All Chapters of The Billionaire's Retribution : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
136 chapters
chapter 111
The attention that he brought to himself Included the Red Hood and his brother Marco who was now coming for him to claim the card. With this situation, one thing is for sure; a hot, red War is approaching. After hearing the whole story, Marcus felt a little bit sad. He was happy he had a twin brother, but a brother that wants him dead? That was a heartbreaking reality. Meanwhile in Italy. Marco, Marcus's twin brother was set to come look for his brother to take the black card. His mother Juliana, just passed away and she had told him about his full inheritance in the Blackwoods. She had also told him that Richard was the real enemy. Marco is already the heir of the Red Hood but it was never enough for him. Marco has prepared himself well to pay his brother a visit as he was determined to face Marcus. He was not sure how badly the meeting would go eventually so, he arranged an army that would back him up Incase things went beyond control and both parties decided to cut each other's
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chapter 112
Marcus dropped the call and pushed his chair back, standing up hastily.“What exactly does he want?” Marcus asked himself as he gathered his things and began to make his way home.As soon as he arrived home and walked into the mansion, he was stunned to mind his look-alike seated with exuding confidence on a chair with his legs crossed.The way he was seated caused Marcus to feel a bit worried about his presence.“What are you doing here?” He asked, dropping his bag on the dining table and walking up to him to get a clearer view of Marco's face.“Hmm… we really do look alike,” Marco said, smiling without concern for Marcus's look of displeasure. “Aren't you happy to see me, Marcus? Your only surviving family member?”Marcus scoffed at him and shook his head, trying to suppress the anger that was growing inside of him.“You still haven't told me what you are doing here, Marco,” Marcus insisted, gazing at him with a haughty look of displeasure.Marcus sustained that gaze for a short whi
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chapter 113
Marcus dropped the call and pushed his chair back, standing up hastily. “What exactly does he want?” Marcus asked himself as he gathered his things and began to make his way home. As soon as he arrived home and walked into the mansion, he was stunned to mind his look-alike seated with exuding confidence on a chair with his legs crossed. The way he was seated caused Marcus to feel a bit worried about his presence. “What are you doing here?” He asked, dropping his bag on the dining table and walking up to him to get a clearer view of Marco's face. “Hmm… we really do look alike,” Marco said, smiling without concern for Marcus's look of displeasure. “Aren't you happy to see me, Marcus? Your only surviving family member?” Marcus scoffed at him and shook his head, trying to suppress the anger that was growing inside of him. “You still haven't told me what you are doing here, Marco,” Marcus insisted, gazing at him with a haughty look of displeasure. Marcus sustained that gaze for a s
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chapter 114
Richard could not hold in anymore of the ridiculous character that Marco was putting up, so he went out of the living room, leaving Marco and Marcus all alone since they wanted to bond as brothers. He was beginning to feel unwanted.“Yes, run along betrayal,” Marco jested him as he went up the stairs and disappeared into the corridors.“You really need to stop saying those cruel things to Uncle Richard, he has been there for me, Marco. He was there when you and mother turned you backs on me because you both wanted the company so badly.”Marci laughed hysterically. “Is that the narrative the fool has made you believe? Such a poor view!” Marco sneered. “He has always had his eyes on the Black card and this was why he agreed to take you when grandfather gave him that advice.”His eyes were darkened and Marcus was confused at the words that he spewed so confidently.“Look, you need to understand that you and I may not work out with the way you go about life. I have heard so much about mo
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chapter 115
Chapter? Camelia got down from the cab right in front of her house and ran up the stairs to unlock the door for the medics who were just about to wheel her mother into the house to set up her home treatment for her as ordered by Marcus. “Hold up,” she called out to them as she set her bag down and held the door widely open for them. They wheeled her mother in and Miss Amelia inhaled the freshly painted walls and nicely decorated flowers all over. Her eyes become glassy with tears. Just then, the living room lights come on and she hears: “Surprise!” From different voices she is moved to emotions and begins to sob like a baby. “Oh dear,” she mumbled through her tears, “this is so heartwarming.” Marcus, Marco, Camelia and Jessica and Sam were present and she felt so much joy in her heart. “Welcome home Miss Amelia,” Marcus whispered into her ears and gave her a box containing a returning gift. He bent over and kissed her cheeks. “Thank you so much , Marcus,” she sobbed, holding h
