All Chapters of Reincarnation Of The Warrior: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
154 chapters
Qilin Animal
Ashu and Si who entered the forest continued to be watched by many spiritual animals, the two of them had walked quite far into the forest, why didn't any spiritual animals attack them, Ashu thought."Isn't this a little strange, you said all the spiritual beasts here are very fierce, why doesn't anyone attack directly," said Ashu."Ahhhh, I forgot to tell you, every forest here has its own ruler, they didn't attack you probably because you are the target of the ruler of this forest," said Wu.Ashu stopped in his tracks while listening sharply, the strong vibration of his feet made Ashu suddenly alert.Hooooooooooeeeeeeeerrrrrr.A roar was heard from behind the tree, in the blink of an eye the trees in front of Ashu fell with one claw."This is no longer a spiritual animal, this is a monster animal," said Ashu.In front of Ashu at this time the fire Qilin stood proudly looking at Ashu and Si, Si immediately trembled, the difference in strength between them was very large, Si was sure
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Guardian Statue
Ashu sat staring at the circling Qilin, Qilin tried to lie to Ashu by implying that was all he had.Ashu just smiled when he saw the Qilin trying to trick him. He once read a book in which it was explained that where there is a Qilin, there must be lots of hidden treasures around it."Heeeeeh, so you still don't want to tell me where the other treasures are," said Ashu as he stood up.Qilin who was clawing at the ground occasionally looked at Ashu, he wanted to tell Ashu there was nothing else in the cave, Ashu understood what Qilin meant because what he wanted was not just the treasures in the cave, all the treasures around Qilin had to tell him."I know there's nothing here anymore, but you definitely know where the other treasures are," said Ashu.Qilin looked at Ashu as his attempts to trick humans failed, he couldn't help but show him the place. The extremely intelligent Qilin immediately ran out, seeing the running Qilin Ashu hurriedly followed him from behind."Qilin is a very
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Fighter City
Ashu came out of the lower room feeling happy, the skill scroll in his hand right now he couldn't wait to master.Arriving at Si's hunting place, Ashu saw Si lying full, and around him animal bones were scattered. According to Ashu's calculations, more than 30 spiritual animals had been killed by Si.Auuuuuuuuuu, auuuuuuuu.Si got up and walked towards Ashu, Si really wanted to say that he was really stronger than before."Sir," said Si, making Ashu surprised to hear it."You can talk? Don't holy spiritual animals have a level of strength before they can talk?" Ashu asked."Si hunts dozens of spiritual animals here, every spiritual animal that Si eats is different from other spiritual animals in our world," said Si."Hmmmm, that's how it turned out, that's good," said Ashu."Do you still need rest?" Ashu asked again."No need sir, Si is ready now," said Si while rubbing his head against Ashu."It's good that he has spoken, at least later you won't feel lonely because someone will acco
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Fighter City 2
Arriving in front of the city leader's house, Ashu stopped his steps for a moment, different from the city leader's house in his world in front of him at this time, the city leader's house was completely unguarded, the house that looked majestic made Ashu think about why there were no guards there or because all the residents That fighter is the reason the city leader is not afraid of anything.Kriiiiiiiiiiieeeeeet.The gate opened wide before Ashu knocked on the gate and shouted, from inside several female servants greeted him telling Ashu that currently the city leader was waiting for him.In the living room, the 3 servants who accompanied Ashu walked towards the city leader and stood behind him. Ashu's arrival seemed to have been known and was deliberately greeted that way."What are you three waiting for? Do your welcome," said the city leader.The three who were just standing behind the city leader walked towards Ashu. The sword dance was moved very beautifully by the three. Ashu
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The city leader did not expect that his two fighters could be defeated so easily by Ashu, Ashu's words asking his fighters to come forward at once shocked him even more, everyone who was on the sidelines entered the fighting arena at the same time, the three of them surrounded Ashu who was just silent.In their opinion, Ashu's training level wasn't high, but how could their two friends lose so easily, the three thought in unison."They are no stronger than the two who lost just now," Wu said."I also feel that way, I thought the difference in strength between me and them was quite big, but it turns out it's not," said Ashu."Haaaaah, that's probably because they have never explored other places, their arrogance is also what undermines their own strength," said Wu.Seeing Ashu who was silent, one of the fighters came forward, after observing everything on Ashu's body, the fighter pursed his lips."Why are you just silent now, weren't you the one who asked us to come forward at once, be
