All Chapters of Reincarnation Of The Warrior: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
154 chapters
Since the first time he met Wu, he was full of mystery, Wu never told him what his purpose was in suddenly asking him to be a student, after Wu woke up he would ask him."Si take me to the nearest town," said Ashu.Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.The white wolf took Ashu towards a city not far from where they were currently, the white wolf had a very sharp sixth sense, using his vision Si took Ashu towards the city of Zan.In front of the gate, Ashu asked Si to stop, passing through the city gate with a mysterious style, Ashu, wearing a black robe, walked slowly through the city.Arriving in the middle of town, Ashu looked for the nearest medical center. Ashu wanted to sell the pills he had just made to supplement his travel supplies."Can I meet the owner of the medical hall?" Ashu asked."Mr. Bei Ha isn't here, what do you want to buy," said the waiter, looking like he didn't like Ashu."I don't want to buy, I want to sell the pills I made," said Ashu."Are you kidding, Vhi medical hall is a fam
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Even though Bei Ha is the owner of the medical center, he is not a healer, he got all this business because of his older brother who didn't want to continue it.As time went on, the pain and heat in Bei Ha's legs spread very quickly, now part of his body was blistered, none of the doctors at his treatment center could cure him."It's a blood lotus concoction. Even if you don't come into direct contact with the concoction, if you come into contact with it, someone who is affected can die," said the last healer."You've touched me, will you be the same as me?" Bei Ha asked."Of course not, we don't come into direct contact with those affected by the potion. Before it's too late, sir, just go to that person," said the healer."I went to him to put my pride in it," said Bei Ha."But this is for your good, sir, only he has the antidote," said the healer.Bei Ha suddenly fell silent, actually it wasn't just because of pride, apologizing and meeting him wasn't difficult but whether he would
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Fire Elemens
In a place quite far from the city, Ashu asked Si to stop, Ashu told Si to rest while he would master the last element, namely the fire element.Ashu took out a fire stone from his space ring, the red stone that looked ordinary was placed on his lap. Ashu immediately channeled his energy into the stone, no need to wait long for the stone to glow bright reddish.Seeing that the stone was glowing, Ashu closed his eyes, now he only had to absorb the essence of the fire stone until it was finished and resist all the heat that would enter his body.Slowly from the tips of his feet Ashu felt heat, the longer the heat got hotter and it felt like something was burning his skin.Auuuuuuuuuu.Auuuuuuuuuuuuu.Si's voice sounded very close, Ashu realized that at this moment Si must be worried about him."I'm fine," said Ashu telepathically to Si.Even though Si was only a sacred spiritual animal, they had entered into a blood pact, Si could hear his telepathy even though he couldn't answer it, Si
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Demon Hand Assassin
Ashu rides Si to the city of Bagam, one of the cities inhabited by the family of the destroyers of his water dragon clan. There is also a group of assassins who are very famous for their ferocity, they will not let go of their target prey.Using his black robe, Ashu entered the city at night. Si's loose guard and fast running made Ashu enter the city without anyone knowing.Ashu began to scout the base of the devil's hand assassins from a distance, after observing the situation Ashu smiled, the opportunity came to him by itself, at this time God seemed to be helping him."Auuuuuu." Si looked at Ashu who suddenly smiled."They are prey, they are all drunk, let's make them all sober," said Ashu."Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." Si shouted.Ashu, who was riding Si, ran to the base of the devil's hand assassins. In their half-drunk state, the hitmen who saw Ashu were very surprised, one of the hitmen who saw Ashu immediately stood up and rushed over to him."Why just stand there, let's drink wine unti
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Lu Family
In a quiet place, Ashu took out everything he took from the base of the devil's hand assassins, all the gold pieces he got were put back, currently in front of him there were only files and several swords left.Ashu, who felt he didn't need all the swords, threw them behind him. Ashu checked the files in front of him, trying to find information about which kingdom was behind the massacre of his clan."Damn, it's all just useless paper, there's no information about the kingdom that the Lu family servant was referring to at that time," said Ashu, throwing away all the paper he was holding.Ashu looked up at the very bright night sky, while clenching his fists, Ashu didn't stop muttering, he was sure that sooner or later he would find out which kingdom was the mastermind and wiped out his entire family without a trace."Come on Sis, it's time for us to continue hunting," said Ashu."Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu," said Si excitedly.Tap tap tap.Tap tap tap.Si ran faster than before, arriving in
