All Chapters of The Billionaire's Retribution : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
136 chapters
Court Case II
Magnus and Maxwell both arrived at the courthouse, flaunting themselves with so much pride and arrogance. Their faces were elated and they seemed satisfied by the fact that Marcus was about to get grilled for a crime they both knew that Marcus did not commit.The other people seated at the courtroom were a few TV reporters with their cameras, some friends and family members of the late Matthew Shein’s family, Camelia and Jessica and Camelias mother who insisted that she would appear at the courtroom for Marcus's sake and then Hannah.Hannah was still absorbed with the jealousy she gained from staring at Marcus and Camelia sharing a hug. So, she sat at the back of the courthouse, hoping she would be seen by Marcus and he would appreciate the fact that she came out to stand by him.Richard and Sam arrived a little bit later than 9:30 because they had another role that they were playing. Richard was helping with the events at the company while Sam was privately investigating the entire s
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Court Case III
“What the hell was that?” Luciana yelled on top of her voice at Marcus, in the presence of Richard and Sam.Marcus was ashamed but most importantly, confused.“It isn't what it seems like,” he drawled, trying so hard to catch his breath.“Can you tell me what the hell it is then? We do not have time on our hands!” She was shaking with sonic whilst Marcus was scared.Richard did not like how he was being humiliated.“Miss Luciana, you would have to take it easy with him. I am sure that he is as confused as you are right now. We need to join heads together to understand what this is.”Luciana took a deep breath.Richard turned to Marcus and placed his hands over his shoulders. Marcus placed his hands on his mouth and let out a loud groan. He was exhausted and angry and also scared of the turn the case just took.“Now, if you don't know that man, how come you two are in that vehicle, having a nice conversation and you are exchanging money with him? When I asked you earlier today about y
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Court case IV
“Mr Magnus, can you proceed with your honest statement to this court about what you know regarding this entire case?” Barrack asked, standing gallantly before the court with his pride shoulders lifted even higher. He smirked, he was going to enjoy this, victory was already his to claim.“I and Mr Marcus have been going back and forth over the Madison school project building,” Magnus stated, handing over the documents to Mr Barrack.“These documents are the deed of assignment as given to me by the late Mr. Matthew SheIn, as a statesman. He sold that building to me, about two years ago. Now, after Marcus returned, Matthew mentioned that Marcus threatened to kill him if he did not get the land back.”Everyone gasped again. Hannah was feeling uncomfortable about the whole situation, that's not true, Marcus isn't capable of killing.Luciana shook her head. She knew this was an ambiguous lie and she understood the game that Magnus was trying to play.“Upon purchase of that land, did you kno
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Court case V
“Objection my Lord!” The Prosecuting attorney stepped forward with his raging voice to stop that question. “This was supposed to be a cross examination, not an accusation!”“Objection sustained,” the Judge replied grudgingly. “Miss Luciana, please maintain the cross examination and not make blind accusations to a man who was not accused of anything.”“Your honour, it is pertinent that he answers this question because this will enable me to build up my cross examination. The reason I asked this question is that since the inception of this case, the only contact Mr Marcus has had with Mr Matthew and Mr Magnus was I am aware of them.For Mr Matthew, I and Mr Marcus paid him a visit in his residence, about two months ago. He simply told Mr Mathew that he would love to have his father's property back because it meant a whole lot to him and they had an agreement that he would negotiate with Magnus as Magnus' ownership of the property was legally binding. But Mr Matthew SheIn did promise tha
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The Judge cast his long, doleful gaze at Magnus and finally asked for him to stand and go back to his seat.Then, Marcus was called forward.As he approached the bench, Camelia and Jessica both called out his name.“Marcus!” And everyone turned to them. The two did not care. “We love you! You have got us! We believe you are innocent!”Their words were beautiful but it was a chaotic mess for a court proceeding.Tears gathered in Marcus's eyes. He was not usually an emotional person but the show of love and commitment from Camelia and Jessica got him feeling teary.The rest of the spectators who believed he was guilty began to murmur angrily.“What are these two ladies doing?” One elderly woman who sat as a member of the SheIn family asked. “They seem like paid actresses,” another replied, rolling her eyes mockingly at Camelia and Jessica.“They most definitely were paid by him to act so stupidly and make him look innocent,” another added, cursing them afterwards.“Matthew Shein must g