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The Last Fighter
The fighter who had just survived went straight to the edge of the arena. The fighter whispered to the other fighters discussing Ashu's sword, which was not just any sword.Leaving the other 10 main fighters walking to the center of the arena, all of them simultaneously stared at Ashu's black sword, wanting to confirm whether what their colleague was saying was true."That's right, that sword isn't just any sword. Be careful," said one of the fighters."Let me go ahead, I'm not sure an ordinary sword like that is very powerful," said one of the fighters who immediately walked forward."I just warned you that I was merciful by not killing my opponent, but not this time. Those who want to surrender, leave now while there is still time. If everything happens, don't blame me," said Ashu firmly.The city leader who was standing at the edge of the arena could feel cold sweat dripping down his body, his intention of making Ashu helpless by not using his elements actually made his fighter los
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Death of the City Leader
Ashu, who heard his opponent surrender, was confused. Ashu was curious about the reason the fighter suddenly surrendered."Yu Gi, don't play around, attack quickly," shouted the city leader."I give up, I won't say it again and again," said Yu Gi."Give me a reason," said the city leader."The reason is because I don't want to be controlled by you all the time, I have endured your actions for a very long time and now is the time to destroy you," said Yu Gi."I accommodated you here and this is what you gave me in return," said the city leader disapprovingly."I was the one who helped you build the city like this, I was the one who defeated them and made them all slaves and under your control. Do you still want to say that you took me in," said Yu Gi.Ashu, who saw the two of them arguing, rushed over to the two of them, until there Ashu looked at the city leader with a meaningful smile."Shouldn't we settle matters between us now," said Ashu."Okay, I will give you permission to pass,
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Sealing Array
"Why are you guys outside making so much noise? If you want to come in, if not, please leave," said Ashu.The door was wide open, several fighters were silent in front of the door, the second fighter and Yu Gi walked towards Ashu and stood in front of him."Speak," said the fighter, pushing Yu Gi gently."I don't want to thank him," said Yu Gi."You should be more polite to him," said the fighter."Never mind, I don't need thanks from him either, he's older than you, he definitely knows what he should do," said Ashu."Wait, how do you know," said Yu Gi.Yu Gi didn't understand how Ashu could know that he wasn't a child, all this time everyone only thought he was really a child, they all never thought about how he didn't grow up and still thought of him as a child."Thinking like that, how could I not know," said Ashu, who immediately stood up."I'll go now, there's no time for me to stay here, I suggest you leave here immediately, there are still many places you can visit to improve y
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Actual Story
Ashu's eyes stared at the ceiling of the house right after opening his eyes, finding that he was no longer on the mountain where Wu was sealed. Ashu immediately got up from bed.From outside the room, Duang who brought Ashu to his house heard the sound of jumping, Duang could guess that the young man he was carrying must have woken up and was confused at this time."You still haven't recovered, go back to rest," said Duang standing in front of the door."Who are you? Where is this?" Ashu asked, looking at Duang suspiciously."This is my house, you have been unconscious for 2 days," said Duang."Why did you bring me here? Shouldn't I still be on the mountain at this time," Ashu asked."You were hit by lightning from the array because you forced open the restraining array. I still can't understand why there are still people who want to sacrifice their lives for that golden tiger," said Duang."You know about Wu? Damn, how is he doing now," said Ashu."I installed the array as before, wh
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Leave it
Ashu just walked away leaving Wu who was still sealed in a restraining array. In fact, Ashu really wanted to free Wu even though his words were very hurtful.Ashu is very annoyed that Wu can only be freed if he repents. Ashu convinces himself as he walks that he has tried even without success."You did it on purpose, didn't you?" asked Duang looking at Wum"That's none of your business," Wu said."I didn't expect you to still have a conscience," Duang said."Check," said Wub, turning his face away.Wu deliberately said harsh words to Ashu so that he wouldn't try to destroy Aray again. Wu knew that destroying Aray was impossible. His plan was actually to bring Ashu just to bring his soul back to his body."Heh human, because my soul has returned to my body I only need a few years to destroy the array you made, until that happens, be prepared," said Wu."In a few years, who knows whether this young man will still be alive or dead," said Duang."What do you mean by saying that," Wu shout
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