All Chapters of Reincarnation Of The Warrior: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
154 chapters
Looking for Fire
Ashu went back around the market looking for fire to make pills, until at the end of the market Ashu saw a small house that said it sold various kinds of fire, Ashu, who really needed holy fire, immediately walked up to the small house and went inside."Excuse me, is anyone there?" said Ashu, who had only taken a few steps inside."Ahhhhh, apparently there is a buyer," said the old grandmother who came out from inside and walked towards Ashu."You must have come here to look for fire. Just look around first, if you like what you see, take it," said the grandmother."Okay," Ashu said.Ashu looked at the flames in the glass bottles one by one. The colors of the flames he saw were very different, but unfortunately all the flames were half finished, while what he needed was high quality holy fire."How long has it been open here, grandmother?" Ashu asked as he continued to watch the fire around him."A long time. This place and all the fires here are my son's legacy, that's why I still li
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Preparing to Reply
Wu was still curious about Ashu's words, whether Ashu had mastered the five elements in his previous life and remembered how to do it. If that were true, it would be very easy for him to master the five elements, but if Ashu had never mastered them all in his previous life, it would be very difficult for him to master just one of them."You, did you ever master the five elements in your previous life?" asked Wu, who couldn't contain his curiosity."No," Ashu said."Then how are you going to master them, students from the Wizard Union can only master one element and you want to master them all," said Wu."I told you, I have my own way," Ashu said very casually."Okay, then show me how," Wu said."The only way is silence," Ashu said.Wu didn't understand what Ashu meant, what it had to do with the 5 elements and silence, the more Wu thought about it, the more confused he became."Let's talk about something else, what are you going to do after this?" Wu asked."We're going on a long trip
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Revenge Begins
The heat of the afternoon sun did not dampen Ashu's enthusiasm. It took Ashu only an hour to reach the Dead Village. As the name suggests, the village he visited was uninhabited, only one place looked very busy, the smiles and laughter that were joking together there made Ashu feel very annoyed.Ashu secretly started his plan which he had prepared on the way, first he just needed to throw 1 secret pill into the well, there was only one in the village and that had already been done when he arrived.Since water is their main consumption, waiting for the poison to reach their throats didn't take long, several people who went back and forth to get water from the well were greeted only by Ashu's smile from a distance."Why is that, why do I feel like my body suddenly has no strength?" said one of the assassins."I feel it too, I can't even raise my hand," said another assassin."Why this," another shouted from inside.Ashu, who was watching from a distance, started counting, when he counte
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Water Elemen
The gust of wind felt very strong, Ashu, who was asleep, slowly opened his eyes. Ashu stood on the edge of the ship and looked around, he was currently in the middle of the sea and such a place was suitable for him to master the water element.Byuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur.The sound of water shocked everyone on the ship, as they looked at Ashu's bed, they shook their heads in disbelief, how could the person who saved them throw himself into the sea?"How about this, do we help him?" a woman asked."He could kill the leader of the robbers with his bare hands, what can we do to help him?" said another.Ashu, throwing himself into the sea, quickly dived to the bottom. In his previous life, he knew how to breathe underwater, and he could use it now.Arriving at the bottom of the sea, Ashu sat cross-legged, Ashu tried to stay calm and focus his body to be one with the sea.The cold sea water at night did not dampen Ashu's spirits, in the silence Ashu could feel his body spinning around the vortex.
