All Chapters of Reincarnation Of The Warrior: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
154 chapters
High Level Skill
After looking at the scrolls one by one, Ashu was holding two scrolls of skills that were stuck together, there was no writing on the outside of the scrolls like the others, which made Ashu very interested, Ashu was curious as to what kind of moves were stuck together."I'll just start with this one first," said Ashu, preparing to open the magic scroll in his hand.Ashu, who opened one scroll, was surprised to see another scroll open, not wanting to think about why two skill scrolls opened at the same time. Ashu immediately closed his eyes.In his subconscious, Ashu moved to a very dark place, not even a speck of light could be seen there.Ashu rushed to try to ignite his fire element but to no avail, now that he wasn't in his body the element obviously couldn't be released.Ashu continued to walk in the dark forward, now he was the same as when he was at the gate to the world of Magra, only different there were no obstacles in his path.Thanks to the test at the gate to the world of
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Mysterious woman
Ashu felt a strong power from the woman in front of him, the woman was different from the women he had ever met including the 7 women from the 7 color pagoda.Ying who saw Ashu continue to stare at him just smiled, it was common for him to meet fellow cultivators and be surprised by his cultivation level."I know the difference in our strengths is very large, but I will defend what is rightfully mine," said Ashu.Ashu put all the magic scrolls back into his space ring, after taking so much effort to get all the magic scrolls it was impossible for him to give them all to the woman he didn't know."Ahhhhh, it seems like you think I'm going to steal your skill scroll," said Ying."Not that that's what you want," said Ashu"I did tell you to give everything to me, but I don't want to take it, I just want to help you master all the skill scrolls quickly," said Ying."Heeeeeeh, do you think I would believe it? A foreign woman suddenly coming and wanting to help without a reason wouldn't be
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Return to the Home World
Using his powers, Ashu made a bath for him to soak in. Ashu believed that the writing from the woman he met earlier would not lie, now he had to immediately make a bath for him to soak in and then burn the paper he kept.It only took a few hours for the large tub made of wood to be ready, water had also been put into the tub, all that was left was the final step before he soaked in order to break through to the level of following what the woman he didn't know wrote.Ashu took the paper and burned it right on the water, after the paper burned the ash from the paper went into the water. Seeing that the paper was completely burnt, Ashu immediately took off his clothes, Ashu soaked in the tub he made which was mixed with ashes from the writing paper of the female warrior.After only a few moments, Ashu soaked, all his blood felt like it was boiling, the water in the tub was emitting smoke surrounding Ashu who was trying to suppress the heat in his body."Errrrrrrrrkkkh."Ashu bit his lip
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Wu who was holding the Dragon egg raised it high and pointed it at the sunlight, in just a matter of seconds the reflection of the sunlight opened a portal right in front of Ashu.Seeing the portal right in front of him, Ashu was silent. Ashu didn't expect that opening the portal was so easy, different from before."What are you waiting for?" Wu said, surprising Ashu who was silent.Wu returned the Dragon egg before entering the portal, the three who passed through the portal immediately arrived in Ashu's original world.Arriving in his world, Ashu felt his ring shaking very violently. Ashu, who had just remembered something, rushed to take out the jar from his space ring.Ashu put the urn on the ground wanting to see what was happening, from inside the urn white smoke suddenly came out forming the shape of the previous woman who had helped him."Finally," said Ying, taking a deep breath."You were in that urn, how did you do it?" Ashu asked."That's a secret," said Ying with a smile.
