All Chapters of The Billionaire's Retribution : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
136 chapters
Carmelia II
Carmelia walked back towards the hall and made a turn to a passage leading to Daniel's room but then she spotted Mr. Matthew. The man she had been searching for. Immediately she saw him, a mixed feeling swept over her. She was angry seeing him happy, after everything he had done to her family. He was enjoying the wealth she and her mother was supposed to be enjoying, she wanted him to pay dearly for all his crimes. But then again she was happy she found him.She believed he would be able to help her, since he was her last hope anyways, she had to try her best."Mr Derek" she called him but he didn't hear her so she called again a little bit louder. "Mr. Derek!" Then he turned."Do I know you?" He asked, he couldn't recognize her because she was wearing the maid's uniform so her appearance changed."It's me Carmelia" she replied walking closer to him."You. What are you doing here?" He grinned, he had also hated Carmelia and her mother, because they were trying to seek justice for wha
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Marcus Rescued Carmelia
Marcus heaved a sigh, he felt pity for her, he felt she was saying the truth. But the truth isn't enough to seek justice against a successful business man like Mr. Derek, she needs proof or something that would back up her claims.Marcus then walked out of the mansion, he didn't inform anyone he was leaving, he just entered his car with Sam and was escorted by his guards.“So are we heading home?” Sam asked, he knew when Marcus thought of something else.“No, let's pay the station a visit.” He replied.“Why? Is it about the lady?” Sam asked.“Yes, I can't tell, but I feel like she was telling the truth.” Marcus said.“So you believe we should get ourselves involved in this?” Sam asked.“It's not a big deal if we do, if we can help those in need why not” Marcus said.If there was one thing Marcus had learnt in life was that, the rich always bully the poor. Even if the rich were the ones on the wrong, it's always the poor who get punished. Hannah and Maxwell had taught him this lesson.
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Carmelia in trouble
“Please Mr. Blackwood it won't happen again, I'm so sorry” the officer pleaded with her head down.“Who asked you to do this?” Marcus enquired.“Wha...""Who asked you to do this? I know someone paid you to do so. Now tell me who it was!" The officer trembled from his voice."It was..." She stammered, scared of calling the name of the person."Who was it!""It was Mr. Derek, Mr. Blackwood. He agreed to pay me five million. I'm so sorry." She confessed.Marcus wasn't too surprised, he had been suspicious of the whole thing."How awful can you be? you caused harm to your fellow human. for what? money? is five million worth more than her life?" Marcus angered."I'm sorry Mr. Blackwood, I accept that I was greedy, please forgive me!""You won't get away with this! I promise you that, I'll make sure you lose your position here, and also rot in prison. people like you don't deserve to stay in this society!""Please I need this job to take care of my daughter, I'm sorry!"The officer
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Pain and Suffering
At night Maxwell could be seen at a bar, with so many beers on his table.His eyes were dirty, he was completely drunk, he had been drinking ever since he was kicked out of the Berlings mansion."I hate you Marcus, I'm gonna kill you!" He screamed to the air, as all the other customers looked at him and laughed.Maxwell had sworn with his life to take his revenge on Marcus, even if it meant killing him. In just one night his entire life was turned around, from somebody to nobody he was as useless and broke as a beggar, even the old Marcus who was an ordinary cameraman was way richer than his current situation. Marcus didn't even spare his bank account, he froze everything, his cars, mansion and also his assets were no more. He was just a homeless man with no other plans in life. Not only did he lose his wealth, but also discovered Hannah's betrayal.When he first found out she was the daughter of the Berlings he was excited and thought it was a perfect opportunity to double his Weal
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Enemies joining forces
"It's him. Take him away." One of the men othered with a hoarse voice."What, no please... You've got the wrong guy. Don't kill me please!" He pleaded with the unknown men, but instead one of the men hit his head with the back of his gun and immediately Maxwell went black out."Hurry take him inside the car before someone sees us."The men put a black sack on Maxwell's face and put him in the boot of their car and zoomed off.After about an hour they arrived at a secret hideout. They brought Maxwell out of the car and into a Stony dark room, Maxwell was placed on a chair and his hands tied to the chair. They removed the sack from his face and drenched him with a bucket of water jolting him up."Who...who are you people?" He breathed heavily, he noticed his hands were tied up. "I don't know you, please let me go"The room was dark with only one small bulb as a source of illumination and it wasn't enough to make the kidnappers' faces visible."What do you want from me!" Marcus yelled."
