All Chapters of The Return Of Franklin Miles: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
125 chapters
Tony and his group, which included Gary, Axel, and Zach, had succeeded in taking out the power supply in the entire building, plunging the Empire State Hotel into darkness.The task was relatively easy, all thanks to Richmond Wright giving them a thorough overview of the entire hotel building, including the power station.Tony had the blueprints of the hotel memorized. They sneaked into the basement where the main power controls were located.Gary, the tech guy, swiftly cut the main power lines while Axel and Zach stood guard, ready for any interference.As the lights sparked and then went out, Tony smiled and signaled his group to move out. They knew the darkness would create chaos and confusion, making it easier for the next part of their plan.“Good job, guys,” Tony whispered. “Now let’s get back to our meeting point and wait for Group 2 to do their thing.”Immediately the lights were out, Hank and his group, which comprised Vince, Roy, and Deke, were ready for action. Their job wa
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Inside the private lounge, Franklin and Daisy were startled after the lights went out followed by sporadic shooting.The glass of wine Daisy had offered Franklin slipped from his hand and shattered on the floor of the private lounge.Suddenly, the door to the lounge burst open, and Daisy shrieked, hiding behind Franklin. Franklin instinctively tried to protect her. But then he recognized the figure who had entered: it was Conor, his butler."Hello, sir," Conor whispered urgently, putting his finger to his lips to signal for silence. "We are under attack.""What? How? What's going on?" Franklin asked, his voice tinged with fear and confusion."No time to explain," Conor replied, his voice firm but quiet. "We need to get out of here now. There's an exit that leads through the back to the courtyard. I've arranged for a helicopter to take you away from here."Franklin wondered if Mr. Voss had returned to attack him. But that didn't seem possible, as Conor had already taken care of Voss an
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Back at the Empire State Hotel, all the guests and workers were gathered in one place in the ballroom.Big Joe and his boys ordered everyone to switch off their phones, make no phone calls, and lie down with their faces to the ground. Big Joe, pacing around the room, barked orders, "Everyone, heads down! No one moves, no one talks unless I say so!"The frightened guests and workers complied, trembling as they lay on the ground. Some whispered prayers, while others just sobbed quietly.Big Joe’s boys walked around, ensuring everyone stayed down, occasionally kicking someone to enforce compliance.Big Joe started to engage the hostages in conversation. "Who’s the manager?" He demanded, his voice echoing through the room.Everyone kept quiet, too scared to speak. A few began pleading, "Please, don’t hurt us. We’re just guests here."Big Joe grew impatient. "I asked a question! Who's the manager here?"After a moment of silence, Mr. Hughes, trembling, indicated that he was the manager. “
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Inside the bulletproof car, Richmond Wright received the information that Franklin is the owner and current CEO of the Empire State Hotel.Richmond's eyes widened in shock as he processed the news. "Franklin? The owner of the Empire State Hotel?" He muttered, almost in disbelief.Casey felt a mix of surprise and unease too; she has always known that something about Franklin’s identity does not add up. "How did he pull this off?" she whispered, more to herself than to Richmond.Richmond on the other hand has always thought of Franklin as just a nobody. But now, realizing he had somehow acquired the money, power, and influence to purchase his family's most prestigious hotel. He became short of words.The security team, stationed around the car, quickly opened the doors for them.Richmond and Casey walked out with boldness toward the entrance of the hotel.Inside the ballroom, the guests and workers were still lying on the floor, their faces pale and their bodies trembling.Big Joe stood
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In the quiet of the room, Daisy was already thinking of how she could get Franklin to drink the supplement. She had to be very careful, so she started by pretending to be worried about him and everything that had just happened. "Franklin," Daisy said softly while still sitting close to him on the bed, "I'm so scared. I don't know what I would do if something happened to you. You've been so strong through all this, but you need to relax and take care of yourself too."Franklin looked at her, his face tired and stressed. "I know, Daisy. It's been a rough night. But I need to stay sharp, just in case anything else happens."Daisy nodded, her face showing concern, but inside, she was already planning her next move. "Of course," she said, "but at least have something to drink. It'll help you calm down." She reached for a bottle of wine on the table. "Let me pour you a glass."Franklin hesitated. "I don't think I should be drinking right now. I need to keep a clear head."Daisy smiled swee
