All Chapters of The Return Of Franklin Miles: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
125 chapters
After they had finished working for the day, It was already getting late, but Franklin didn't mind staying at the office. He wanted to make sure everything was in order and working well.He turned to Vera and spoke to her, "You did a great job today, Vera. You should go home and get some rest."Vera smiled, "Alright, sir!"Franklin watched Vera leave, then he got to work.From what they had discovered today, it was clear that an imposter was working against the Miles Empire, someone who had forged and signed those letters and pretended to be the top executives of the company. Even though Franklin didn’t know who this person was, he knew they might try to come up with another plan.A dangerous plan that has to do with the strange device he saw at Bill Enterprise's factory. This made him worry that the person working against the Miles Empire might try to use something like that to get access into the company.He knew he had to check everything in the executive department which is the mo
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It was a typical Saturday morning and Casey Ford was in her big, luxurious mansion, getting ready for her regular weekend shopping trip.She was very excited because she was shopping for her upcoming graduation. As she was choosing her clothes, her maid, Maria, came into the room.“Miss Casey, your friend is here to see you,” Maria announced.Casey looked up from her clothes and smiled. “Thank you, Maria. Please send her in.”Her friend, Lily, walked in. Lily was the same girl Casey was with when she saw Franklin at the mall. Casey couldn’t help but think about Franklin again. She had planned to use him as her husband to get her father's wealth before her younger brother came back and ruined her plan.“Hey, Casey!” Lily said, giving her a big hug. “Are you ready for our shopping trip?”“Yes, I am! I’ve been looking forward to this all week,” Casey replied, hugging her back.The two friends sat down on Casey’s bed, talking and laughing. Casey's mind kept thinking about Franklin, wonder
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Casey Ford glared at Big Joe and his boys before pulling herself free from their grip. She took a deep breath and said in a loud, clear voice, "My father is Bill Ford, the CEO of Bill Enterprise."Big Joe and his boys froze. They hadn't realized they were bullying the daughter of one of the richest men in the state. Bill Ford had a reputation for being unforgiving and not tolerating people hurting his close acquaintances, let alone his precious daughter.Big Joe's face went pale. He knew they were in big trouble. They had been playing with their lives. He quickly bowed graciously to Casey. "I... I am so sorry, Miss Ford. We didn't know who you were."Casey crossed her arms and looked at him with a stern expression. "You should have thought twice before messing with me."The other shoppers in the mall were shocked by the sudden change in Big Joe's behavior. They whispered to each other, surprised that a tough gang leader like Joe was bowing to a young woman.Big Joe turned to his boys
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It was Saturday, and Franklin was in his living room at Miles Castle, enjoying himself. He had worked very hard the previous and needed to rest so he could be ready to fully resume work on Monday.All the executives, who were off for a one day rest, would be back at work then.Franklin was excited because he would see Mr. Russell, who had always given him great advice. He was also excited to see Vera, his new secretary. Franklin had been thinking about her all day and night.He seemed to be developing romantic feelings for her, but he didn't know if she felt the same about him.As he thought about Vera, he realized he had almost forgotten about Daisy his ex-girlfriend. This shocked him a little, but he didn't regret it one bit.Daisy had treated him badly and broken his heart without knowing he came from a rich family. Franklin believed that someday, Daisy would understand how unfortunate she was for dumping him.Just then, John, one of Franklin's security guys, walked into the livin
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Mr. Miles was sitting in his living room, comfortably reading the daily newspaper magazine.He flipped through the pages, he suddenly froze and his eyes widened in shock. There, on the page in front of him, was a story about the Miles Empire.He read the headline again, hardly believing it: "Miles Empire's New CEO Cancels All Partnership Deals."His heart pounded as he read the article, which detailed how Franklin, his own son, had decided to cancel all ongoing and future partnership deals for the company.Mr. Miles felt anger and confusion. He hadn't been keeping up with the company's day-to-day operations ever since Franklin took over as CEO.He trusted his son but this seemed like a drastic move. He needed to understand why Franklin had done this.Mr. Miles called for Franklin. He waited impatiently, his mind racing with questions.A few minutes later, Franklin entered the room, looking calm and collected."Dad, good day," Franklin greeted him with a warm smile.Mr. Miles didn't re
