All Chapters of The Return Of Franklin Miles: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
125 chapters
The graduation ceremony was underway when Franklin Miles entered the hall, dressed simply as usual, hoping not to draw any attention to himself.He had made sure that everything at the company was secure before leaving, in case Bill Ford and his associates tried to launch another attack.He instructed his security team, led by Conor, to stay within arm's length and keep a close watch on him. Some people had been targeting him, including Casey Ford, and he couldn't afford to be careless. Deep in thought, he didn’t realize he had bumped into someone. It was the school girl he had met on the day he was going to the bank, the one who had knocked him down along with her boyfriend, Maxwell Howard. Known for her reputation, she was often called the high school dog, always moving from one man to another."I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, looking genuinely remorseful as she realized she had spilled her drink on him. She quickly grabbed a serviette and began to dab at his clothes. "I didn't mean
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The applause grew louder as Franklin Miles stood up and walked to the stage, feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride well up within him.As Franklin approached the podium, Mr. Harrison extended his hand. "Congratulations, Franklin. Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off."Franklin shook Mr. Harrison's hand and accepted his award. Cameras flashed, capturing the moment. He looked out at the crowd, seeing the astonished faces of his peers and professors.Immediately Casey sat up straight, her eyes wide open with surprise. She had never expected Franklin to win such an important award. She whispered to Lily, "Can you believe it? Franklin is the best graduating student!"Lily nodded, equally shocked. "I didn't see that coming at all. How can this be?""I will make sure to ruin this day for him and expose him in front of everyone as a thief, a scammer and a cheat.” Casey swore.Daisy, on the other hand, was not happy. She frowned and whispered to Richmond, "How did he win? He
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Franklin had expected some backlash, but he didn't expect it to come from someone he used to know: Daisy.Daisy stood up and pointed at Franklin. "Franklin doesn't deserve this award," she said loudly, her voice shaking with anger. "He has a history of cheating and scamming people."The crowd gasped, and all eyes turned to Daisy. She continued, "He ditched me and ran away with the money we both saved together. He's a thief and a scammer!"Tears began to well up in Daisy's eyes. "I trusted him, and he betrayed me," she said, her voice breaking. Richmond put his arm around her to comfort her. "Franklin doesn't deserve this award. He has lied and cheated to get here."Franklin stood there, stunned. He remembered the joint account he had with Daisy. He had blocked it to cut all ties with her after they broke up.Mr. Harrison looked at Franklin, his face serious. "Franklin, is this true?" he asked. "Did you really do what Daisy is saying?"Franklin took a deep breath, trying to stay calm.
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Daisy was happy that she wasn't the only one with bad things to say about Franklin. She and her friends went around the hall, telling everyone that Franklin was a thief and a cheat."I can't believe he got that award," Daisy said, sounding upset. "Franklin is such a liar. He cheated on me and stole money from me!"Emily winked and said. "It's so unfair. He can't be trusted.""He tricked everyone. I don't know how he fooled the teachers." Sarah added.Tom shook his head. "It's unbelievable. Franklin doesn't deserve any praise."Jessica sighed, "And to think he cheated on his exams too. How could he do that?"As Daisy and her friends shared their stories, people started to gather around them, listening with sympathy."I'm so sorry you went through that, Daisy," one girl said, patting her on the back."I had no idea Franklin was like that," a guy added, looking shocked."He's such a fake and a loser," another student said, shaking his head."Thank you for telling us," a girl said. "We ne
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After that incident, Franklin was called into an office by a few of the school directors and administrators while his friends, Caleb and Sasha waited outside.One of the administrators, Ms. Arabella Thornfield, began. "Franklin, we need to talk about what just happened. Can you tell us your side of the story?"Franklin nodded. "Yes, ma'am. For the record, I did not cheat or engage in any examination malpractice as Casey Ford has alleged. And Daisy Bernard is lying. She cheated on me first, and I only locked our joint account to cut ties with her. I didn't even know there was any money in it."Mr. Percival, another administrator, leaned forward. "But why would Casey Ford say these things about you? Do you have any idea?"Franklin sighed. "Casey is upset because I refuse an agreement with her. She wants to get back at me. I know it sounds crazy, but that's the truth."Ms. Lydia crossed her arms and scoffed. "Franklin, your background is not wealthy. It’s hard for some to believe you man
