All Chapters of The Billionaire's Retribution : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
136 chapters
Beef Among The Billionaires
Marcus and Sam arrived with their car on the agreed place to meet with Magnus.An hotel. But when they arrived the place was dead quiet, not even the workers were present, except for many heavy armed men lined up at every corner, these are Magnus's followers."This doesn't look safe young master." Sam said with observation.Marcus noticed it too, but he's not intimidated enough to go back. "I know, let's just go in."They both entered the building, and Magnus sat at the head of a long table, a lavish spread of food and drink laid out before him. His men were scattered throughout the room, keeping a watchful eye on Marcus and Sam as they entered."Welcome," Magnus said, his voice full of false cheer. "I trust you had no trouble finding the place?"Sam cast a wary glance around the room. "This is quite the setup," he said, a hint of suspicion in his tone."Oh, don't worry," Magnus said, waving a dismissive hand. "I just like to be prepared for any eventuality. Hope you're okay with that
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No Escape
It was getting dark and Sam and Marcus were heading back home."You shouldn't have done that young master." Sam said."That guy feels too much of himself. He can't claim something that doesn't belong to him." Marcus replied."I know, but we were completely outnumbered, it was dangerous, young Master. If something had happened to you Richard won't let me live, that's if I would have survived." Sam explained."That's true. I guess I should control my temper next time." Marcus heaved a sigh.Just then Sam spotted three black cars tailing them from behind."Huhm... Young Master." He said."What?""I think we're being tailed." He announced."What?" Marcus also looked at the mirror and saw how fast the cars were coming after them. "Shit, drive faster Sam."Sam's heart began to pound as he saw the black cars bearing down on them in the rear-view mirror."I'll try my best, young master," he said, his voice tight with fear.He hit the gas, and the car shot forward, weaving in and out of traffi
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No Escape II
Marcus and Sam ran for their lives, panting and gasping for breath as they sprinted down the street. The angry men were close behind them, their footsteps thundering on the pavement. Gunshots rang out.Marcus and Sam then hide behind a corner."Any plans?" Sam asked."I've got a few rounds left, I think we should attack." Marcus suggested."What? We're outnumbered." Sam reminded me."I know, if we don't fight back we'll end up dead." Marcus said.Sam kept wondering who taught Marcus how to use a gun, and the fact that he shows little fear in almost every situation."Alright." Sam nodded faithfully."On my count. One... Two... Three" Marcus finalized as they were about to charge at the men but then they could hear multiple gunshots which made them hide back at the corner."I think we've got more companies." Sam complained.At that moment Marcus realized the pressure on their current situation, he never imagined Magnus could be this dangerous.Just then they heard a familiar voice. "You
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Maxwell's Embarrassment Day
THE BERLINGS MANSIONToday was Miss Martha's one year anniversary, the Berlings mansion was heavily decorated. All the family members were all present. And Alex Martha's only son and also the first grandchild of the family had arrived from his business trip."Today would be a wonderful day mother." He said with an assuring smile."Yes it will, son. I've worked so hard to make this business grow bigger.""Yes. You deserve this mother." Eunice said walking towards her mother with her billionaire husband Mr. Roger. The two couples bowed respectfully, touching Martha's feet. "Bless you two. May you have all the peace in this world that you deserve." She blessed them and they got up.Everyone was present and now it's time for the guests to arrive."Sister Martha I heard Hannah is arriving tonight, why isn't she here yet?" Her younger sister Vivian asked, it was obvious she was mocking her. Vivian had always envied her sister's progress and wished her own son Daniel could be the heir of the
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Maxwell's Embarrassment Day II
"Is it also a sin to stare at the chair?" Maxwell asked, feeling pissed."I said don't talk back at me, loser. You are only a little manager and my husband here is a business tycoon CEO of two large companies, you should know your place."Maxwell wanted to react but then again, she was right. He was nothing compared to them, and if he really wants to get something from the Berlings he just needs to play along.***Hannah and Alex strolled by the passage of the mansion having a discussion."Mum is trying to get you married to someone else Hannah. Some richer, how do you feel about that?" Alex asked with concern."Well it's Mom's decision. I can't say otherwise even if I want to." Hannah replied with a sad tone."Don't say that Hannah you always have a choice." "I don't want to upset mum Alex. The last time I tried it didn't end up well." She felt regret in her stomach. "You know what I mean Alex, I was made an outcast trying to follow my choice.""Hannah it wouldn't be like the last t