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Daisy Bernard was relaxing in her stylish bedroom, scrolling through her phone.Her phone pinged with a new notification. She opened the email and saw an invitation to her graduation party at Blue Hill Academy.She felt a thrill of excitement.Daisy had been waiting for this moment. It was the perfect chance to reconnect with old friends and show off her new, rich boyfriend, Richmond. She smiled as she thought about how impressed everyone would be when they saw them together.She looked forward to the party, knowing it would be a chance to flaunt her new life and show everyone that she had moved on to bigger and better things.Daisy picked up her phone and dialed Richmond's number. He had left her family house earlier this morning to take care of business.He answered almost immediately."Hey, babe," Richmond's deep voice came through the phone."Sweetheart, guess what?" Daisy said, barely able to contain her excitement."What is it, baby?""I just got the invite for my graduation par
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Vera and Deborah Martyn had decided it was finally time to tackle the clutter that had accumulated in their home overtime.They took cleaning materials and supplies to begin their work.They started in the kitchen, where dishes were stacked in the sink and countertops were covered with crumbs and spilled ingredients."Looks like we had a cooking spree here," Deborah commented, reaching for a sponge to scrub the countertops clean.Vera laughed, rinsing off plates and placing them in the dishwasher. "I can't believe it got this messy," she remarked, surveying the piles of plates and spoons on the kitchen sink.Deborah chuckled, dusting off the counter top. "Well, working keeps us both pretty busy. But I'm glad we're doing this today."As they worked, Vera couldn't help but bring up the recent events at the company. "You never mentioned that the new CEO of Miles Empire was going to be so young and, well, handsome," she teased, raising an eyebrow at her sister.Deborah smirked knowingly.
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Bill Ford was in his luxurious villa, today, his mind was preoccupied with a sinister plan to deal with his ex-wife, Catherine.Bill knew very well that Catherine was going to expose his secret if he refused to sign the divorce papers and give her half of the company.But Bill wasn’t about to let that happen. He decided he needed to create a plan to implicate Catherine and make her threats irrelevant.Bill called Ivan into his house to help him take care of Catherine."Ivan, I need you to do something for me," Bill began, "Catherine is threatening to take half of the company and I don't want that to happen."Ivan raised an eyebrow. "What do you have in mind, sir?""We’re going to set her up. I need you to forge papers that make it look like Catherine has been embezzling money from the company. Make it seem like she’s been siphoning funds for years. If we can present these papers, it will discredit her completely and make her threats meaningless and then we will take her to court.""I’
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Daisy Bernard was almost ready to leave her family house for her graduation week at Blue Hill Academy. She was excited as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her dress was stunning, a beautiful shade of gold that Richmond had bought for her in the mall.Richmond was coming to pick her up soon."Daisy, you look amazing!" her mother, Mrs. Amber Bernard, exclaimed as she entered Daisy's room. She smiled proudly at her daughter."Thanks, Mom," Daisy replied, turning to face her mother. "I'm really excited about my graduation."Just then, her father, Mr. Bernard, walked in, followed by her younger sister, Sophia, and brother, Jake. "Look at our big girl all dressed up," Mr. Bernard said with a smile."You look like a princess, Daisy!" Sophia said with admiration."Yeah, you look nice," Jake added, trying to sound cool and clearly impressed."Thanks, everyone," Daisy said, feeling a bit emotional. "I'm going to miss you guys.""You'll have a great time," Mrs. Amber assured her. "And we'll
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The welcome party for all the graduating students of Blue Hill College was in full swing as Casey Ford and Lily made their grand entrance into the campus main hall.The hall was painted in the finest of colors and the decorations were nothing short of spectacular.Extravagant lights hung from the high ceilings over the room. Tables were arranged in fine linens, covered with beautiful floral cloths.Casey and Lily were dressed in their most expensive clothes, drawing everyone's attention as they walked through the hall.Casey wore a stunning designer dress adorned with diamonds that shimmered under the lights, while Lily was equally dressed in a silver designer gown."Wow, this place looks amazing," Lily remarked, glancing around in awe. “It’s nothing like the last time we were here.”"It really does," Casey agreed, her eyes scanning the room. "Why don't we go say hi to some people."As they walked, familiar faces from their classes and social circles approached them. First was David S
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