All Chapters of Reincarnation Of The Warrior: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
154 chapters
Demon Princess Deno 2
princess Deno was, right after entering, not far from her, Ashu saw the demon controlling her feet.Ashu smiled faintly as he opened his hand, without saying much Ashu took out the metal element which he formed into a flying knife and pointed it at the demon."Arrrrrrrrrrkkkkhhh, Princess, be careful," the devil said softly.The demon princess, Deno, who saw her subordinates die, was furious. He was locked in the house by a monk along with 4 guards. Currently, 1 of the guards has been killed by Ashu, which means that there will be fewer people to sacrifice."How dare you kill my guard?" shouted the demon Deno."Why not, it's not like you forced me to do it," Ashu said casually as he stretched his legs.Geeeeeeerrrrrrrrr.The devil Deno snarled, his human-like form suddenly changing into its original form. Long round horns typical for a devil, long black nails hanging down to the ground completed Deno's devil form.Ashu looked very relaxed, there was no trace of fear on his face. The d
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Saving The Prince
Ashu, who could not rest, continued his journey. Ashu deliberately walked along the main road in order to reach another village or nearby city more quickly.After mastering the metal element, Ashu felt that his body really needed a rest, he also needed to channel his energy into the spiritual sea to form pieces of power that, when full, he could absorb to advance his training level.Clotak, clotak, clotak.The sound of a horse-drawn carriage reached Ashu's ears. Not long after, 2 horse-drawn carriages escorted by several soldiers passed Ashu."Heeeeeh, they must be rich merchants or members of the royal family," Ashu thought.Ashu walked on, looking at the carriage as it walked away, but soon 3 assassins, jumping from tree to tree, chased the carriage, which Ashu could still see."There they are again," Ashu said irritated.Seeing the three assassins who reminded Ashu of his clan being destroyed at the hands of the assassin group, Ashu immediately clenched his fists and took out his b
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Masked Man
Ashu, who saw the carriage leaving, hurried away, Wu had already returned to his body, he also had to immediately go to the city and find an inn to rest.3 hours after walking, Ashu arrived in the city, just as he entered the gate, the exciting news about Prince Wang An's attack could be heard clearly, not only that, the rescue of the Mysterious who bravely slaughtered 3 mercenaries was talked about by several people with great pride."Even though I don't know what the purpose is, I'm sure it was the prince who spread the news," Wuu said."I think so too," Ashu said as he walked on.Ashu approached an inn not far from the city gate, and just like on the street, everyone was discussing the news of the prince's absorption."Who do you think that person is?" someone asked."For sure, this person is a brave warrior who likes to save people. The most surprising thing is that this mysterious person doesn't like assassins," said another."Whoever that person is, I really like him, if I meet
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Masked Man 2
After resting for a day and a night, Ashu decided to continue his journey, he still needed to master 3 more elements to increase his strength, when he had mastered all five elements he only needed to break through the level with potions, soul stones or heart essence and he would be ready to take full revenge.Ashu walked back out of the city, only a few steps past the gate, Ashu noticed that the masked man from last night was watching him from a distance and even following him. Realizing that he was being followed, Ashu just smiled, this was what he wanted from the beginning and the masked man was hooked, the previous bait had been bitten by the fish and was ready to be lifted."He followed you," Wu said."I know that," Ashu said."That was my goal from the beginning," Ashu continued as he walked on.Ashu deliberately took a quiet road to lure the masked man out, and sure enough, when he was in the middle of the forest, the masked man blocked his path."Heeeeh, it's finally out," Ashu
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Elf Race
Ashu walked away feeling quite satisfied, killing several assassins earlier made him want to immediately get stronger and slaughter all the other assassins without a trace."You definitely want to master the Earth element, have you found a suitable place for that?" Wu asked."The Earth element is a very easy element to find, even now I can try it here," said Ashu."So why don't you try," Wu said."No, I'm going to a place where you can master the earth and wood elements, that way it will shorten the time," said Ashu."Wait, you can't possibly want to go where the fairies are, right," said Wu."They are not fairies, the elf race is almost the same as the dwarf race, they have their own territory and have a different form from humans in general," Ashu explained as he continued walking."I think it's the same, because the women and men of the elven race are all very beautiful," said Wu."It's up to you, I'll be there," said Ashu."Do you know where it is?" Wu asked."Of course," said Ash
