All Chapters of The Return Of Franklin Miles: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
125 chapters
Richmond Wright left the college party after he had met Casey Ford. She was very pretty, rich and independent, the kind of woman he wanted. Richmond already likes her a lot because he thought she was an amazing person and he intends to be around her all the time.But then he remembered that he was in a relationship with Daisy Bernard. He didn't really like Daisy, but she was pretty too. He was only with her because of her looks. He didn't care about her feelings. He only cared about how she looked.But now, he doesn't need Daisy anymore. He had already gotten what he wanted from her over and over again. He wanted to be with Casey now. She was more important to him. Her family was very rich and powerful.Richmond's family is now having some business problems. They needed help. Casey's family could help him. So Richmond is planning to be in a lovely relationship with Casey. He wanted to use her to help his family.Richmond didn't care if Daisy would be sad. He didn't care if she would b
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Franklin, Caleb, and Sasha watched as Casey Ford and her rich friends walked confidently towards their table. The atmosphere seemed to shift as the group made their way through the restaurant, drawing the attention of other diners.Franklin straightened up. "Well, here we go."Casey arrived at their table with her friends. "Franklin," she said smoothly. "Mind if we join you?"Caleb raised an eyebrow but stayed silent. Sasha, always the sociable one, smiled tightly. "Sure, have a seat."Casey and her friends settled in, the table suddenly feeling much more crowded."So, how have you been?" Casey asked, directing her question to Franklin but glancing at Caleb and Sasha as well.Franklin shrugged. "Can't complain. Just enjoying a good meal with friends. What brings you here?"Casey laughed lightly, a hint of condescension in her voice. "Oh, you know how it is. Just out with friends, enjoying the party. We thought we'd stop by and see how the other half lives."Sasha leaned in and asked.
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Daisy and her friends were escorted by the manager to the back room of the high-end restaurant, away from the main dining area. This is done to handle the situation discreetly and avoid causing further disruption or embarrassment to other patrons.The room was small and plain, with a few chairs and a table. The walls were painted a dull gray, and there was a faint smell of cleaning supplies.The manager closed the door behind them, locking it. "Alright, here's the deal," he began, looking at each of them sternly. "You have ten minutes to come up with the money to pay your bill. If you can't do that, you have to pick three of the following punishments."Daisy and her friends listened as their faces were pale with worry."First," the manager continued, "we can call the police to get you arrested. You'll have to explain to them why you can't pay your bill."Emily gasped. "The police? No way!""Second," the manager went on, "you can work off your debt by doing tasks in the restaurant, lik
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The next morning, Mr. Stephen woke up earlier than usual. His new role as acting CEO of Miles Empire is demanding. He got dressed in a black suit and tie.He remembered the brief conversation he had with Franklin the night before, where his nephew handed him the reins of the company and told him to be security conscious.Mr. Stephen arrived at the company's headquarters just before 8 AM. The building was bustling with a lot of activity as employees hurried to their works, greeting each other with smiles and nods.Mr. Stephen walked through the lobby, acknowledging the friendly greetings from the staff."Good morning, Mr. Stephen!" one of the employees called out with a bright smile."Good morning," Mr. Stephen replied warmly. "How's everyone doing today?""Great, sir! It's nice to see you here."The elevator doors opened, and he stepped out onto the executive floor. As he walked down the hallway, he noticed the few changes Franklin had implemented.He reached the CEO's office and paus
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The presentation began with Julia, the head of the marketing team stepping up to the front of the room and her team gathered around her. She started with a brief introduction, greeting Mr. Stephen and the rest of the attendees. "We're excited to share our new marketing campaign with you all today," she began, her voice clear and confident. "This campaign is designed to highlight the unique features of our new product line and set us apart from the competition."Julia then clicked a button on her laptop, and the first slide appeared on the screen. It showcased the target audience for their campaign: young professionals aged 25-35, tech-savvy, and environmentally conscious."These are the people we're aiming to reach," Julia explained. "They value innovation and sustainability, which aligns perfectly with our new products."Next, Julia's colleague, Mark, took over to discuss market trends. He highlighted how the demand for eco-friendly products was growing and how their new product lin
