All Chapters of Slumdog Billionaire : Chapter 61 - Chapter 68
68 chapters
61. Beginning of a new dynasty
Stella woke up in a dimly lit room. Her head throbbed, and her vision was blurry. She tried to sit up but found her hands and feet bound. Panic surged through her as she scanned her surroundings. The room was small, with a single barred window high up on the wall. The door was heavy and wooden, with no sign of a handle from the inside."Where am I?" she whispered to herself, her voice trembling.Footsteps echoed outside the door. Stella's heart raced. The door creaked open, and the man from the shore entered, his expression cold and unreadable."Who are you? What do you want from me?" Stella demanded, trying to keep her fear at bay.The man ignored her questions and placed the black metallic chest on the floor in front of her. "You have something that belongs to me," he said, his voice steady and chilling."I don't know what you're talking about," Stella replied, her mind racing to understand.The man crouched down, his eyes locking onto hers. "Your grandfather had something that righ
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62. Lame billionaires
Stella worked through the night, her eyes fixed on the map. The man watched her closely, his presence a constant reminder of the danger she was in. As she traced her fingers over the symbols, she began to notice a pattern. Each symbol corresponded to a place on the island, places she had visited in her months of solitude. She realized her grandfather had hidden the clues in plain sight, using the island as a giant puzzle."We need to go to the old lighthouse," Stella said, pointing to a symbol that matched the structure.The man narrowed his eyes. "Lead the way," he ordered, tightening his grip on her wrist.They made their way through the dense forest, the path illuminated by the first light of dawn. The lighthouse loomed ahead, its silhouette stark against the rising sun. As they approached, Stella's heart pounded. She hoped her plan would work.Inside the lighthouse, the air was thick with dust and decay. Stella led the man to a trapdoor hidden under a pile of debris. She hesitated
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63. The Billionaire’s Husband
The boat cut through the churning waves, each stroke taking them further from the collapsing island. Stella's heart pounded as she glanced back, watching the land sink into the sea. The messenger's words echoed in her mind: "You've unleashed something far worse." What had they done?Declan's determined face gave her a sliver of hope. They rowed in silence, the tension between them thick as the mist rising from the water. As night fell, the city skyline appeared on the horizon, its lights twinkling like stars. They were headed back to civilization, but what awaited them there?They docked at a quiet marina, exhaustion pulling at their limbs. Stella's legs trembled as she stepped onto the pier, but she forced herself to keep moving. They had to find answers, and they needed help.Declan led the way through narrow, dimly lit streets. The city's pulse was different from the island's serene rhythm, the air thick with the hum of life and the scent of asphalt. They reached a small, nondescri
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64. The Billionaire’s Wife
The boat cut through the churning waves, each stroke taking them further from the collapsing island. Stella's heart pounded as she glanced back, watching the land sink into the sea. The messenger's words echoed in her mind: "You've unleashed something far worse." What had they done?Declan's determined face gave her a sliver of hope. They rowed in silence, the tension between them thick as the mist rising from the water. As night fell, the city skyline appeared on the horizon, its lights twinkling like stars. They were headed back to civilization, but what awaited them there?They docked at a quiet marina, exhaustion pulling at their limbs. Stella's legs trembled as she stepped onto the pier, but she forced herself to keep moving. They had to find answers, and they needed help.Declan led the way through narrow, dimly lit streets. The city's pulse was different from the island's serene rhythm, the air thick with the hum of life and the scent of asphalt. They reached a small, nondescri
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65. New World
As Stella and Declan made their way back to Mason’s office, the dawn light casting long shadows across the pavement, a strange sensation tugged at the back of Stella's mind. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was still amiss, that the calm after their battle was deceptive.Mason greeted them at the door, his face haggard from sleepless nights of research and preparation. He nodded as they entered, the atmosphere heavy with the unspoken relief of survival. Yet, as Mason closed the door behind them, an eerie silence settled over the room, thicker than before."I think we did it," Declan said, his voice breaking the tension. "The city's safe."Mason nodded, but there was no satisfaction in his eyes, only a lingering unease. He walked over to the bookshelf, pulling down the same dusty tome they had been studying. He flipped through the pages, his fingers trembling slightly."There’s something I need to show you," he said quietly, his tone almost ominous. He turned the book towa
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66. Heartbreak
The room fell into a stunned silence as the gravity of their situation settled over them like a shroud. Stella felt her chest tighten, the weight of their actions pressing down until she could barely breathe. Declan, still dazed, stared blankly at the screen. Mason, ever the stoic one, was pale, his eyes wide with disbelief and regret.For a long moment, no one moved or spoke. The only sound was the soft hum of the hidden chamber, the cold, clinical atmosphere in stark contrast to the chaos they had narrowly escaped above. But the knowledge that the harbingers were spreading across the city, that they had unleashed something unstoppable, hung over them like a death sentence.“We’re responsible for this,” Stella whispered, her voice cracking. “We did this.”Mason didn’t look at her, his gaze fixed on the screen as the shadowy figures swarmed through the streets. “We didn’t know,” he said quietly, but there was no conviction in his words. They both knew it was a hollow excuse.Declan fi
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67. The crazy story
One evening, as we sat together in the living room, Hazel’s eyes sparkled with a new idea. “I’ve been thinking... we’ve been focused on defense, on reacting to the threats against us. But what if we went on the offensive?”I exchanged glances with Kai, Declan, and Vincent, all of us intrigued but cautious. “What do you have in mind, Hazel?” Kai asked, leaning forward, his eyes narrowing with interest.“We know there are people out there who want to hurt us. We’ve been playing their game, letting them set the rules. What if we turn the tables? What if we take the fight to them?”Declan cracked his knuckles, a grin spreading across his face. “Now that’s a plan I can get behind.”Vincent, always the strategist, tapped his chin thoughtfully. “It’s risky. We could provoke a war.”Hazel’s smile was wicked, filled with the fire that had drawn us all to her in the first place. “They’re already at war with us. They just don’t know we’re about to win.”Kai leaned back, considering her words. “Y
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One evening, as we sat together in the living room, Hazel’s eyes sparkled with a new idea. “I’ve been thinking... we’ve been focused on defense, on reacting to the threats against us. But what if we went on the offensive?” I exchanged glances with Kai, Declan, and Vincent, all of us intrigued but cautious. “What do you have in mind, Hazel?” Kai asked, leaning forward, his eyes narrowing with interest. “We know there are people out there who want to hurt us. We’ve been playing their game, letting them set the rules. What if we turn the tables? What if we take the fight to them?” Declan cracked his knuckles, a grin spreading across his face. “Now that’s a plan I can get behind.” Vincent, always the strategist, tapped his chin thoughtfully. “It’s risky. We could provoke a war.” Hazel’s smile was wicked, filled with the fire that had drawn us all to her in the first place. “They’re already at war with us. They just don’t know we’re about to win.” Kai leaned back, considering her wor
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