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Earth and Wood elements
The swearing party had ended, Ashu felt very bored all night. Apart from circling the fire while continuing to sing, shouting wu wu wu wu repeatedly, Ashu, who had no choice, could only sit quietly watching them all.In the morning, all the Elves were still asleep, Ashub looked at the sky which did not emit bright light even though it was already morning, Ashu patted his forehead forgetting something, in the Elf race's territory the sun would not penetrate, every day the Elf territory would be in shade until evening and dark when the time came."What are you doing?" Sai An asked."Breathing air," said Ashu without turning to Sai An."When will the Queen wake up?" Ashu asked back."No one knows, our Elf race is different from you, we will wake up after our bodies feel fresh and the freshness in our bodies can vary," said Sai An."Then can you take me somewhere?" Ashu asked."Where to?" Sai An asked back while looking at Ashu suspiciously."Take me to a place where no one will disturb m
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Earth and Wood elements 2
Ashu caught the little Elf that was thrown at him, looking at everyone running away Ashu just smiled casually."You go back, tell everyone there's no need to chase them," said Ashu."Thank you," said the little Elf as he ran back into Elf territory.Ashu immediately ran after Ji Ong, the Lu family's butler and his men, after seeing everything from a distance, Ashu released wind to bring them back to him.Ji Ong and his men knelt forcefully in front of Ashu right then and there, it was clear from all of their faces that they were very scared at this time."I'm just a servant, forgive me, let me live," Ji Ong kowtowed repeatedly without looking at Ashu."I forgot that you are just a servant, it seems like I should let you go," said Ashu.Wheeeeeeesssssss."But not for them," continued Ashu, who had just slashed the bodies of Ji Ong's men in two.Ji Ong swallowed hard, with just one slash all the bodies of his men were cut in two, the hairs on the back of his neck stood straight up and h
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Against Sai An
Errrrrrkkkkh.Ashu bit his lower lip to endure the pain he suddenly felt, Ashu had just closed his eyes and felt like his body was splitting apart.Ashu, who tried to master the wood element, became like wood, everything that wood felt when it was cut, split and burned was felt as one by Ashu, the same as when he mastered the metal element.Errrrrrrrkkkhhh.Ashu screamed again while biting his lip, the pain he felt did not stop and only increased.Kreeeeeetttaaak.The sound of bones breaking was very loud, Ashu felt the wooden roots wrapped around his body tightly, the sound of bones breaking could be heard from his body being wrapped around non-stop.Feeling the excruciating pain that didn't make him open his eyes, Ashu took a deep breath and let it out slowly.Ashu began to calm down again, the released energy enveloped his body. The pain that slowly disappeared was greeted by a sigh of relief from Ashu.Blaaaaaas.Blaaaaaaaaaas.The hard blow that Ashu suddenly felt made him straig
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White Wolf
Ashu looked at Sai An who was standing in front of the border, Ashu thought that Sai An must be waiting for him because he didn't accept being defeated by him."I will win next time," said Sai An standing in front of Ashu."Hopefully, but only hope," said Ashu, stopping in his tracks."Haaaaaah."Sai An sighed and took something out from under his clothes, from Ashu's beauty pills. Sai An knew that Ashu was an alchemist, Sai An gave dozens of kinds of herbal plants found in Elf territory to Ashu because he considered him his brother."Take it," said Sai An.Ashu, who smelled the smell of herbs from the bag Sai An gave him, immediately looked at him. Ashu didn't understand why Sai An gave all of that to him. Sai An didn't like him and considered him an enemy."Why did you give it?" Ashu asked trying to be sure."Because we are family, go and hope that all your goals are achieved," said Sai An, who immediately went inside.After the little elf told Sai An that it was Ashu who killed the
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Wolf Cub
Several people who saw that the white wolf was dead clenched their fists, the core of the wolf's heart was no longer there, even its cubs had already taken it. Yue, the head of the Azura Association, cannot accept seeing someone else take his prey, Yue asks all his followers to chase whoever takes what is his.In a different place, Ashu, who had moved away, was still confused about what to do with the wolf cub in his hands. Ashu knew that many people were chasing him behind him, even though he was still quite far away.Ashu stopped in his tracks while looking at the white wolf cub who was staring at him. Suddenly, Ashu remembered the mother wolf's last words, who told him to give the mother wolf's heart to his child."Wait, what do you want to do?" Wu asked."Give a white wolf's heart to his child," said Ashu."If you give it to him now he will immediately grow big, he could attack you," said Wu"What then? What should I do?" Ashu asked."Make a blood pact with the wolf cub, that way
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