All Chapters of The Billionaire's Retribution : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
136 chapters
chapter 121
Marcus was reading through his mails when he got a unanimous mail from the board members and in the message, he was advised to send Camelia a memo, warning her for her attitude at the board meeting that occurred that day. He wondered what it was she may have done.Marcus went on to open the mail. And he was shocked to see what was written about her character.It felt like a bit of a contradiction for him because he could not imagine Camelia behaving that way. Just then, Marco appeared in his room with two glasses of wine, and handed him one.“What is going on?” Marco asked, looking at him with feigned surprise as though he did not know what the issue probably was.“What did Camelia do at the office today?” Marcus asked with concern.“Oh… that?” Marco asked, dismissively. “She was just a lady, I guess. Probably having a bad day.”He tried to downplay it and not appear to seem pushy about her.“It does not seem that way from the messages I am reading from the members of the board. This
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chapter 122
Marco walked back to his room, his heart filled with excitement. He was glad that things were going just as planned and he was going to be the one to handle the affairs of both the Blackwood and the Redwood.He took off his clothes and got into the shower and then called Mara to tell her the new plan.The excitement in his voice for Mara wondering if he had already taken hold of the company that quickly.“Oh… not yet, baby girl but trust me, we are closer than you could ever imagine. I mean, he trusts me now more than anyone, even more than his lover.”“Hmmm… I know how cunning you are,” she whispered with a laugh.“Yeah right,” Marco replied and they both laughed out loud.“So, what can I do from here now. I mean, has it reached the point where my services are required?”“Get your pretty self down here tomorrow. I have a job for you at the Blackwood's conglomerate because I will make sure that the present holder of the position I want for you leaves this job in two days. Once she mov
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chapter 123
“I trusted you! I put my life in your hands, believing all the lies you told me about my brother and my mother So, all the while, you only had your eyes on the Black card?” Marcus raged at him, a look of disappointment evident on his face.Richard said nothing. He simply stood there, listening to the insults being hauled at him. He knew it would happen somehow but he was not sad about it. He was only trying to save the Black card from the wolf who had his eyes on it.“I want you gone from my house before dawn, Richard and I do not ever want to see you around this vicinity. I will sell your shares with the Blackwood conglomerate and send the proceeds to you, somehow.”He snatched the card from Richard and watched him walk away. He felt so sad and tears gathered in both their eyes but Marcus did not want to look at him.Richard walked out of the room, his heart heavy with hurt and slight guilt. But he was convinced that he did what he had to do to protect the family's wealth and legacy
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chapter 124
Hannah put on her makeup and dressed as neatly as possible. She was sad but she had to pick up the pieces of her life. Her mother, Theresa, had insisted that she would pay Magnus a visit in jail.“I cannot go to visit such a man, mum, what would society say about us if they saw me associating with him?” She had yelled at her mother.“I don't want to go over these cases with you this morning, Hannah. If you are not going to visit Magnus, then I will cut off your funds entirely for quite some time. It does seem to me like you do not want to be as rich as we have desired for you. Right?”Hannah gazed at her mother with shock in her eyes. Her elder brother who always defended her travelled to Australia and she was left alone with her mother.“Do you think that visiting Magnus will make him marrye when he gets out? I feel that he would be carried away by the desire to set himself up after all the fame that he has lost owing to the issue in ground with him. He will have series of court case
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chapter 125
Camelia was scared when she woke up in a dark room. She could not tell where she was and she had no idea who the men that took her were.“Please release me,” she cried out, holding her purse so dearly. They had snatched her phone away from her and did not want her to be communicated with for a couple of days just as Marco had instructed. “What do you want from me?” She asked out loud, wondering what the problem was with them and why they had taken her in their space without saying a word to her.She was shaking with trepidation as she remembered how almost a year ago, Derek had held her in the same way.She wondered if it was Derek doing this. But then, she remembered that he was reportedly dead in Jail and had already been buried.“Please, tell me. Is it money that you want or you just want to keep me here against my will? I have a sick mother who needs my attention and I have my job too!”They still said nothing to her. They all chattered about other things, acting as though she wa