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Karma Begins
Maxwell then followed the instruction and stepped back, he could hear the insults and mockings from the crowd.The party had started, chatting from different company leaders all clustered in different groups.***Carmelia was in the hospital, the doctor had called her to come quickly regarding her mother's ill situation.She rushed as fast as she could to the hospital only to receive terrible news her mother had been diagnosed of heart disease and she needed to undergo surgery. But then the amount the doctor called was almost impossible for her to raise at that moment."Doctor, is there no way for you to reduce the amount, it's too much and I can't afford such." She pleaded."I'm sorry dear, but the amount is fixed, 20 million dollars and you have till tomorrow morning to make the payment or else you might lose your mother." He replied."Tomorrow morning? That's so unfair, the time frame is too short I can't meet up please I need more time.""I'm sorry miss Carmelia, but that's all I
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Marcus's Retribution
Maxwell kept struggling with the guards but they just took him outside and tossed him like a ragdoll. The guards then blocked the entrance refraining him from entering inside."Hey let me in! My fiance is in there. Hannah!" He yelled."Get out of here you poor trash!" The guards booted him as he fell on the floor helplessly.He kept ranting sending threats to them."Just go home!" They taunted him.All of a sudden a car stoped at the entrance, it was accompanied by two more similar cars. Maxwell and the guards opened their mouths in shock when they saw the logo on the car. The Blackwoods."No way," he gasped.The driver's seat was opened and the driver came out rushing to open the passenger's seat. Sam came out first, then followed by Marcus."Marcus?" Maxwell said unbelievably.What the hell was Marcus doing in a Blackwoods vehicle?Marcus was gracious in his appearance, exuding an aura of an Alpha male. His black suit was perfect, and Sam also wearing a black suit.Marcus walked ins
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Maxwell's Punishment
The entire crowd began to laugh at his defeat. They hailed Marcus for his physical strength and financial potential.Marcus then turned to leave but Maxwell held his legs. "Please forgive me!" Maxwell begged, he had realized Marcus was indeed the real Blackwood, he didn't cared to know how it was possible but the fact that Marcus just did what he did that was a fact.Just then the Berlings and Magnus came outside too, Martha had heard the rumors that the Blackwood was outside."Marcus?" Hannah was also shocked, seeing Marcus and Maxwell begging him on the floor. Hannah's mind was racing as she tried to process what she was seeing. Marcus, the man she had once loved and lost, was now a billionaire, and he was somehow involved in whatever was happening with Maxwell. And the security guards - they were obviously there to protect him, which meant he must be someone important. She felt dizzy, her thoughts swirling around her head."What is this man still doing here? Guards he's harassing m
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Hannah wants Marcus back
"What did you think of me Maxwell? That I was some kind of a prostitute who came to you because of your money?" Hannah asked."Then why did you come to me? Why did you divorce Marcus just to be with me?""There are some truths that are meant to be hidden from the likes of you. Good bye Maxwell." Hannah said moving away."Don't you dare walk away from me!" Maxwell thundered, getting up from the group to grab her hands."Crack!" The security guard hit his elbow with his baton and immediately Maxwell's arm was broken."Ahh!" He cried out rolling on the floor, Hannah gave a single glance at him before walking away."Don't leave me Hannah! You left me for Marcus! You used me for your stupid games. I'll come back for y'all, I will take my revenge!" He declared but Hannah didn't stop from walking away.***At the party ground Marcus had stolen the spotlight from Magnus, everyone was attracted to him. Seeing a Blackwood is not an everyday thing.Hannah walked inside, she kept staring at Marcu
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A taxi stopped outside the mansion as Carmelia rushed out, she had gone looking for Mr. Matthew at his house but he was not around, and the maids told her he would be attending the Berlings event. She wasted no time getting here. He was her only hope in getting her mother's treatment bill, or else something bad might happen to her.She ran inside the mansion when the guards blocked her path."Your invitation card please madam." The guards requested."Please I don't have that, but I need to go inside. It's something very important. Please, I need to see Mr. Matthew.""We're sorry madam but we can't let you go in.""But I have to go in, my mother's life depends on this, please let me go in!""You need an invitation before you can go in madam."Carmelia burst into tears, she begged them to let her in, but the guards were only doing their job. She then thinks of a way for her to go inside. She thought of going inside through the window.She then went out of there, she went round the mansio
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