All Chapters of Reincarnation Of The Warrior: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
154 chapters
Hu Wa still didn't understand why her body just followed Ashu's orders, Hu Wa felt that there was something different about Ashu since the golden light surrounded her so that just by his words she couldn't move freely."Let go, if you dare, fight fairly using your own strengths," shouted Hu Wa."Fight fairly? When you think life is a toy, you can still say that," said Ashu."Creatures like you should never have been created," continued Ashu.Hearing what Ashu said, Hu Wa felt very annoyed with all her full strength. Hu Wa tried to break free. After failing several times, Hu Wa's attempts to escape Ashu's pressure finally succeeded and made her smile triumphantly.Wheeeeeeeeesssssss.Hu Wa moved behind Ashu very quickly, one full force attack aimed at Ashu who seemed oblivious to everything.Blaaaaaaas.Ashu, who turned his body, received Hu Wa's attack with one hand without trying to dodge. Seeing that his attack couldn't hurt Ashu, Hu Wa still couldn't believe it. How could his attac
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Successfully killed him
Ashu asked Si to continue sniffing out Hu Wa's whereabouts, who was currently seriously injured. He couldn't lose the golden opportunity to kill Hu Wa because if he missed it now while he was healing, there would be more victims and an opportunity that wasn't ended quickly would actually make the enemy stronger.Si, who heard Ashu continuing to sniff, could smell the smell of blood which was quite clear. Si tried to confirm his smell once again and what he smelled was indeed Hu Wa's blood."Sir, I smell it there," said Si, looking at the road in front of him."Then what are you waiting for, take me there," said Ashu."Yes sir," said Si, running back.After following the direction of his smell, Si stopped in his tracks, Si couldn't believe that Hu Wa's smell which had just felt closer was now gone, Si felt guilty towards Ashu, Hu Wa disappeared must be because he was running as slow as a snail."I no longer feel his presence here," Ashu said quietly."I'm sorry sir, it's all because I
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Another grudge
Ying looked at Ashu right after saying her decision, this was the first time she had adopted a disciple, especially as Ashu had just admitted it, wanting to leave Ashu felt hard for her but there was no way she could stay in a world that wasn't her world.Ying also thought that actually he came to follow Ashu just to have fun, Ying didn't expect that he would actually take part in a fight which was really fun for him.Haaaaaaaaaaah.Ying sighed as she took something from under her clothes, a book she wanted to give to Ashu as a memento and as a gift for accepting her as a teacher."Take it, consider this a keepsake from me," said Ying."What's this?" Ashu asked looking at Ying who was giving him the book."I already know all your abilities, only the ones in this book that you haven't mastered, I hope you can master them too," said Ying, turning her face away."I'll accept it, so are you leaving now?" Ashu asked again to confirm."Of course I have to go now, I'm happy to come here, wha
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The day of the auction has arrived according to Old Man Cu's words, since morning the auction house has been filled with many guests, the event which was supposed to start in the morning was delayed because someone still hasn't arrived, many people don't understand why it hasn't started yet and who is the real owner of the auction wait, think about it all."Why don't you start, I'm a busy person, I'm not just spending my time in this place," said a Prince sitting in the front row."Sorry to make you wait, Prince, but our special guest hasn't arrived yet," said Old Man Cu, a little Acu."How important is the guest that makes you ask this Prince to wait, if he takes a long time then just stay, I'm sure everyone here agrees to that," said the fifth Prince of the Dong kingdom."Even if everyone agrees on what you are going to do, Old Man Cu is waiting for me. If you and everyone are not happy, please leave," said Ashu, who had just entered, followed by Wu behind him."How dare you speak r
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Letter From the King
Ashu was a little hesitant to let the Elf woman stay even though Ashu couldn't throw her out, Ashu looked at the Elf woman then looked away."Haaaaaah, since you intend to stay with me, I have no reason to kick you out, but I also won't forbid you if you want to leave," said Ashu, who had just taken a deep breath."Sir, don't worry, if it's not the Queen who calls me, I won't come back," said Lucin."Then just call me formally by my name, I don't like being called sir," said Ashu."Yes sir, I mean Ashu," said Lucin.Ashu rushed out to the six slaves who were with Wu, Old Man Cu who saw Ashu only come out with one female Elf just shook his head, Old Man Cu thought that the other Elf must have managed to escape by now and Ashu couldn't stop him."Do I want to chase after the Master of the Elves who has run away," said Old Man Cu."No need, they didn't run away, I told them to go home," said Ashu, making Old Man Cu frown."Next time if you see an Elf race, don't put it up for auction, I
