All Chapters of The Return Of Franklin Miles: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
125 chapters
Bill Ford invited Professor Arjun to discuss their ongoing plans in a quiet café located within Bill Enterprise. The café was small and elegantly decorated, with soft lighting and plush seating.They sat down at a special table near the back, two hefty bodyguards positioned themselves discreetly nearby.A server approached their table, wearing a white and black uniform and a friendly smile. "Good day, Sir. What can I get for you today?"Bill Ford looked up and ordered. "We'll have two coffees. Black, no sugar."The server jotted down the order. "Certainly, sir. I'll bring those right out." She replied and walked away."So, Prof. Arjun, have you finished working on the device?" Bill Ford asked. Prof. Arjun nodded his head and his glasses slipped down his nose. "Yes, I have, Sir. It's a masterpiece. With this device, we can have full access into any company systems including Miles Empire.""That's amazing!” Bill Ford said. “Now, let's talk about how to get into Miles Empire."Prof. Arj
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Meanwhile, Franklin was still surprised at the beautiful woman who was sitting at the assistant's desk, typing away on the computer. Who was she? And what was she doing here? He thought to himself.Vera looked up, startled, as she noticed his presence. She couldn't believe her eyes. It was him, the delivery guy from the mall! The one who had given her and her ex-colleagues money. What was he doing here? And how did he get into the CEO’s office?Franklin's mind began to race with a lot of questions. Was she a spy? Working for Bill Ford or Casey Ford? How did she get past security? He felt a surge of anger. "What are you doing here?" he demanded.Vera was taken aback by Franklin's tone. "I...I can explain," she stuttered.Franklin's eyes narrowed. "Try," he said curtly.“I'm an employee here.” Vear explained.Franklin crossed his arms in his chest. "I don't believe you," he said bluntly. "What are you really doing here?"Vera felt accused, but continued to speak gently. "I'm telling the
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Franklin hadn't realized he didn't have a secretary, and he was relieved that there was someone new who could help him with some office tasks.Franklin's face relaxed, and he smiled. “I didn't know you are related to Deborah, or that you'd be working for me." He said.Vera laughed awkwardly. "It's a small world, isn't it, Sir?"Franklin waved his hand. "Please, just call me Franklin. No need for 'Sir'."Vera shook her head quickly. "No, Sir. It's not respectful. You're the CEO."Franklin sighed. "Really, I insist. Franklin is fine."Vera stared at Franklin with respect and nervousness. "Sir, I can't call you by your first name. It wouldn't be right. It's inappropriate to the position you hold."Franklin sighed softly. "Vera, I insist you call me Franklin. Titles create distance, and I want us to work closely together without formalities.""I understand, but I was taught to show respect to people," Vera replied earnestly. "And besides, it's not right for me to address you informally."F
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Professor Arjun quickly gathered his team in a small conference room so they could finalize their preparations for their upcoming operation in Miles Empire.These people were not ordinary employees; they were trained foreign scammers, experts in faking identities and claiming to be someone else."Alright, listen up," Professor Arjun began, with a steady voice. "Today is the day we discuss the partnership with the Miles Empire.”One of the scammers, a tall man named Viktor, asked. "What’s the plan, boss?”"We have our man inside who will arrange everything for us. Our goal is to hand over the briefcase containing the device and sign the legal documents." Professor Arjun laid out the briefcase on the table. "This device here," he said, tapping the case, "will give us full access to Miles Empire’s systems. Once inside, our man will know exactly what to do."A woman named Svetlana, who has been involved with several operations like this asked, "What about the partnership terms? How do we
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Twenty minutes had passed, and Viktor, Igor, and Svetlana were parked outside the headquarters of Miles Empire.The sleek black Mercedes they arrived in gleamed under the morning sun. They were dressed like the most prestigious business personnel in the state.Viktor was wearing an expensive navy suit, Igor too was in a suit, but not navy in color but a gray suit with a red tie, and Svetlana on the other hand wore a black office dress and matching high heels.Inside the car, Viktor glanced at his watch and muttered to his partner, "We need to get inside. Time's running out."As they drove near the entrance, a security personnel stopped them. "Hold on. Who are you, and what's your business here today?"Viktor tried to remain calm. "We are from Green Tech Inc. and we have a business appointment scheduled today."The security guard frowned. "I haven't been informed about any business deal. You seem strange. I need some evidence."Igor snapped, "What do you mean you weren't informed? Do y