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Mr. Stephen left the meeting room, his mind already shifting to the next task at hand. Ms. Deborah followed closely behind as they headed to address complaints and prepare for a conference call with their previous investor.As they made their way through the office, Mr. Stephen spotted Mr. Russell, who had just arrived at the company. The two men greeted each other warmly."Good morning, Russell," Mr. Stephen said with a smile. "How are you today?""Morning, Stephen. I'm doing well, thank you. How about you?" Mr. Russell replied, shaking his hand."Busy as always," Mr. Stephen chuckled. "There's a lot to handle with young Franklin away."Mr. Russell nodded. "I can imagine. How's everything going so far?""Well, it's a bit of a mixed bag," Mr. Stephen admitted. "Franklin made some nasty decisions before he left. One of them was halting partnerships with other companies, which has caused quite a stir."Mr. Russell raised an eyebrow. "Halting partnerships? That seems risky. Why did he do
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Avalon Tech is one of the most prominent companies in the state. They've never lost a legal case before."100 billion dollars!" Mr. Stephen exclaimed.Mr. Russell shook his head in disbelief. "This is serious."Ms. Deborah's hands trembled as she held the email.Mr. Stephen frowned. "This has to be addressed quickly."Mr. Russell said. "We can't afford to lose to them. Let's make sure we have a plan to mitigate their losses and reason with them."Ms. Deborah continued, "Next, from Stellar Innovations: 'The suspension of our agreement has caused a major disruption in our supply chain. We expect Miles Empire to cover the additional costs incurred. Failure to do so will result in legal proceedings.'""Stellar Innovations is one of our main supply chain," Mr. Russell said. "We can't ignore their demands too.""Then we have to negotiate with them," Mr. Stephen replied. "Find a way to cover those costs or at least share the burden."Ms. Deborah read the next complaint, "This one is from Hor
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The next day at Blue Hill College the students and faculty gathered in the auditorium. Whispers and murmurs were heard through the room as everyone awaited the start of the hearing.The administrators sat at the front, their expressions serious as they prepared to address the accusations against Franklin Miles.The dean of students, Dr. Robertson, stood and called the meeting to order. "Thank you all for coming. Today, we are here to address the serious accusations made against Franklin Miles. This is an important matter, and we intend to handle it with the utmost fairness and integrity."Franklin was called out first. As he walked to the front of the auditorium, the students erupted into a mix of boos and whispers."Cheater!" one student yelled."How could you, Franklin?" another shouted."He's just another poor kid who thinks he can get away with anything," a girl in the back muttered to her friend.Franklin was confident as always, trying to maintain his composure despite the hosti
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Franklin was calm but resolute.The auditorium fell into a stunned silence as the bank representative's voice confirmed that Franklin is innocent. "The account was temporarily deactivated by Mr. Franklin, but the money is still there. The account is now reactivated, and the balance remains intact."The administrators exchanged glances, their expressions shifting from suspicion to contemplation. The head administrator, Dr. Robertson, cleared his throat and addressed the crowd. "It seems we have received clear evidence regarding the joint account issue. Franklin did not steal any money."The students began to murmur among themselves. Some looked shocked, while others seemed relieved. A few still wore skeptical expressions. One student whispered to her friend, "I can't believe it. Daisy's been lying this whole time?"Daisy's face turned red as she stammered, "But... but he still deactivated the account without telling me!"Dr. Robertson raised his hand to quiet the room. "Miss Daisy, Mr.
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After Casey Ford and Mr. Gerald made their accusations against Franklin.The students, administrators, and Daisy watched with bated breath, waiting to see how Franklin would respond.Dr. Robertson, the head administrator, cleared his throat and addressed Casey and Mr. Gerald. "This is a serious accusation. We need to handle this matter with the utmost care. Ms. Ford, Mr. Gerald, please present your evidence."Mr. Gerald stepped forward, holding up the thick folder. "We have documents here that suggest that Franklin used unauthorized means to pass his examination, including the original exam results of Franklin, as well as the fake ones.”The students began murmuring among themselves, their whispers growing louder. Some were shocked, others skeptical.One student leaned over to her friend and whispered, "Do you think it's true? Franklin doesn't seem like the type to cheat."Another student shook his head, "I don't know. This is getting out of hand. First, the thing with Daisy, and now
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