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chapter 126
The day rolled by fast and Marcus and Marcos stayed in the office, one as the CEO and the other as the aspiring CEO who was willing to take over the business his brother had run for a few years and to throw his brother away into the streets with no penny.As much as Marcus was unhappy with Camelia not showing up, he was moved on with his day. He assumed that she probably needed a day off and did not care what was happening with her. Marco kept on stressing on how loose he was with her and how that has affected their work relationship.Marcus denied that and Marco said; “so, tell me why she would not show up at work and not even call you to let you know? Isn't that disrespectful?”Marcus was quiet. Whatever the case was, he did not want to discuss her further. “We may just have to focus on their job for now. I will go to see her later in the day.”Marco was taken aback by that statement.“Did you just say that you will go to her house to check up on her or I did not hear you correctly
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chapter 127
Marcus and Marco were having a great time at the club where Marco took him to.It was a strippers club and he took his brother to the Vip section and paid for the number of hours they would be there.The strippers bounced their robust buttocks in front of Marco and Marcus, enticing them with their sexiness.Marcus seemed a bit laid back with them and was not hasty with touching them but Marco got into the game, rubbing their bodies and spraying money on them.He was a lady's man and he knew just how to make women feel wanted.“Have fun bro, this is how millionaires spend their money on busy week days.”Marcus laughed but shook his head, refusing to engage with the strippers.“I'd rather just be a spectator, watching from afar than do what you are doing. I cannot even imagine myself spraying my hard earned money on these ladies.”Marco frowned at him.“Okay then, so just watch me and then have the greatest time of our lives. Be our spectator.”Marco smiled at him with sarcasm and Marcu
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chapter 128
Daybreak was many things for many people.For some, it was waking up in a small inn with no food and little cash, holding a Card that they could not use partly because they had no access to the card but mainly because they could not breach trust.Dawn for others meant waking up in a dank cell room with three men that they had never seen in their lives except for yesterday. They had meals served to them the day before but they blatantly refused to eat because they felt terribly sullen and pissed to eat a meal. They were left wondering why they were being held hostage by this particular group and what the group really wanted from them.Dawn for some others was walking into their office and being met with the presence of a strikingly beautiful lady whose eyes were fascinating and alluring. She had a glow in her face and her lips were curved in the most beautiful way.Her curves were intriguing and she had the most amazing sense of fashion.Dawn for some others was daunting, travelling th
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chapter 129
Day 2 of working without CameliaMarcus stayed in his office, unwilling to let the new lady in. Her name is Mara and she is such a beauty, but remember, you cannot make the same mistake you made with Camelia, he thought to himself.Her eyes were alluring and he could not forget how they lit up when he asked her to tell him a little about herself.Just as Marco had promised, she was brilliant and outgoing and seemed to be more intentional than Camelia, at least than the Camelia of the last two weeks (according to the reports from his brother and the board).He sat in his chair, lifting his phone every now and then, hoping that Camelia would call to tell him why she had not shown up at work yet.No matter how much he tried to overlook it or act as though he was not bothered by her disappearance, he still felt that slight emptiness in his heart and he wished that she would just appear at the doorway.The doorway did open and he looked up with speed, hoping to see Camelia but Marco walked
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chapter 130
A flashback.Many years ago, Theresa was found in the circle of Wealthy aristocrats but she was no Wealthy woman. She was there as a maid for one of the wealthiest homes in California.Her father was a poor farmer and her mother was a trader. As a matter of fact, it was reported that they could not feed their children and so, she was pushed to work as a maid in the home of one of the richest families in town.Years later, she got married to a middle class man, Stonia from Berlin. They met at an art exhibition and gave in to each other.This was how she birthed her first son.However, Lady Theresa was not settled with that. What she wanted so badly was to belong to the family of the wealthiest in the city.She fell back into the arms of the first son of the woman whom she had served many years ago.So, whilst she was still.married to Stonia, she maintained an illicit affair with him, doing things that are meant only for marriage with him and he was married but his wife had not given b
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