All Chapters of Reincarnation Of The Warrior: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
154 chapters
Started Attacking 2
Braaaaaaaaaaaaaa.Ashu, who was just silent while listening to the debate, immediately smashed the table in front of him. The three of them were silent, they lowered their heads, not daring to look at Ashu."What's wrong? Why are you guys so scared?" said Ashu walking closer to the three.Ang Ia threw the knife that was under his clothes at Ashu, Ang Ia knew whether to fight or stay silent he would still die, Ashu who saw Ang Ia's knife brushed it away easily, Ashu lifted the knife again and threw it at Ang Ia who was still staring at him.Ang He grimaced in pain holding his hand where the knife was stuck. Wei An and Sin Xu, who saw Ang Ia stuck with a knife, could only stare in silence."You two are useless," said Ang. He got up."What do you mean?" said Sin Xu, not accepting Ang He was calling him."I said you two are useless, you already know that now we are going to die, you two just keep quiet," said Ang Ia."Indeed, if we fight we can win," said Wei An."If you don't want to fig
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Poisonous Valley
Auuuuuuuuuuuu.Si, who saw blood continuing to drip from Ashu's stomach, didn't stop howling. Si approached Feng who was standing holding his stomach."Auuuuuuu, auuuuuuu," said Si."I'm fine," said Ashu."Now the most important thing is how to get out safely, the special soldiers out there won't let me go easily," continued Ashu."I can take you to move places but that will take up a lot of my energy, after that I have to go back to rest," said Wu."No need, you just woke up, I can't bear to make you rest again," said Ashu."Then, how?" Wu asked."I don't have much strength left because of this wound, if I stay here for long it won't be good for me," said Ashu."Auuuuuuu, auuuuuuu," said Si as if he understood what Ashu was thinking."I can't, I won't let you be in danger either," said Ashu.Ashu was silent for a moment trying to think, out there he didn't know how many special soldiers had been sent, not to mention if other assassins had come to try to help."Haaaaaaah, then just fo
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Snake Venom
"Huuuh, timid human, just say you can't do anything.""It's not that you were very arrogant, now where is your arrogance."Ashu didn't pay attention to the sound he kept hearing, Ashu was getting deeper into the poisonous valley which was starting to create a lot of smoke."Just go back, a road like this can't possibly get you to that place," said Ashu."Heeeeh, I just need to walk straight, it's easy, just calm down," said Ashu.Ashu continued to walk forward through the smoke that wouldn't go away, the smoke became more and more until it made his eyes sting when he saw it.Seeeeeeettttttssssss.Seeeeeeeeeeettttttssss.The hiss of the snake sounded very loud, making Ashu stop in his tracks, using the earth element Ashu tried to feel the presence of the snake which continued to hiss.Ashu could feel the snake's head in front of him even though it was quite far away. Ashu could also feel from the flick of the snake's tail that the snake's tail was right in front of the snake's head."W
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Snow Scorpion
Ashu, who had just opened his eyes, immediately stood up, Ashu looked at the snake who was still staring at him, without saying much, Ashu hurriedly walked away, the sooner he became a conqueror of poison, the sooner he could continue to take revenge."Remember what I said, if you meet the two of them, just attack, they are not soft-hearted like me," said the snake again reminding Ashu."I'll remember that," said Ashu."And one more thing, one of your opponents is a snow scorpion, you have to be able to avoid the scorpion's tail or you don't want to freeze immediately," said the snake."I'll remember that too," said Ashu as he walked into the smoke in front of him.Ashu walked again amidst the smoke that surrounded him, Ashu couldn't see what was around him at all because the smoke continued to cover his vision."Do you remember the message the snake said earlier?" Wu asked."Of course, it hasn't been a few hours since he reminded me," said Ashu."From my smell the scorpions referred
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Became his third Master
Ashu, who had finished reintegrating the poison in his body, hurriedly got up, seeing the snow scorpion still beside the fire. Ashu just smiled. He had defeated the two guards because they had weaknesses, Ash was sure that the third guard would definitely not be much different from them."Humans love your life," said the snow scorpion."I really love my life, but I have a grudge that I have to avenge. I won't die here," said Ashu."I'm just telling you, believe it or not, I'm sure he won't let you go," said the snow scorpion."Earlier the snake also said that about you but it turns out I managed to conquer you with fire. I'm sure every living creature has a weakness," said Ashu."Whatever, I'm just reminding you," said the snow scorpion.Ashu walked away again through the white smoke in front of him. After only taking a few steps, Ashu suddenly felt a tightness in his chest.With a quick movement, Ashu removed the white smoke that was blocking his vision, even though the white smoke h