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History of the Blackwoods
ITALYIn a large hall, some group of men all dressed respectfully in different colors of suits. Amongst them was Richard."Like I said before Richard, it's time Marcus learnt the truth and fully joins the Blackwoods cult." One of the men said, all the men present were 50 and above."He's not ready, Pietro." Richard replied."Marcus is the new head of this association, it's high time he fully knows who he is and what he is meant to be. You don't possibly think you can hide that from him forever." Pietro said."I will inform him, but please I request for more time, Marcus is the last surviving bloodline of the Actual Blackwoods. He needs to be protected and kept away from harm." Richard said."And what about the Red Hood? I believe Marco has found out about his brother's return. And if we don't prepare Marcus for what is to come, death is inevitable and the Redhood will finally claim everything."***Long ago before Marcus was born, his grandfather was the first and founder of the Blackw
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A new Era
Richard was filled with concern about his master's son, Marcus.His meeting with the Blackwood's revealed that Marcus is surrounded by more enemies than he is willing to deal with.“I worry for you, Marcus,” Richard spoke softly, his eyes filled with an intense worry. “The number of enemies you have in this city is more than your father ever had.”Marcus smiled proudly. “You need not worry, Richard. The Blackwood son will not fail his father. I just need to hold up my head and move along like it doesn't matter. My greatest matter now is how to take back the Mandis school project from that crooked man, Magnus.”Richard nodded. “I couldn't agree more. I mean, how do you intend to handle this? Magnus is not an easy bone to crack, you know.”“Well, I have a meeting tomorrow with a lady lawyer who I hear is the best in town…”“Luciana?” Richard asked with wide eyes.“You know her?” Marcus was amused.“Everyone in town knows her. She is fierce and good at what she does.”“Then, that means
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A simple call was all it took; the intoxicating power of the Blackwood heir.Jessica's eyes were filled with bewilderment as the Doctor who happened to be the Chief medical officer was escorted out of the hospital premises by the security.Camelia met him on the way as he was shoved shamefully into a black van tagged the same hospital he threatened to send her mother to if she did not pay him. Their eyes locked and his gaze was marked with both fury and shame. She gawked at him, wondering why he was gazing at her with such a feisty stare.She was utterly confused.She ran up the stairs in a flight, towards what used to be her mother's room but it was empty.As she ran out to the corridor, about to raise an alarm about her mother's disappearance, she and Jessica meet at the entrance.“Camelia!” Jessica called out to her, trying to calm her raging nerves. She could see the panic in her friend's eyes.“Where is my mother? Where was she moved to? Is she alright?” She bamboozled Jessica wi
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Where am I?
The pungent stench of nothing in particular travelled through Camelia's nostrils and her eyes fell open speedily.She felt bang on her head and an “ouch” escaped her lips, followed by silent moans.Then she noticed that she could not be audible enough and her hands were tied to the chair. Her burrows got sweaty as her heart cut apart from the knowledge of where she was.“I have been kidnapped!” She yelled through her muffled lips and began to squeak and scream, kicking her legs, vehemently fighting to set herself free.Unfortunately, freedom was such a luxury that Camelia could not afford and it was too costly to attain.Her heart palpitated more than usual as she wriggled and twirled, trying to free herself from the piece of clothing that held her down.“Let me go!” She yelled out , “I want to go and see my mother.”Her defiance gradually wore out giving room to her panic and fear, as she became engrossed in scary thoughts about what would be the end of her.She wondered what her fat
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Carmelia gone missing
The Blackwood's complex was still lit as Marcus' meeting with Luciana Pedro was still ongoing. It was the second time they were having a meeting regarding the Mandii school project.The only next person who was there at the meeting was Sam; his personal security guard.Luciana was seated across from his table as she flashed her teeth while they conversed indepthly.“The intricacies of this case is quite confusing and can take a bend that is unexpected,” Luciana suggested, twisting her lips.Marcus nodded. He understood exactly what she meant. The case was not a straightForward one. After their previous conversation, she was convinced that she had the way out till she went on to do some more underground findings and discovered that Magnus legally bought the school which was a fact unknown to Marcus.“You know what I think,” Marcus began to say, “I think we need to arrest him right away. He is trying to demolish the structure. I doubt that he has got any good intentions for that school
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