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Mr. Gerald was in his office, he had less than twelve hours to manipulate Franklin’s results. There were piles of papers in front of him, along with Franklin's exam results and some blank sheets.First, Mr. Gerald carefully reviewed Franklin's original exam papers. He saw that Franklin's answers were correct and well-written. "He's too smart for his own good," Mr. Gerald muttered to himself.He then picked up a stamp and started marking ‘canceled’ on Franklin's answers wrong. He crossed out the correct answers.Next, Mr. Gerald printed out a fake answer sheet. He copied Franklin's handwriting as best as he could, making sure the fake answers looked convincing. He filled in wrong answers and left some questions blank.Once he was done with the fake answer sheet, Mr. Gerald placed it in Franklin's exam folder. He made sure everything looked neat and organized so that no one would suspect a thing. He then took the original answer sheet and put it in a drawer, locking it securely.Mr. Ger
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After finishing the phone call with Conor, Franklin went to meet with his friends. He had promised to take them to the most expensive restaurant on campus.He remembered when he used to date Daisy and didn't have money to take her out. Franklin loved Daisy a lot back then, and that’s why he always treated her with respect even though they never did anything inappropriate.Thinking about Daisy made Franklin feel sad. He wondered if Daisy would want to be with him again now that he was rich. He remembered all the times they held hands while walking in the library, and other places they went together.Just then, Franklin heard a familiar voice call out his name. “Franklin!” He turned around and saw Daisy, Emily and Jessica standing near the entrance of the big restaurant. Tom, and others were also there but not Richmond.Before he could say anything, Emily stepped forward. “Well, well, if it isn’t the thief and cheater. What are you doing here, Franklin?”Franklin opened his mouth to res
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Back to Casey Ford and Richmond in a corner of the school campus.Richmond took a step closer, lowering his voice as he spoke. “You know, I can see you’re so upset with Franklin. But you should know that I'm angry with him too. The money he took from Daisy wasn’t his to take. It was mine,” he explained, trying to gauge her reaction.Casey raised an eyebrow. “And why should I care about your money, Richmond?”Richmond chuckled softly. “Maybe you shouldn’t. But I’m just trying to understand why someone like you would go to such lengths to get back at him. What did that bastard do to you?”Casey’s expression hardened again. “Like I said, I don’t have to explain myself to you. My reasons are my own.”Richmond took a deep breath, deciding to change his approach. “Alright, Casey. I won’t press you on that. But let’s talk about something else. I’ve been watching you for a while, and I must say, you’re quite impressive and gorgeous.”Casey looked at him skeptically. “Is that so?”“Yes,” Richm
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Franklin has had enough of Daisy and her friends' negative comments, so he decided to take his friends into the Bellagio restaurant. Afterall, that was the main reason they came here in the first place to have a good time and not to exchange words with some minions.As Franklin and his friends approached the grand entrance of the luxurious Bellagio restaurant, Daisy and her friends burst out laughing. "Hey, look at them trying to get into a place like this! Do they think they're rich or something?" one of them jeered."Yeah, I mean, come on, Franklin, you're not exactly swimming in cash," Tom sneered. "What are you doing here, trying to impress us with your fake wealth?"Franklin smiled calmly. "Tom, you'd be surprised what I can afford. And as for impressing you, I don't need to try. My presence here speaks for itself."Daisy and the girls chimed in, giggling and making snide comments. "Yeah, right, Franklin, you're probably going to get kicked out before you even make it past the lo
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Franklin, Caleb, and Sasha were still enjoying their Italian dishes and the bottle of fine wine. Across the room, Daisy, Emily, Jessica, and Tom were having a good time as well, albeit with a bit more worry about Richmond's delay.Just as they finished their meals, the waiter approached Daisy's table with the bill. "Good evening, ladies and gentleman. Here's your check."Daisy glanced at the bill and frowned. "My boyfriend will be here any minute to pay," she said dismissively.Emily, Jessica, and Tom exchanged nervous glances. Emily whispered, "Daisy, are you sure Richmond is coming? It's been a while."Jessica added, "Yeah, what if he got caught up with something and can't make it. Just as you said earlier."Tom, trying to keep his cool, said, "Don't worry, girls. I'm sure he's on his way."The waiter cleared his throat, looking unimpressed. "Ma'am, we do need to settle the bill now. It's our policy."Daisy rolled her eyes. "Do you know who my boyfriend is? He's Richmond Wright, and
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