All Chapters of The Return Of Franklin Miles: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
125 chapters
In Miles Empire headquarters, the media room buzzed with activity. Reporters and cameramen from various news stations crowded the room, all eager to get a scoop on the new CEO.The room was filled with extravagant, modern furniture and large screens displaying the Miles Empire logo.Mr. Miles, dressed in a tailored suit and flanked by his brother, Mr. Stephen, and Mr. Russell, walked into the room. His entourage was surrounded by burly bodyguards."Ladies and gentlemen," Mr. Miles took the podium and began to address the reporters. "Thank you for coming today. I know you're all eager to meet our new CEO. But unfortunately he is not here to see you all at the moment for some confidential reasons."A reporter from TV News Network raised her hand. "Mr. Miles, can you tell us more about the new CEO's vision for the company and the economy at large?"Mr. Miles smiled. "Ah, yes. He is a brilliant leader. He's currently... uh... indisposed, but I assure you, he will be back soon to share his
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Conor assembled the rest of the security team in a small, secret office to begin the search for the young master Franklin.The room was lined with computers, maps, and surveillance equipment. The team of security agents, all male, stood around the table, dressed in black tactical gear and armed with guns and radios.Conor, stood at the head of the table. "Okay, guys, we need to find the young master fast before things get worse. We will ask around, show pictures, videos, and posters. But be very discreet. No one has to know he's the new CEO."The team all agreed because they understood the importance of secrecy. They knew that if the news of Franklin's disappearance got out, it could spark a panic and put the entire company at risk.Conor handed out assignments. "John, you check with informants in the business district. Addison, you ask around in the academic centers. I check with sources in the entertainment sector.""Copy that!" John, one of the security men with a thick beard, repl
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When Casey Ford learnt that Franklin had escaped, she had no word to express her shock. Her security rushed into the small room where they had kept him."How did he escape?!" Casey shouted.A grizzled man with a birthmark below his eye, shook his head. "Ma'am, we don't know, but it seems that he somehow figured out the code and managed to run away."Casey was seething with rage. "How is this even possible?! You're supposed to guard this place and yet, one man has managed to outsmart you all!"Another guard man spoke up. "We underestimated him. But he is way smarter than we gave him credit for.""Smarter than you gave him credit for?! That's an understatement! He's been one step ahead of you this entire time! And now, he's gone and none of you could notice it or even stop him!" Casey's anger boiled over."We don't know how he did it.”Casey's face turned red with anger. "And you call yourselves guards." She paced around the room, her heels clicking on the floor.The security guards tri
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"Where are you?" the manager asked."Hello? Hello? I can't hear you." Ahmet responded."Ahmet, where are you? You need to return to the house immediately.”“The signal is breaking up.""Ahmet, can you hear me now? You need to turn around and come back."Ahmet replied, "No, no, I can't... static ...losing signal..."Silence. No response.Ahmet handed the phone to Hasan to call back and understand why the manager was calling."This is the garage manager. You need to… and …. to the garage.""What? What did you say? I can't hear you.""Hasan, can you hear me now? You need to return to the house. It's an emergency.""Emergency? What... static ...can't understand...""Ahmet, Hasan. Do you copy?""Copy... But ...can't hear you... signal is too weak..."And then again, the line went dead.The security frowned at the poor network signal. "You better find another way to get in touch with them," one of them told the manager.While the truck kept moving to an undisclosed location, Franklin became
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Prof. Arjun seemed to suspect that someone was lurking around the corner. He scanned the area, but he didn't seem to notice Franklin hiding behind the crate."What do you mean, Prof?" Ahmet asked, looking around nervously."I think someone might have followed you two here," Prof. Arjun replied seriously. "We need to be extremely careful. These devices are sensitive, and we can't let anyone see them."Franklin listened to Prof. Arjun's words. What did he mean by "sensitive devices"? And what did Bill Ford have to do with all of this?Franklin carefully peeked around the crate, trying to get a better look at what was going on only to notice that Prof. Arjun, Ahmet, and Hasan were searching around and looking suspicious. That alone was enough to tell him that they knew he was here."Check over there!" Prof. Arjun pointed to a stack of crates. "Maybe he's hiding behind those."Ahmet and Hasan rushed over to the crates where Franklin was hiding. Franklin knew he had to act fast. He spotted