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Poisonous Forest
Currently in Ashu's body there are 3 poisons that he got from the poisonous valley. The 3 poisons in his body function to absorb other poisons to make him immune to all kinds of poisons. The more poisons that enter his body, the more skill he has in making various poisons.At the border Ashu saw Si surrounded by many demons, Shmi and the demons didn't fight at all, they all looked veryfamiliar."Heeeeh, didn't you all want to mislead me so that I fight against the guardians of the poisonous valley," said Ashu."No," said the spider demon, walking towards Ashu and standing in front of him."We are the guards of this forest and the border guards between the forest and the valley. Our job is to provide information to the guards in the valley about what kind of people will enter their valley. After seeing your courage, I told them," continued the spider demon.Auuuuuuuuuu.Si howled when he saw Ashu who was silent, Si's eyes seemed to ask Ashu if he was okay."I'm okay, let's go," said A
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Poison Alliance
After walking quite a distance, Kin stopped in front of a large gate. Two guards who were also disciples of the poison alliance immediately opened the door when they saw Kin standing in front of it."You brought a foreigner. The chairman won't like that," said one of the gate guard students."This one is different, the Chairman will definitely like it," said Kin."We'll see," said another student."No need to pay attention to them, you can come with me inside," said Kin when he saw Ashu was silent.Ashu followed Kin as he walked through several hallways, where the Chairmen rested was quite far from where the students rested, without saying much Ashu continued to follow Kin who walked casually.Kin stopped his steps again, Kin stopped his steps in front of 4 doors which were quite far apart, Kin pointed to the doors one by one and explained to Ashu who lived there.Braaaaaaaaaaaaaa.The door in front of Ashu and Kin opened by itself, from inside an old man came out and stood right in f
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Looking for Allies
At the dinner table that had been provided with lots of food, Ashu was asked to take the first bite. The Chiefs did this as an apology to Ashu and hoped that he would not hold a grudge against them."There's no need to be like this, just treat me like your usual guest," said Ashu."But for last night," said Chairman Guan."Forget it, it benefits me anyway," Ashu said casually.After eating, Ashu and the four chairmen gathered in a room, the four chairmen, especially Chairman Guan, were very curious about how Ashu could stay alive after being in his glass room all night and after inhaling poisonous fumes."How should I call you, should I call you sir," said Chairman Guan."My name is Ashu, you can call me by my name," said Ashu."From the look on your faces, I guess you definitely want to ask me," continued Ashu."Right, how did you actually stay alive after inhaling the 1001 kinds of poison that our student said?" Chairman Nuan asked looking at Ashu in surprise."In my body there are
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Four Allies of the Poison Alliance
Seeing Ashu who was silent, the three of them became annoyed, Ketu Xin Ni immediately clenched her fists and prepared to attack Ashu with her poison.Whuuuuuuuussssss.Poison was thrown at Ashu who just stood there.Black smoke filled the room, the three Chairmen who were ready immediately swallowed the antidote for all poisons, even though they were Chairmen of the poison alliance their bodies were not immune to poison."Even though I told you to come out, you attacked me, can I consider this self-defense," said Ashu from within the black smoke.The black smoke disappeared very quickly, seeing that there was no more poison smoke released by Chairman Xin Ni everyone could see that Ashu was fine."Poison won't have any effect on him," said Chairman Guan, who had just opened the door."That's impossible, the poison from my alliance is so deadly it's impossible for him not to be affected," said Chief Xin Ni."You should all know that my glass greenhouse is full of poison. The poison in i
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Meeting King Suang
Arriving at Ashu's village looking for a place to eat for him to rest for a while, the Bahda kingdom was still quite far away and the closest village was only the village he was currently visiting.Ashu sat down to rest while ordering wine to quench his thirst. After a moment, two people from outside came inside and sat not far from him."How could that happen?" a woman asked the man beside her."I don't know exactly, all I know is that it's not safe there, many children suddenly disappeared," said the man."Could this be the same kidnapping as the last Prince?" asked the woman again."Maybe," said the man.Ashy, who heard the conversation between the two, thought that maybe what they were talking about was the Prince of the Bahda kingdom, but why would the Yamana Kingdom kidnap another small child, Ashu thought again.After drinking, Ashu hurriedly left, abandoning his intention to rest for the night. Ashu asked Si to immediately take him to the Bahda Kingdom, he wanted to confirm fo
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