All Chapters of Reincarnation Of The Warrior: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
154 chapters
Capturing the Real
Ashu, who left the palace, walked towards the back of one of the residents' houses, without making a sound, Ashu, who knew the man's house, immediately broke it open and went inside."You, how could you just be released like that," said the man nervously."Why, do you think making me a scapegoat has worked? You're looking for trouble with the wrong person," said Ashu, walking closer."I didn't mean to. Please," shouted the man who immediately ran towards the door.Braaaaaaaaaaak.Ashu closed the door remotely, Ashu also made the room soundproof using his earth element."No need to pretend, I'm not someone you can trick easily," said Ashu."I know you are just an ordinary citizen, but you are their real scapegoat," continued Ashu."I'm curious why you suddenly accused me, weren't there many visitors besides me who came," said Ashu."Someone told me, if someone in a black robe and a white wolf come in here, accuse him and make him the kidnapper," said the man in front of Ashu who looked
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Training Prince
Ashu and Prince Su Hang went to Daisu City in a horse-drawn carriage which was closely guarded by soldiers. King Suang thought that because one of them had been caught, it was likely that the other would make a new plan for them. It could be that the plan was an attack after seeing Prince Su Hang and Ashu. go.In the carriage, both of them were silent, Prince Su Hang, who had been curious about Ashu from the start, dared to ask about her."Are you actually a poison expert or alchemist?" asked Prince Su Hang."According to you?" Ashu asked back."I don't know, that's why I asked you," said Prince Su Hang."I can do everything, it's up to you and what other people think of me," said Ashu."Can you teach it to me?" Prince Su Hang asked again."No," said Ashu."A prince, let alone a successor, is not suitable to be both," continued Ashu."Why?" Prince Su Hang asked, not understanding."You can defend yourself and cultivate, that's the most important thing for you, because in the future yo
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Attack of the Yamana Kingdom
Five hundred soldiers as ordered by Ashu were ready, Prince Su Hang and the leader of the soldiers stood by on the training field waiting for Ashu to decide to attack.In his room, Ashu tried to telepathize with the four main heads of the poison association. Ashu contacted Chairman Guan first and then contacted the other 3 leaders asking them to split up around the Yamana Kingdom.Everyone who was ready wasted no time heading straight to the Yamana Kingdom, bringing 100 of their strongest members each, the four poison alliances were ready to attack.After telepathizing, Ashu walked towards the field and approached Prince Su Hang and his soldiers. It was already evening and soon it would be evening. The soldier leader still didn't understand what Ashu was thinking. Why did he have to leave in the evening instead of leaving in the afternoon?"Is everyone ready?" said Ashu.Ashu, who was wearing a black robe, was almost unrecognizable to Prince Su Hang. Ashu looked very mysterious and lo
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Knowing Something
Ashu took the children including Prince Su Tang out of the dungeon, just after passing through the secret door, 2 people blocked the way of the children walking in front of Ashu.Wheeeeeeeeeeeeesssss.Ashu swung his sword quickly at the two people who were blocking him, before attacking using his earth element. Ashu immediately locked up the children so they wouldn't be killed."Who are you guys?" Ashu asked his black underworld sword still pointed at the two people in front of him.Buuuuuuuug.The two people in front of him suddenly knelt down making Ashu confused about what was happening."Only Chairman Ashu can use that sword. Since you have it, we believe you must be Chairman Feng," said one of the people kneeling in front of Ashu."That's right, we apologize for not recognizing the Chairman from the start," said another."Who are you really?" Ashu asked again.The two people in front of Ashu opened their respective robes, Ashu was very surprised to see who was currently in front
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Wu hasn't spoken to Ashu for two days, and Ashu only spent his time making pills. Ashu used up all the remaining ingredients to make a lot of pills, all the pills he made would definitely be useful in the world he would come to later.On the fifth day after finishing making the pills, Wu still hadn't spoken. Ashu was very curious about what Wu was doing that he hadn't spoken to her in the last few days."Haaaaah, finally," said Wu who finally spoke."Finally what? Why have you been silent for the past 5 days?" Ashu asked."It's not that you want to go to my world, I'm trying to open a portal to get there. After passing through the portal you will pass through 3 gates before finally arriving at Magra's world," said Wu."Are you ready?" Wu asked."Of course I'm ready, I've even been ready a few days ago," said Ashu."That's good, then look carefully up at the count of 5. The portal will open, because you brought the wolf, you also have to look after it when you go through the gate," sai
