All Chapters of The Return Of Franklin Miles: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
125 chapters
The day began early at Miles Empire. It was a very important day, and every employee knew what was at stake.The sun had barely risen when Ms. Deborah, Vera, Mr. Stephen, and Mr. Russell gathered in the meeting room.Ms. Deborah, usually composed, looked more focused than ever. She spread out a thick stack of documents on the table. "We have a lot to get through today," she began, her voice firm. "The agreements with our partners were clear. They expect us to take action, and they expect it now. We’ve made promises, and we need to deliver."Vera, sitting next to her, nodded. "I’ve already started drafting emails to each partner, updating them on the progress we’re making. Communication is key today. We need to keep them informed every step of the way."Mr. Russell, who had been reviewing the financial reports, looked up. "We need to prioritize compensation. These companies are waiting on those funds, and we can’t afford any delays. Stephen, you and I will handle the numbers and make s
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The ‘Insider’ at Miles Empire who had been quietly observing the company for days, knew today was the perfect day to strike. He had spent hours studying the behaviors and routines of the prominent executives at Miles Empire. He knew when they came to work, when they took breaks, and even the way they talked. His plan was simple: sabotage the agreement and ruin the company’s reputation.The Insider's first move was to impersonate Mr. Stephen. He had perfected Stephen's voice and mannerisms, practicing every little detail until he could flawlessly mimic the acting CEO. Wearing a suit similar to Mr. Stephen's, he walked confidently into an empty office, a place he had discovered was rarely used.He picked up a telephone and dialed a number. “It’s time to make the public announcement.”“Got it!”"Good day, this is Stephen Miles, the acting CEO of Miles Empire. I have an important announcement regarding our recent agreement with the other companies. After careful consideration, we have dec
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Franklin was still upset from the intimate moment he shared with Daisy the previous night coupled with the attack in the hotel a few hours ago as he picked up his phone and dialed Conor’s number. He had lost contact with him and his team since the night before, and he needed to know what was going on.After a few rings, Conor answered, his voice calm and reassuring. “Young master, it’s Conor. We’ve secured the hotel. You’re safe to return now.”Franklin let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Conor. I was worried. Who were those guys that attacked us? And why?”Conor paused for a moment before responding. “It was Richmond Wright and his boys, led by Big Joe. They came to take back the Empire State Hotel, claiming it belongs to their family. They accused you of buying it illegally.”Franklin’s expression darkened. “Richmond is just a jealous man. He’s always been that way. I bought the hotel legally, and I have the documents to prove it.” His voice held a note of anger, but also a sense
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The board members of Miles Empire gathered once again at a luxurious 5 star hotel called the central city hotel. They had chosen this location to discuss their plan to overthrow Franklin, Mr. Miles, Mr. Stephen, and Mr. Russell as well as those affiliated with them and kicked them out of the company entirely.Mr. Thayer, the leader of the group, stood at the front of the room, sipping his coffee and looking at the crowd."Friends, we are here today to take a stand," he began, his voice firm and resolute. "We can't let Mr. Miles and those puppets he put in charge ruin our company. Their decisions have been reckless so far, and we need to do something about it."After he finished speaking, Mr. Reynolds nodded vigorously, his eyes flashing with agreement. He scribbled some notes on his pad as he spoke. "I've spoken to investors, and they're fed up with Franklin's leadership," Mr. Reynolds added, his voice rising. "They're willing to support us if we take action."As he spoke, Mr. Lee pul
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Casey Ford sat quietly in the backseat of her private car, staring out the window as her security team drove her home. Her thoughts were a whirlwind of worry and confusion.The attack at the Empire State Hotel was something she never anticipated. She couldn’t stop thinking about Richmond and the others involved. Her heart raced as she replayed the events in her mind.When they finally arrived at her home, the driver stepped out to open her door. Casey barely noticed as she stepped out, her eyes distant. Maria, her maid, hurried out of the house to greet her."Miss Casey, welcome home," Maria said warmly, though her eyes held concern. "Are you okay? You look so pale."Casey forced a small smile and nodded. "I’m fine, Maria. Just tired."Maria looked unconvinced but didn’t press further. "Come inside, Miss Casey. I’ll make you some tea to help you relax."Casey followed Maria into the house, her mind still racing. As soon as she stepped inside, the familiar surroundings offered little c