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Facing the King
It had been several years since the competition took place at that time, the bad memories after returning from the competition were still very clear in Ashu's mind and he would never forget them. Ashu is very passionate about completing his goal, after everything is finished he will look for his half-brother and stepfather to avenge his adoptive family for making him feel like he has a family, even if only temporarily.Arriving in front of the palace, Ashu was immediately greeted by the Eunuch. The Eunuch hurriedly took Ashu to the hall where the King, Queen and Princes had gathered. The King deliberately gathered his family members to meet a great person who had entered their territory.Ashu entering the hall surprised the fifth Prince and made him frown. The fifth Prince stood up from his seat pointing at Ashu who was walking closer, which made the fifth Prince annoyed. Ashu didn't seem to recognize him even though he had killed his bodyguard."You still dare to come here," said the
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Give a lesson
Ashu's residence officially opened a fairly large multi-purpose sale, Ashu arranged for all his new brothers to prepare because their place would definitely have a lot of customers.Ashu's self-confidence immediately made him frown, a few hours passed after the opening, Ashu felt something was strange, the capital was a very densely populated place, it was impossible for there to be not a single person who wasn't curious about the place, Ashu was very sure that something must have happened, why was the place so quiet."Do you want me to help you find out?" said Wu."No need, I'll just find out for myself this time," said Ashu who immediately stood up from his seat."We will go with Brother Ashu," said Mian."No need, stay here, the buyers will come in a moment," said Ashu confidently.Ashu walks away through the city wearing his mysterious black robe, if you want to know what really happened, no one can recognize him at this time.Along the way, Ashu saw that no one was talking about
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New Enemy
Ashu realized that King Dun Ta's personal eunuch was giving a signal, before long King Dun Ta sipped the tea in front of him, preparing to talk about his true purpose."This time I thank you because you gave me the life-saving pill. As a king, I am not someone who doesn't think about debts. Just say what you want. As long as I can, I will give it," said King Dun Ta."The King is too shy towards me, but since the King has said that there is no reason for me to refuse," said Ashu with a smile."Actually, I'm looking for two men, father and son, if I remember correctly, their surname is Liu, their son's name is Meng Li, he's a little younger than me, who knows, maybe he's in one of King Dun Ta's territories," continued Ashu."I will order the soldiers to find out, Mr. Ashu can calm down now. Is that all you want in return," said King Dun Ta.King Dun Ta wants himself not to be indebted anymore, especially since Ashu is not just anyone. By helping him, King Dun Ta thinks his kingdom will
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Braaaaaaaaaaaa."Seriously, you killed each other just because he allowed you to leave his place as just one person."Zen was very angry to see that only one of his men had made it back, which made Zen even angrier. Instead of working together to get out alive with his men, he instead fought until only one remained."Useless," said Zen."What are you waiting for, he's alive and you don't need him anymore, just finish him off," continued Zen."No, Mr. Zen, don't kill me. I still want to live," said Zen's men.Plooooook, plooooook, plooooook.Ashu, who had been following Zen's men from the beginning, immediately went inside while clapping his hands. Outside, Zen's men who were on guard had been paralyzed when he saw Zen's shocked expression. Ashu just smiled.Ashu sat relaxed looking at Zen who was silent, uncomfortable seeing Zen's remaining men. Ashu released his poison, making Zen's men unconscious. Ashu deliberately didn't kill him because Zen's men had tried hard to stay alive."No
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The Enemy is Coming
Knowing that the enemy exists makes Ashu even more impatient. Ashu wants to meet the two of them immediately to take revenge, that way he can live his life in peace, because even though he has calmed down a little now, thinking about his new family being massacred makes him continue to feel very angry.Bruuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaa.Mian was thrown under the feet of Ashu and Wu who had just arrived back, the commotion in his place was greeted by Ashu with a meaningful smile because that was what he was waiting for."Are you alright?" Ashu asked while helping Mian to stand up."Sorry brother Ashu, I can't deal with some people who are causing trouble at our place, I'm useless," said Mian."No problem, you take the other brothers away, I want to see what kind of people they sent, it's not your fault," said Ashu."Brother Ashu, Lucin him."Ashu immediately disappeared, not listening to Mian who hadn't finished speaking, Lucin was an Elf Race. If something happened to him, how would he explain it
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