put through Luh's wound before swallowing the poison. Currently all Luh felt was shortness of breath and sleepiness, but because his father asked him to continue to regulate his breathing, Luh couldn't close his eyes at all. After 15 minutes the poison that had spread was completely under control, and now his son already had a body that was immune to poison. "Dad, I'm sleepy. Can I sleep for a while," said Luh. "I can't. You haven't eaten in the past two days. It's better i
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Battle begin
Buuuuuuug, buuuuuug buuuuuuuug.The sound of hitting continued to sound very loud until before Prince Chen arrived, after seeing who was coming, Father Xe put his beating iron back and looked at Prince Chen."I know my son was wrong, I ask for forgiveness when punishing him," said Xe's father."Then I can't do it, because he made a very big mistake to someone who is very valuable," said Prince Chen."Then prince, please meet me with Minister Ashu, I will ask for forgiveness from him for my son's mistakes," said Xe's father."I also can't do that because your son made fake news that Ashu was holding his son's fighting competition, currently Ashu is very busy taking care of that," said Prince Chen."But I can meet you with him if your son is honest. You and Minister Ashu, even with the Royal Family, have no problems at all. Then why did your son create a fake newspaper," continued Prince Chen."Aren't you being asked right now why you did it?" asked Father Xe."I did it so that my fathe
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All the cultivators in that place could feel how great the old grandmother's strength was, the stick she used was sharper than a sword and even though she was old, the grandmother could still move nimbly. "It seems like there is hope that old lady will win," said one of the cultivators. "Not necessarily, the big man just now was knocked flying with just one attack," said another cultivator. "That's right," said the previous cultivator while nodding his head. Luh could clearly see that the grandmother was preparing to swing her stick. However, Luh didn't look afraid at all and was ready to receive the attack. Pliers. The sound of the stick hitting Luh's sword was heard very clearly, everyone who saw was silent, they still couldn't believe that the old grandmother's stick also broke after hitting Luh's sword. They thought the second match would end faster like the first, to their surprise the old grandmother who knew what was broken immediately attacked from a distance. Whuuuuuu
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Ready 2
Luh who was standing in front of his opponent took a deep breath first to make sure he was ready, his opponent who felt sorry because Luh had a father like Ashu didn't attack first, Luh's opponent I wanted to win fairly. "If you're ready, just say it," said Lawan Luh. Luh, who followed his father's words, only nodded his head as a sign that he was ready. Seeing Luh who truly obeyed his father's words made his opponent even more reluctant to fight, but also because he gave in, the other cultivators would think he had been paid. "You can attack me," said Luh's telepathic opponent. Thinking that his opponent was ready, Luh immediately moved quickly. Luh swung his sword in a circle, causing a deep wound on the back of his opponent's body. Seeing this, Luh felt displeased, Luh knew very well that at this time his opponent was deliberately not dodging and deliberately not attacking back. Because the injuries he received were enough to make him feel defeated, Luh's opponent just walked
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Ready 3
Wu immediately understood what Ashu meant, and it turned out that it was true that the person who entered Luh's room and spread the poison was the black-robed man, because if it wasn't him he should have thought the same as the other cultivators, not like now he himself wanted to fight Luh who has gone limp. "You are disqualified," said Ashu, making the black-robed man shocked, not only the black-robed man, the remaining cultivators also looked confused. Why was he suddenly immediately disqualified even though he had not yet fought. "Why? Is this your way of ensuring that no one wins," said the black-robed man. "Are you sure about what you said just now, or from the start? Actually, you don't know the rules, you can do anything in the competition area, including throwing poison like a man who has just lost, but what you did last night was against the rules and you are disqualified," Ashu said. "Wait, what did he do last night?" asked the dual sword wielding man. "He snuck into my
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Wu, who managed to catch up with Ashu and Prince Chen, immediately blocked his way. Ashu looked confused. Wu, if he wanted to come with him, he could go with him, but why is he blocking him now. "There's something I want to say," Wu said in a serious tone. "Then just say it," said Ashu. "I'll go, you must still remember that your world is not my place, I have to return to my residence," said Wu. "So you mean you're leaving," said Ashu. "How long will this time take?" Ashu asked. "I don't know, maybe I won't come back again," said Wu. "That's all I want to say, then I'll go first," continued Wu, who immediately disappeared from Ashu's sight. Prince Chen, who saw Wu leaving, still didn't understand one thing, where exactly was Mr. Wu's residence and why he suddenly left like that. "Teacher, if I may know where Mr. Wu's real residence is," said Prince Chen. "A very far place," said Ashu. "Then how did the teacher know him?" asked Prince Chen. "It's a very long sto
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Minister Joh's downfall
Xe's father arrived at his residence first and burned the newspapers about Ashu. After pulling all the newspapers about Ashu, Xe's father treated his son. "Feel this, this is the result of you looking for trouble with the wrong person," said Xe's father. "Dad, can't you stop being angry now, right now my body is really in pain, besides, why don't you heal me first and instead take care of the papers," said Xe. "Because the newspaper is much more important to me than you, I don't want to get into any more trouble with Minister Ashu. If the newspaper continues to circulate, wouldn't it be the same as if I were looking for trouble with him again," said Xe's father. "You should feel lucky, because if it wasn't for me to apologize to Minister Ashu, you might have been sentenced to death, hanged or beheaded," continued Xe's father. "Ahhhh, just try not to meet Kor, Minister Joh's son. I definitely won't end up like this. I was tempted because he said that many people were interest
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Gods Quarrel
A few days after Minister Joh received his punishment, the city returned to peace. Ashu, who was too lazy to attend meetings, occasionally just left without asking permission. Ashu preferred to spend time with his son.At his residence, Ashu, who saw his son training enthusiastically, only watched him from the side, his son's current cultivation was very perfect, he was sure that when he grew up, his son would become a great warrior."What's this!"The ground shook violently making the buyers scream, Ashu's brothers held several cupboards so they wouldn't hit the buyers, after everyone left Ashu's brothers came out, Ashu, Zin and Luh also rushed out of the house.The vibrations in the ground were still occurring, the vibrations got stronger for some time then stopped, the ground vibrations that occurred were a disaster that must have been sent down by God."Why did it suddenly become an earthquake," said Zin."I also think this is strange," said Ashu.Ashu immediately flew to try to p
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