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chapter 116
Camelia got down from the cab right in front of her house and ran up the stairs to unlock the door for the medics who were just about to wheel her mother into the house to set up her home treatment for her as ordered by Marcus. “Hold up,” she called out to them as she set her bag down and held the door widely open for them. They wheeled her mother in and Miss Amelia inhaled the freshly painted walls and nicely decorated flowers all over. Her eyes become glassy with tears. Just then, the living room lights come on and she hears: “Surprise!” From different voices she is moved to emotions and begins to sob like a baby. “Oh dear,” she mumbled through her tears, “this is so heartwarming.” Marcus, Marco, Camelia and Jessica and Sam were present and she felt so much joy in her heart. “Welcome home Miss Amelia,” Marcus whispered into her ears and gave her a box containing a returning gift. He bent over and kissed her cheeks. “Thank you so much , Marcus,” she sobbed, holding his neck
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Chapter 117
Marcus smiled at her and shook his head. “You are one hell of a business minded lady,” he whispered into her ears.“I am just saving you, me and your integrity as the owner of Blackwood conglomerate. I don't want them to think that your decisions are not objective.”Marcus smiled and grabbed her hands tightly.“Right now, I really don't care.”Camelia smiled at him.“My brother Marco will be visiting the office tomorrow. He is going to be a part of the company now. He has been away for too long and I want him to see how far we have come so far.”His eyes were filled with smiles as he said those words but Camelia did not seem happy with that.“Why do you want to bring him too close to your business? I mean, he just returned and you already trust him that much?”Marcus looked at her with a gaze of uncertainty.“He is my brother, babe. He is perfect for it.”Camelia could see the joy in his face as he spoke about this and though she was not comfortable with it, she did not try to convin
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chapter 118
Marco was seated at the patio, sipping his drink when Richard saw him from the distance where he was standing and he felt a pang of disgust for him.He wanted to ignore him and walk away from him but Marco caught a glimpse of him and stood up and started walking towards him with a leer in his eyes.Richard wanted to turn and walk away, probably leave the yard completely but it was already too late.Marco was standing right in front of him with his drink in his hand.“Richard, Richard,” he called out to him with a voice heavily laced with sarcasm and his eyes glowing with a glint of mockery.“I see that you are enjoying your new status, aren't you?” Richard replied with a scorn and Marco laughed hysterically at him, eyeing him disrespectfully.Richard cast him a contemptuous glare and shook his head.“There is always an expiration date for evil,” Richard added with a contemptuous smile and started to walk away.“Not so fast, Dear Uncle Richard. Did you forget that my mother warned you
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chapter 119
The sunset in Miami was as beautiful as it was always talked about and Miss Mara was basking in the sunset at the bitch, rubbing her sun protection cream.Joe, her lover, had stepped out to get glasses of juice for them to have with the baked cookies that she had brought along from home. She seemed so relaxed and beautiful.He returned with the glasses and handed her one.“Did you put the sunscreen on your back, babe?” He asked, planting a kiss on her forehead.Mara smiled and nodded like a sixteen year old that was caught smiling at her lover.“Babe?” He called her out with a sarcastic smile and she giggled.“Ohh, you caught me Joe. You know I can never learn that since you are here with me.”Joe laughed at her and took a sip of his drink before going for one of the cookies.“So, have you heard from him?” He asked, taking a generous bite from the cookie, “and these fast great by the way,” he commented, raising it to her.“I have still got my cooking game on,” Mara chuckled and Joe sm
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chapter 120
The days that followed were filled with worries and anxiety for Camelia. She could not speak with Marcus and she was always faced with Marco, her enemy. He was making life unbearable for her at the office; always writing her queries and making her seem incompetent.One time, she got so agitated and confused during a presentation to the board. Marco countlessly tried to step her through depression by cutting in on her presentation, causing her to feel irritated and delayed by his constant questions. She lashed out at Marco in the presence of everyone because he was trying to suppress her with his regular show of masculinity and his bid to prove that she is not competent.“Is this how you always speak to him or Mr. Marcus?” The board public relations officer asked with a scornful look at her and Marco stifled a laughter that rose to his throat and smiled instead.“You have to face some level of caution for this attitude that you displayed right in front of everyone here.”Tears gathere
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