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Judgment II
The Judge was exhausted and so were the spectators. It has been a long five hour session consisting of jabs, heated arguments, emotional rollercoaster and courtroom explosion.Yet, the case was not close to being resolved.Luciana's greatest goal for that day was not to clear Marcus's name for she knew that it would not be easy to do that. Instead, her greatest goal was to make sure that she left the case open ended such that the Judge will see the need for more evidence and give them some time to acquire that.She knew that there were a lot of things about the case that needed to be addressed, especially the false evidence that we presented to the court against Marcus.“Miss Luciana, I think it is time for you to cross examine Mr Obed? Or you'd still want to wait longer?” The Judge asked with a smirk on his face. He looked drawn. His Bald head seemed even more balder than when he walked into the courtroom.***It was afternoon and the sun was heavy outside; one of the hottest summers
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Final judgment
Everyone began to rumble and rumble on, arguments arising from the observers as they all pondered on his reason.Magnus and Maxwell exchanged mischievous glances followed by satisfying laughter. “He is a superstar indeed!” Magnus cheered, gripping Maxwell tightly. The two men were so ecstatic about their victory and they could not wait to eventually claim it.Even Luciana was taken aback by this response as she left her lips agape, trying to regain composure.Whoever this man is, he is a professionalLuciana thought to herself, taking in his response and trying to regain her argument.“Where was this diagnosed?” She asked him, this time putting aside any desire to maintain decorum.“Back home in Louisiana, a private clinic.”“Can a report be provided to this effect?” Luciana asked again.Obed nodded.Luciana took a deep breath, moving away from that argument.“Mr Obed, since you and Mr Marcus were familiar with each other. What then was it so pertinent for you to take pictures of you
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Final judgment II
Marcus was too stunned to utter a word.All his life, he had known that Uncle Richard was a father figure to him. He has seen him make things easier for him but guiding him through difficult times and making life easier for him.But this one was the height of kindness. He has never seen a kind act such as this, oire selflessness.Even the hardy judge was stunned by it.“You must love him too much to be willing to spend the night at the cell for his sake?” The Judge said with a smirk. “He is like my son, my Lord. Whatever I cannot bear to have my son endure, I would never let him endure the same.”Richard's voice was shaky now and it created an emotional moment within the courtroom. The only people who did not seem moved to tears by it were Magnus, Maxwell and the Brutal Prosecutor.Everyother person felt drawn to compassion by the act of service and care Richard was prepared to show Magnus.The Judge cleared his throat and everyone waited to hear his possible response.“Well, since y
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Dark secret
“Get into the damn car you idiot!” the man with the gun pointing to him yelled, dragging him to the car door.Obed was shaking with fright. He could not understand what was going on and he tried to play his mind to get it straightened but no thought was coming to his mind.“I am so sorry…” he whispered, his voice escaping into a gentle moan. The hit the edge of the gun against his back and he screamed out in pain and quickly did as he was forced to.He allowed them to shove him into the car, and the one with the gun slammed the door.“Give us directions to your home now!” The other man sitting to his left ordered. Obed's mind was slightly hazy as he struggled to gather his thoughts to be able to give a response to the needs of this chaotic men. “Start speaking fast. We do not have much time!” The one that shoved him into the car groaned and Obed nodded hastily and started pointing towards his house.His mind quickly recollected and he was able to remember all he had forgotten.The
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Marcus in distress
Marcus turned over and over on his bed. He was ridden with a high level of restlessness. There was nothing he could do to get away now. He was given only seven days by the grumpy Judge and out of the seven days, he had used up two and basically achieved nothing. Now, he had only about five days to go and there was no clue to his justification in the case. He and Luciana kept on searching for leads on Obed and leads on Matthew SheIn.Sam knocked lightly on his door and he grumpily asked him to come in.Sam pushed the door lightly and walked in towards Marcus's bed.“Good morning Boss,” his face was not as bright as it usually would be.Marcus sat up on the bed and brought his feet down to the ground, sliding them into his slippers.“What is going on Sam?” Marcus asked with a bit of anxiety, building up within him.“Another series of rejection mails dropped on our radar this morning,” Sam replied with a slight groan in his voice.Marcus took a deep breath. He turned away from Sam and w
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