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Second Gate
Ashu continued walking without caring about his legs which were already feeling very weak. According to Ashu's estimates, he had walked hundreds of kilometers without stopping, even though he had walked that far there was still no visible gate, not even a sign of a gate.Ashu looked at Si who seemed to be the same, Si's legs were also shaking, a sign that he was also tired.Auuuuuuuu, auuuuuuu.Si howled to encourage Ashu, both of them were tired but Si suddenly encouraged him, making Ashu feel moved.Ashu is enthusiastic again thanks to Si, Si's enthusiasm reminds him that there is still a grudge that must be avenged waiting for him."You're right, I have to be enthusiastic," said Ashu.The gate that didn't know where it came from was suddenly in front of Ashu. Ashu didn't feel surprised at all. It turned out that what was needed to find the next gate was enthusiasm. Thanks to Si's help, he remembered his goal and made him enthusiastic again.Ashu is very grateful to have Si even tho
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Ashu walked through the white gate in front of him. Ashu didn't care what kind of test he would go through because whatever test he was, he would definitely be able to pass it and get to the world of Magra.Still the same as the other two gates, Ashu separated from Si again, Ashu didn't pay attention to the separation that happened again because he knew Shi was fine.Just walking a few steps, Ashu was greeted by a white light that was so bright that it made his eyes dazzle, he couldn't even walk to open his eyes."Should I walk while closing my eyes," said Ashu, talking to himself.White light entered Ashu's head without him realizing it, at that moment Ashu seemed to be in a different place than before.Shadows of Ashu's cruelty in the past flashed before him, from being punished for killing and allowing crimes despite knowing about them.A figure of white light that resembled a person stood in front of Ashu, the figure was just silent as if to replay all Ashu's bad things so that he
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Seven Color Pagoda
With Wu Ashu's direction, he finally arrived at the 7-color pagoda. As the name suggests, the pagoda in front of him really has 7 colors. Ashu looked at the colorful pagoda which looked very tall, after being quite satisfied looking at the pagoda in front of him Ashu walked towards the door and went inside."Just go straight up to the first floor, there's nothing special here," said Wu."Okay, this pagoda has 7 colors, is it possible that this pagoda has 7 levels?" Ashu said."This pagoda does have 7 levels, each level is guarded by a woman, whatever happens, don't be tempted by them," said Wu again warning Ashu."Don't worry," said Ashu.Ashu stepped onto the first level of the pagoda, on the first level Ashu didn't feel anything special there, around him there were only a few young women absorbing the energy essence which would be melted together to become their power."At each level the energy essence is different, but it's better if you start from the first level," said Wu."I kno
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Completing the Pagoda
On the third level, Ashu rejoined several women there. Ashu hurriedly closed his eyes to absorb the increasingly dense energy essence.Different from before, Ashu didn't move at all, even though the energy essence disappeared again like before, he currently remained at the third level."This is quite strange," said Ashu"Then just be careful, who knows what those women are planning," said Wu.Ashu nodded his head in agreement with Wu's words, he himself was sure that the women guarding the 7-colored pagoda were planning something.Not wanting to waste time, Ashu rushed up the stairs, arriving at the fourth level, Ashu again absorbed the increasingly dense essence, even if only for a moment.Ashu climbed the fifth and sixth levels smoothly, after absorbing the essence at the sixth level Ashh immediately rose to the seventh level.On the seventh level, Ashu was confronted by seven female pagoda guards, all seven of whom looked at Ashu with various expressions."I'll give you a chance to
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Guardian of the Tree of Life
Coming out of the 7 color pagoda, Ashu continued his journey, Wu showed Ashu the path he had to take to get to where his body was.Along the way, Wu explains to Ashu that the Magra World is not as big as his world, that's why becoming strong here can be faster even though it is full of risks.Si who was carrying Ashu suddenly stopped in his tracks, Si's eyes seemed to be looking in all directions looking for something around him."What is it?" Ashu asked."Auuuuuuuuu, auuuuuuuuuu," said Si, continuing to howl."Ahhhh, they're not dangerous," said Wu.From behind the bushes six-legged rabbits jumped in all directions, Si's hunting spirit burst out right after Ashu came down Si chased one and bit it."Don't!" Wu said."Why? Didn't you say it wasn't dangerous," said Ashu."The cubs are not dangerous but are different from the mother," said Wu."Then what, Si has already eaten one," said Ashu.Si, who had just finished one prey, was ready to chase another. Ashu rushed to stop Si. If he co
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