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Getting Ready to Return
In the midst of heavy rain, Ashu left the city, the massacre in two different places overnight shocked the entire city and spread to other cities in a short time.At that time, Ashu asked Si to take him to Tengi city which was not far from the current city. Arriving at the city gate, Ashu walked casually into the city after throwing several gold pieces to the guard.Ashu immediately took Si to an inn not far from the city gate, everyone looked at him who was standing in front of the entrance with a wolf beside him."What is it?" asked Ashu who saw everyone staring at him."Sir, you don't need to pay attention to them. Did you come here and want to book a room?" asked the inn maid."Give me the most expensive room, I also need a female servant," said Ashu.Everyone who looked at Ashu looked away quickly, they thought how great a person could be who kept a white wolf, hearing Ashu ordering women in broad daylight everyone thought the same, it turned out that person was just a young mast
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Jiu Family
Ashu felt very relieved that he had taught the man a lesson, who told the man to look for trouble with him, daring to look for trouble with him was the same as being bored of life.In his room, Ashu began to think of ways to slaughter the Jiu family smoothly. If his suspicions were correct, the people the Jiu family would welcome were members of the royal family, guarding must be very tight."What do you think sir?" A Ye asked."If you want to go in there secretly, you can enter through the secret door," said A Ye, making Ashu who heard it quite surprised."How did you know there was a secret door there," said Ashu suspiciously."I was told by my customers, I don't know where they found out about it," said A Ye."I didn't lie," continued A Ye."I take your word for it, if you lie the poison in your body will make you die faster," said Ashu.A Ye, who felt that he had no advantage in lying to Ashu, explained about the secret door he said earlier, hearing A Ye's explanation, Ashu smiled
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Other Plans
In the morning, A Ye, who had just woken up, saw several pieces of gold on the table, and there was also a pill which was definitely the antidote for him.The loud commotion made A Ye rush out of bed, A Ye immediately ran outside to see what was happening."The Jiu family residence was completely burned, there were no survivors, Jiu Ang who was not burned died with an arrow piercing his chest.""Do you think the one who did that was the same person who massacred the Lu family and the devil's hand assassin.""No one knows, but it's most likely like that."A Ye, who heard several people's conversation, covered his mouth. Yesterday the people with him asked a lot about the Jiu family. A Ye was very sure that it was the person who burned down the Jiu family residence and killed Jiu Ang."Huuuuh, luckily I didn't get into trouble with him, but just to be safe, I'd better keep my mouth shut and not discuss anything about him with other people," A Ye said quietly.In a different place, Ashu,
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3 families gathered
A Ye who had no cultivation level at this time had his cultivation thanks to Ashu, A Ye promised himself that the plan made by Ashu would not be thwarted.Si stopped his steps not far from the Ang family residence and put A Ye down. As ordered by Ashu, A Ye walked alone to the Ang family residence and stood right in front of the gate."Who are you?" asked the gate guard who was suspicious of A Ye."I want to deliver a letter," said A Ye."Letter from whom?" asked a voice from behind the gate guard."Secret letter, written directly by Sir, please open it or I'll bring it back," said A Ye without hesitation.The head of the Ang He family took the scroll from A Ye's hand, Ang He looked at the scroll carefully, which was exactly the same as the secret letters made by some big families."Who are you."When he raised his head, AngIa didn't find A Ye who was gone.Because his residence was guarded by dozens of assassin members, Ang Ia was not suspicious of the scroll he was carrying, Ang Ia
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Started Attacking
Ashu lurked from a distance waiting for nightfall. He didn't dare attack during the day, but a commotion during the day could attract many residents and increase innocent victims.On the orders of the three family heads, hundreds of other assassins were summoned, all of which were done by the three family heads to avoid the danger that would surely befall them.Time continued to turn from day to night very quickly, Ashu, who had been waiting outside for a long time, smiled. Ashu looked around him carefully before walking towards the gate.Ashu walked towards the main gate which was very heavily guarded, the 8 assassins who stayed in front of the gate and the rest who went around didn't scare Ashu in the slightest."Who are you?" asked one of the assassins.Ashu walked casually and stood in front of the assassins, without saying much Ashu sprinkled one of his potions.One splash of the potion that comes into contact with the skin will go straight into the body, the Ashu potion will clo
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