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Chairman Yan Sing
After surprising Wu, Ashu immediately fell asleep, even though his body's energy had recovered, I still needed to rest because I felt quite tired.Braaaaaaaaaakkk.Braaaaaaaaaakkk.Ashu had just closed his eyes when he heard the sound of the door slamming, which made him open his eyes immediately. Ashu, who felt annoyed, just stayed in bed and looked at the door that seemed to open soon."Quickly hand over everything you have before we kill you," said Tie, a small man who pointed his sword at Ashu from a distance."You want to loot me now?" said Ashu."Are you stupid? Isn't it clear what I just said?" said Tie, making Ashu smile.Ashu noticed several people in front of him wearing school clothes, the symbol on the clothes was clearly visible and let Ashu know that the one who was looking for trouble with him was the Batu Api School."Is the Fire Stone College so poor that it can't feed its students, so its students loot other people's property," Ashu said."You have no right to say an
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Sister Chairman Yan Sing
Upon entering the Batu Api College, everyone looked at Ashu with question marks on their faces. Who is Ashu? Why did Chairman Yan Sing bring him to the college, and where was Tie, who had complained to Chairman Yan Sing earlier?"It seems that my arrival surprised your students, your students all looked at me," Ashu said."There is no need to pay attention to them," said Chairman Yan Sing.Chairman Yan Sing and Ashu continued to walk past the students who were still staring at each other, none of them asked Chairman Yan Sing because they were sure that Chairman Yan Sing would punish them.In a rather large room, thousands of skill books were neatly arranged, Ashu who saw it was very tempted, he currently didn't have any skills to rely on at all."Choose a skill book you like, I know there are many here, but I'm sure there will be one that suits you," said Chairman Yan Sing, who could see that Ashu was interested in his skill book."But why did you just give it to me?" Ashu asked."I j
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Book Of Moves
After eating and meeting the other Batu Api leaders, Ashu hurried back to the inn. Ashu couldn't wait to see what book was in his space ring.Arriving at his room, Ashu immediately took out 3 books of techniques and placed them in front of him. Ashu looked at the names of the books on the covers and smiled. Sure enough, the 3 books of techniques turned out to be books he had never mastered.The Book of Split Fists.Book of Split Kicks.Book of God's Palms."These three books have a small amount of energy, different from ordinary art books in general," Wu said."I can feel it too, but I have never mastered these three spell books," Ashu said."It is not as if there are many spell books that you have not mastered, why did you choose the three that are close to each other?" Wu asked confused."I don't know. What's clear is that when I saw those three magic books glowing, it must have been the magic book that chose me on purpose," Ashu said."Haaaaah, whatever, I want to rest again, when
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Dwarf Race
Ashu continued his journey towards the interior of the border between humans and dwarves. A journey full of twists and turns and traps did not slow Ashu's steps, and after 5 days of walking without stopping, Ashu finally arrived at a metal gate belonging to the dwarven race."Who are you? What is your purpose here?" asked a voice from inside, just as Ashu stood in front of the gate."I just wanted to pay a visit," Ashu said."Heeeeh, suspicious," said a voice from inside.Kriiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeet.The door stayed open even though the last answer was unpleasant for Ashu, what was suspicious about him just wanting to visit and at the same time wanting to master the metal element, could that be called suspicious, Ashu thought."I told you, their thinking is different from yours," Wu said."I don't care," Ashu said.Ashu hurried inside before the gate closed again. Just a few steps past the gate, Ashu was amazed at the metal artwork that was everywhere; almost all the houses there were
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Metal Elemens
The dwarf king broke into a cold sweat when he heard Ashu's words. If what the human before him said was true, wouldn't his territory be in danger right now?"No, no, that can't be," the dwarf king thought."I admit that I and all the dwarves here don't like humans. What you say is true, even this staff is true," said the dwarf king."It is good if you admit it, it will make it easier for other humans to take revenge on you and all the dwarves here," Ashu said with a smile."No, please don't do that. You can do anything here, but don't send that call signal, if you want I will kill those who kidnapped you," said the dwarf king."King," said another dwarf disapprovingly."Shut up, the lives of a few of you are not comparable to the lives of other dwarves. If you die, at least the other dwarves can live, or do you want all your families to die?" said the dwarf king."Haaaaah, I don't want you to kill them, actually I didn't come here with the intention of looking for trouble or revenge,
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Demon Princess Deno
Ashu walked away from the territory of the dwarven race, and along the way, Ashu kept releasing his metal element and transforming it into metal objects.If he wasn't focused on revenge right now, he would definitely make a lot of things to decorate his peaceful home. Ashu quickly dismissed such thoughts, he came back to life for revenge, he shouldn't have thought like that."I didn't expect you to really know how to master the elements, even though they obviously can't be easily mastered by just anyone," Wu said."I told you, I know how," Ashu said as he continued walking."Just so you know, I thought you didn't have any preparations and just came to the dwarven territory, all my worries were for nothing." Wu said."How did you find out about the dwarf king's weakness?" Wu asked."In my previous life, I saw them cruelly killing people, at that time, I felt I didn't have anything to do with them, so I just kept quiet," Ashu said."Heeeem, it turns out like this, why didn't you tell me
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