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Bill Ford was a very clever man and has always wanted to be the best and at the top in the business world which is why he had several big plans in motion to make sure he got what he wanted and stayed at the top.Bill Ford had a special device called "Necrosync" made by Professor Arjun. This device was like a magic key. It could bypass any company's computer system and look at all their secret information.Necrosync could also be used to change things to make Bill rich. For example, it could make the stock market, where people buy and sell pieces of companies, go up or down just like Bill wanted. This device was super important to Bill because it helped him control everything.Bill's second plan was about making special deals with other big companies like his own. He wanted to make sure that Bill Enterprise, his company, could take over these other companies. To do this, he created another company, Green Tech Inc and with the help of Prof. Arjun, they had some tricky helpers called "sp
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Franklin Miles has a brilliant idea. "If we can make a public announcement to put all our partnership deals on hold, we can prevent Green Tech Inc. from finalizing the deal at the last minute." He said.Vera looked intrigued. It was a brilliant idea but time was running out. "How do we do that in such a short time?" She asked."We'll use the company's internal media communication channels to make the public announcement. We'll say we're doing a comprehensive review of all partnerships due to new company policies. This way, we can sabotage the partnership between Green Tech Inc. without raising any suspicion," Franklin explained.Vera nodded. "That could work."Franklin sat back down and began to quickly draft a memo on his computer. He outlined the new policy for reviewing and putting an end to all ongoing and future partnership deals to ensure the company's best interests.He made it sound like a routine check.Franklin's fingers flew over the keyboard, drafting the memo with precisi
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Professor Arjun was in his office, busy with some work, when suddenly he heard the news of the public announcement from Miles Empire. He quickly focused on his TV to see for himself.Other news outlets and presenters were now speaking. "Miles Empire has issued an immediate halt to all ongoing and future partnership deals till further notice. This decision comes directly from the new CEO."Professor Arjun's eyeballs widened in shock. "What? How did this happen?" he muttered to himself.He grabbed his phone and quickly dialed Igor's number. "Igor, what's going on? I just saw the news!"Igor answered, sounding tired. "Yes, Professor Arjun, it's true. They made the announcement just as we were about to finalize the deal."Arjun frowned. "Where are you now? What's happening?"Igor replied, "We are driving back to our apartments. The meeting was called off."Arjun took a deep breath. "Did you manage to deliver Necrosync to our insider in Miles Empire?""Yes, Professor. We handed it over aft
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In Franklin’s office, he was standing near his desk with his secretary, Vera, and the general manager of the company, Ms. Deborah.They had just managed to stop Green Tech Inc.'s plan and save the company.Vera, even though it was her first day at work, was smart enough to help Franklin save the company.She didn't know everything that was really going on and Franklin didn't want to tell her to keep her safe."We did it," Franklin said, a small smile forming on his face. He glanced at Vera. "You were amazing today. Without you, we couldn't have figured this whole thing out."Vera blushed deeply, looking down at the floor. "Thank you, sir. I was just doing my job as your secretary."Franklin pulled her into a hug. He could feel her body against his chest and he smelled her light, floral perfume. For a moment, he felt a sense of peace.Ms. Deborah, who was standing by the window the whole time watching them crossed her arms and smiled. "You two make a great team."Vera pulled back from
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The person that just entered the elevator was called the "Insider." This insider was the one that has been sending all secret information to Bill Ford through Professor Arjun and Ivan. He was also the one that would receive those letters from Green Tech Inc. and sign them on behalf of the other executives in the Miles Empire.He was always very careful. When he received the letters from Green Tech Inc., he would sign them with the names of real executives at Miles Empire. No one suspected anything because he made sure everything looked normal and real.The insider did not actually work at Miles Empire or anywhere else. But he was very good at pretending to be other people. He could fake the identity of prominent people in the company to get what he wanted.This is how he was able to send important information and top secret to Bill Ford all while pretending to be a high executive at the Miles Empire headquarters.He is an expert in identity theft and is really good at impersonating an
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