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Chairman Yan Sing ran towards his younger sister and held her hand tightly. Chairman Yan Sing did not expect his younger sister to regain consciousness after almost half a month of being completely unconscious.Chairman Yan Sing felt very happy, he was so stupid why he didn't wait for someone who once helped him save his little sister, he almost lost his little sister forever."Finally you are conscious, Mei," said Chairman Yan Sing."Sorry Mei is making you worry again," said Mel Yan."No, Sis, don't apologize, it's your responsibility to do anything for you," said Chairman Yan Sing."What about the old man outside now? I've healed him," said Ashu."That's because I took care of her a few days ago, she recovered because of me. I don't want that woman to know, I will take her away," said Old Man Ngong."Heeeeeeh, I want to bring my people, I want to see how much you can do," said Ashu, pursing his lips."Hahahaha, are you sure you want to fight me, what if you die in my hands," said N
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Actual Preparation
In a different place, Ying who keeps following Wu to find out Ashu's secret makes Wu furious. Wu doesn't like being followed all the time but the woman who keeps following him won't stop until she hears everything about Ashu.Wu stopped in his tracks sitting on a large rock, Wu looked at Ying who was standing right in front of him, hoping that Wu would tell him about Ashu right then and there."If I told you everything, would you believe it," said Wu, turning his face away."I will believe everything you say, after all, I can tell whether your words are honest or not," said Ying.Wun tells all about Ashu who was actually revived, Ashu's biggest enemy was his own water dragon clan in his previous life.Hearing Wu Ying's story, he just nodded his head. Wu, who had finished telling the story, quickly jumped up from his seat, ready to leave Ying.According to Ying Ashuba's thoughts, he would immediately act, his enemy was not just anyone, as his teacher would not let his student do everyt
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Clan Raid
Ashu Wu and Ying finally arrived at the border of the water dragon clan after walking very far. At the border, Ashu stopped in his tracks and frowned, Ashu could feel a presence that was currently hiding not far from him.Ashu had known about their presence since he was still on the road, even so, Ashu didn't mind their presence."How long are you going to hide?" said Ashu.From behind the tree, the Dragon Scale Snake, Snow Scorpion and Trisakti Chameleon changed to the size of Ashu. They deliberately didn't change to their original size because they didn't want to be caught by the members of the Water Dragon Clan."When you left, did you meet them on purpose?" said Ashu who saw Si watching the three of them."Sorry sir, if you are in trouble they will come straight away, before that happened I went to them on purpose," said Si."You can't blame him, we also think it's appropriate for us to help if you're in trouble," said the Snake."Haaaaaah, fine, I won't mind that." Ashu said with
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His Own Body
Inside, Ashu went through several rooms looking for the traitor who dared to betray him. In contrast, when outside, no one was standing in his way and that gave Ashu the freedom to search every corner without expending much energy.Even though Ashu felt strange, he still walked in, Ashu couldn't wait to know who would dare betray him at that time, whoever dared to betray him was prepared to receive his anger.Whhheeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss.Duuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaar.The attack from behind that Ashu couldn't feel at all made him almost die for the second time, if he hadn't dodged in time the huge attack that was just aimed at him could have destroyed his body."Who dares to attack me secretly, if you dare come out, don't be like a rat," shouted Ashu.Booooooooooooooom.From above the person who had just descended surprised Ashu, Ashu's eyes stared silently at the person who was none other than himself in his previous life, his large body and previous strength were still in the body that had be
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Seeing the way Ashu Ying was so amazed, Ashu's very mature thinking made Ying even more think that Ashu was very suitable to be his student, Ying was sure that Ashu would become a great warrior under his guidance, Ying was even more convinced and didn't want to let Ashu go."I almost wanted to help you," said Ying, who walked slowly towards Ashu."Heeeeeh, you underestimate me," said Ashu."Sir, how are you?" asked Si who had just entered followed by the other three from behind."Of course I'll be fine, but this isn't over yet, it's better for you to be careful," said Ashu, holding his sword tightly.Ploook, ploook, ploook.The sound of clapping made all eyes look at the origin of the sound, from a distance two people walked towards Ashu and the others while continuing to clap.Ashu continued to stare at the two people walking towards him, Si and the others who immediately wanted to attack were stopped by Ashu by raising his hand."I didn't expect you to come sooner," said the man Ash
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Tough Opponent
Arriving at the place where Si and the others were fighting, Ashu felt very shocked, in front of him at this time Si was quite badly injured, the other three animals were not much different from Si who were also injured and looked weak, seeing that Ashu felt sorry for helping him, they were injured like that. .Ashu turned to look at Wu and Ying who were still fighting, all of Wu and Ying's attacks couldn't hurt Hu Wa, the demigod, seeing the fight going on, Ashu frowned, thinking how he could defeat the demigod."How strong is he really, how could their attacks have no effect on him at all," Ashu said quietly.Ashu gave pills to heal wounds to Si and the three other animals, after giving the pills Ashu moved to Wu ready to help him, after all the demigod was his enemy and he should be the one who had to finish him off even though Ashu didn't know why the demigod did all that."You killed him," said Hu Wa who saw Ashu coming with a blood-stained sword."I didn't expect you to be cruel
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