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Daisy Bernard entered her family's house feeling a sense of accomplishment and all she could think about was the success of her plan.As she stepped into the foyer, she heard her mother’s voice from the living room. “Is that you, Daisy?” “Yes, Mom, it’s me,” Daisy replied, slipping off her heels and placing them neatly by the door. She walked further into the house.Her mother, Mrs. Bernard, was sitting elegantly on a plush sofa, sipping tea from a china cup. She looked up as Daisy entered the room, a pleased smile spreading across her face.Her mother had always been a picture of grace and control—a woman who knew what she wanted and how to get it. Her perfectly coiffed hair makeup was obvious.“Come, sit,” Mrs. Bernard gestured to the seat beside her. “I want to hear all about it.”Daisy sat down, leaning back into the soft cushions. She took a moment to compose herself, then began recounting the events of the previous night. “It went exactly as we planned,” she said, “Franklin had
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Franklin Miles arrived at Miles Empire early the next morning, feeling the weight of everything that had happened over the past few days. He decided not to bring Conor and the rest of his security team back with him; he needed them to stay behind and continue to protect the Empire State Hotel. He couldn’t risk another attack, not with so much at stake.Immediately he walked through the front doors, he sensed the tension in the air. The usually bustling lobby was quiet, the employees moving with a sense of purpose but also with an underlying unease. The conversations were hushed, and every face he passed wore a worried expression. It was clear that everyone was on edge, aware of the seriousness of the current situation but unsure of how it would all be resolved.Vera and Ms. Deborah was waiting for him near the elevator, their expressions too was tense but they were relieved to see him. Vera was the first to speak, her tone cautious. "Sir Franklin, how was your trip back?"He nodded, o
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After a very long discussion and deliberation, it became clear to Franklin, Mr. Stephen, and Mr. Russell that they needed to take action quickly to deal with the crisis at Miles Empire.They all realized that their company was in a precarious situation, and it required all hands on deck to fix things. Franklin took a deep breath and broke the silence."Alright," Franklin said, breaking the tense silence that hung in the room. "We have to split the tasks to handle this crisis effectively. I'm going to dig into this sabotage. It's clear someone inside the company wants to bring us down, and I need to find out who." He looked at Vera and Ms. Deborah, his expression serious. "I can't do this on my own. Vera, Deborah, I’m going to need your help with this investigation."Vera, who had been quietly observing the conversation, spoke up. "Of course, Sir Franklin. We have to look into everyone who had access to the sensitive information that got leaked. Whoever did this had to know their way a
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The security room was bright with several monitors flickering, each showing different parts of the building. Franklin, Vera, and Ms. Deborah stood close, watching the screens intently alongside the head of security whose name was Rick. Rick was clicking through the footage with an eagle eye. Rick scratched his chin, his eyes narrowing on one of the screens. “Hold on a second. Something doesn’t look right here,” he muttered, pointing to the monitor showing a hallway near the server room. “See that guy? He’s not supposed to be there.”Franklin shifted closer to the screen, studying the figure. “Who is that?” he asked, his brows furrowing. The figure was wearing a uniform similar to the maintenance crew, but there was something off about the way he was moving—too cautious, too aware of his surroundings.Rick continued clicking through the footage as his fingers moved quickly over the keyboard. “I don’t recognize him,” he said. “And I’ve been here long enough to know every damn face in t
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The aggrieved board members of Miles Empire, having meticulously orchestrated their plan, finally arrived at the company premises. Today, their goal was to remove Mr. Miles, Mr. Stephen, Mr. Russell, and Franklin, along with their associates, from the company without offering any form of compensation.They were able to present a case to the court and obtained a court order in hand along with special forces units at their side, they were ready to execute their plan.At the time of their arrival, Mr. Russell and Mr. Stephen were making their way to the press room, preparing to address the partners with a statement to refute recent misinformation. They had just rounded a corner when a team of special forces agents, under Mr. Thayer’s orders, approached them with determined strides.“Excuse me, gentlemen,” one of the officers said firmly, blocking their path. “We have orders to escort you to the main lobby.”Mr. Stephen looked taken aback, his face showing a mix of confusion and anger. “Wh
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