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Franklin kept looking at Daisy, his eyes softening as the effects of the supplement began to take hold. He reached out and gently touched her face, his voice tender. “Daisy… I don’t know what it is, but I feel something for you. It’s like… I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you.”Daisy smiled sweetly, playing along, “Really, Franklin? You’re just saying that.”“No, I’m serious,” Franklin insisted, his gaze never leaving hers. “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I don’t know why I never noticed it before, but now, it’s like you’re all I can think about.”Daisy blushed, her heart racing as she kept her smile in place. “That’s so sweet of you, Franklin. I’ve always admired you too. You’re so strong and successful… I always thought you were out of my league.”Franklin shook his head, his hand moving down to hold hers. “No, Daisy, you’re perfect. I don’t know why we broke up, but now I want to make up for it. I want to take care of you, make sure you’re happy.”Daisy squeez
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As Conor and his security team stormed into the ballroom at Empire State Hotel, everyone in the room froze in their place.The guests and workers, who were already scared, looked even more terrified. Their eyes were wide with fear, and some of them started to tremble.The room was silent except for the sound of people shifting nervously.Big Joe’s boys, who had been acting tough, suddenly seemed scared. Their hands tightened around their guns, and a few of them exchanged worried looks.They hadn’t expected someone like Conor to show up with such a strong team. Conor’s men were clearly well-trained, and their entrance was intimidating.Seeing his men start to lose their nerve, Big Joe quickly moved in front of them. He wanted to remind them who was in charge. "Stand your ground," he growled in a low, firm voice. "We’re still in control here. Don’t forget who you’re with."His words seemed to help a little, as the boys stood up straighter, but there was still a hint of fear in their eye
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After Conor gave the signal, his men sprang into action almost immediately.One of Conor’s men, Jake, fired the first shot. It hit Tony in the shoulder, causing him to drop his gun and fall to his knees.Tony gasped in pain, clutching his shoulder. "Ouch!" he spat, but Jake was already moving on.Gary tried to fight back, his eyes wild with fear. "You will pay for this!" he yelled, but another of Conor’s men, Sam, was quicker.Sam kicked the gun out of Gary’s reach, sending it skidding across the floor. Gary lunged for it, but Sam kicked him hard in the chest, sending him to the floor with a groan."Stay down," Sam warned, pointing his gun at Gary, who wisely stayed put, his hands raised in surrender.The ballroom erupted into confusion as gunfire filled the air. All the guests and workers ducked or ran for cover. But the fight was on.A middle-aged man pulled his wife to the floor behind an overturned table. "Oh God, they’re shooting! Get down! Get down!" His voice was shaky, but he
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On the other side of the room, Big Joe was tougher than the others. He fired at Conor himself with rage. "Come on! Let’s finish this!" he shouted.Conor was ready. He dodged the bullet and fired back, the shot grazing Big Joe’s arm.Big Joe roared in anger, charging at Conor like a bull. They collided in the middle of the room, each trying to overpower the other."You think you can take me down?" Big Joe growled, landing a punch on Conor’s side.Conor gritted his teeth against the pain, responding by kneeing Big Joe in the stomach.Big Joe doubled over, and Conor grabbed him, throwing him against a table. The table shattered under Big Joe’s weight, leaving him gasping on the floor.Nick, one of Big Joe’s men, tried to sneak up on Conor, but another of Conor’s men, Randy, saw him coming."Not so fast," Randy muttered, quickly aiming and firing a shot. The bullet hit Nick in the thigh, and Nick screamed in pain, collapsing to the ground. He tried to crawl away, but Randy wasn’t about to
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Franklin awoke the next morning with a pounding headache. He was barely conscious when he felt an unexpected warmth against his chest.He slowly became more alert, the memories of the previous night began to flood back into his mind. He bolted upright in bed, a soft groan sounding beside him, making his heart race.To his shock, Daisy was lying naked beside him on the bed.Panic surged through him as he noticed their clothes scattered haphazardly across the tiled floor.How could that be possible?"Good morning, sweetie" Daisy greeted him with a yawn, stretching out lazily as if nothing was amiss.Franklin’s voice trembled as he asked, "What happened? How did you end up in my bed?" He paused, his gaze sweeping the room, realizing that it didn’t resemble his place at all—it was too plain, the walls too stark. "And where exactly are we?""You don’t recall?" Daisy asked with a teasing smile. "Should I be upset or just laugh it off?"Franklin wasn’t amused in the slightest. Somehow, he ha
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