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Daisy and Richmond were lounging on their plush couch, surrounded by the cozy comforts of their living room. They were watching TV.Daisy snuggled deeper into the couch and tucked her feet under her. "Baby, have you thought about any plans for the future?" she asked.Richmond, who was sitting beside her, stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Well, I've been thinking about us, baby."Daisy was smiling as she said. "I've been considering a new career. Maybe something in modeling?"Richmond's eyes widened in surprise. "That's a big change! What inspired you to consider that?" he asked.Daisy's hands gestured animatedly as she spoke. "I've always loved fashion, and I think it would be amazing to be a part of bringing beauty and style to life," she explained.Richmond nodded and was impressed. "You'd be great at it. You have a stunning look and a confident presence," he said, encouragingly.As they chatted, Daisy's mind wandered to her family. She had been wanting to introduce Richmond to them f
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After they failed to find Franklin Miles, Casey's security guards, returned to her apartment, to report back to her. "Miss Ford, we are back from the search," one of them said, his head hung low.Casey looked up from her computer and blinked her eyes multiple times. "What happened? Did you find Franklin?"They shook their heads. "No, Miss Ford. We searched everywhere, but he was gone.""Gone? What do you mean gone? You mean to tell me that none of you could give an account on how one man had managed to escape from all of you in this house without being captured.""We tried, Miss Ford, but he disappeared. We think he might have had help."Casey's eyes flashed with fury. "Help? Who would help him? Do we have a traitor in this house?!"The security guards exchanged nervous glances. They knew better than to mention the delivery truck incident. They feared that if they mentioned it to Casey, they might end up losing their jobs. "We'll keep searching, Miss Ford," they said, trying to placa
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As Franklin and his rescue team drove into Miles castle, his father, Mr. Miles rushed to his side with relief written all over his face. "Franklin, my son, thank goodness you're safe! We were worried sick about you."Franklin smiled weakly. "I'm fine, Dad.""Franklin, we need to get you to the hospital," Mr. Stephen, his uncle, said. "You could have been ill."Franklin shook his head. "No, Uncle, I'm fine. Really. Just a bit tired."Addison added, "But young master, we don't know what happened to you. It's better to see a doctor."Franklin insisted, "I'm telling you, I'm okay. Just get me some food and water, and I'll be fine."Mr. Miles placed a hand on Franklin's shoulder. "Okay, son, but if you start feeling worse, we're taking you to the hospital."Franklin was grateful for their concern but eager to rest and process his thoughts. "There will be no need for that." He said.Mr. Miles nodded and led him to the dining room, where a warm meal was already prepared. "Sit down, son, and
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Sophia opened the door and Daisy and her new boyfriend, Richmond walked in, and immediately everyone was excited.Sophia and Jake looked at them, their eyes wide with anticipation."Hey, guys!" Daisy smiled and greeted her siblings. "This is... um... my new friend.""Hi, everyone!" Richmond said, waving at them.Mr. Bernard stood up from his armchair with a warm smile on his face. "Ah, hello there! Welcome to our home.”"Thanks, sir," Richmond said, shaking Mr. Bernard's hand.Mrs. Amber hurried over to where they were. "Welcome, welcome!" she said, beaming at Richmond. "Nice to meet you.""Nice to meet you too, ma'am," Richmond said, bowing his head slightly, before hugging her.Daisy's family surrounded Richmond, who smiled at them, as he shook hands and hugged her siblings.Sophia and Jake couldn't stop staring at Richmond. Mrs. Amber and Mr. Bernard exchanged happy glances. They were thrilled to see their daughter with someone new and wealthy looking.Richmond was wearing an expen
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Vera Martyn stood in front of her closet, trying to decide what to wear on her first day as the secretary to the CEO of Miles Empire.Her sister, Ms. Deborah Martyn, who was the general manager, had gotten her the job and was now helping her get ready."Vera, you should wear something professional but also stylish," Deborah said, scanning her sister's wardrobe. "You want to make a good impression on your first day."Vera blushed and took out a white blouse and a black skirt. "How about this?"Deborah smiled. "Perfect. And don't forget to wear your hair in a neat bun and minimal jewelry."Their mother, Mrs. Anthonia walked into the room with a warm smile plastered on her face. "My daughters, my beautiful daughters. I'm so proud of you both."Vera smiled, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. "Thanks, Mom. I'm a bit nervous about my first day."Mrs. Anthonia came over and gave her a hug. "You'll be fine, dear. You're smart and capable. Just be yourself and you'll do great."Deborah ad
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