All Chapters of The contracted son in-law : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
83 chapters
"This is not a reunion Dad, just cut to the chase".
After Alexander finished her bath, she found herself unable to return to the room, because Ryan was still there, cleaning. Frustrated, she settled in the living room to watch TV, knowing Ryan was intentionally lingering to keep her out of her room. He sure knows what he is doing, because of she is given the chance to be alone, she would shut the door, and would not let anyone in, neither will she open the door to anyone.He wanted her to start getting out more and visiting the company was part of his plan.He stared long at her, before deciding to engage her in a discussion, even though he is sure, it will always end up with her, calling him names and shading him."Are you going to your father's company in your nightgown? He asked, descending the stairs to join her in the living room, while expecting lashes from her.She looked disgustedly at him. "I never said I was going with you, so why call me? She raised a brow, before adding. You are the one looking for a job, not me". She retor
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"Don't threaten me. I don't like it!
Lindsay continued walking along side Ryan, pretending not to notice him, and she remained silent until she was sure, they were far away from everyone else."I thought I told you to leave that girl alone. I don't know how hard it is to get it, I want the company and it's position for my son", she snapped, turning to face him. He winced, trying to remember having any such conversation. As far as he could recall, she had never mentioned anything."Okay, maybe I wasn't clear enough before. I remember telling you that you would work for me from now on. Now that you are here, you have to do exactly as I say". She smiles, moving closer to Ryan and backing the entrance, which will make her not know if anyone was coming from that side. "She is a woman with low self esteem, and now that she is married, she should be with her husband, trying to make babies and all that, but no, my husband thinks she should run the company instead of my son, can you just imagine that. But even you have seen her,
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Locked out of his own house
Ryan got home and noticed the door was locked from the inside. At first, he was worried, that she was probably not home yet, but then, if she wasn't home, he should be able to get in, but the door was locked from the inside, indicating that someone was inside. He had to stand outside for a while, trying to figure out what was wrong, and if Alexander had purposely just shut him out. He looked around the area, realizing that he hadn't spent enough time in the house to know if there was a back door. He soon hissed, getting angry that he was being treated like a common criminal, when the person the family should be worried about, Is actually roaming the house freely, all in the name of wife of the house. If not for his determination to help the family and his suspicion that Lindsay is up to something mischievous, and it has been confirmed today, he would have walked out on this union already. They could keep their job and their money for all he cares, at least he would walk away with hi
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discovering the secret passage
Ryan got no response from him, but he was not going to give up trying so he asked again, only that this time, it was with a calmer voice. "Dad, did something happen? " Nothing son, I am just worried". He started."Worried about what? Ryan inquired."That you will never speak to me again and that you will hate me forever for forcing you into the marriage. Please forgive me". Ryan shook his head in amazement as though he could see him act. But he was at least calm, that it isn't something to worry so much about. After hearing him out, he was amused, he couldn't believe his father is sobbing because of that. he hadn't heard him sob since after his mother left, He wish he could be close to him, to tell him it was okay, that he didn't need to worry, and that it was only a matter of time. Ryan had seen his father cry when his walked away, but He doesn't want a repeat of that, which was why, he agreed to the marriage in the first place. But now, he is still Sad, even after Ryan had done
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"The last time i checked, this is my room".
Alexander looked around her to be sure she was well dressed, and her make up still intact, before looking back at Ryan who had a sinister smile on. He winked at her. "Not expecting me in so soon right? You expected me to stay outside much longer, knocking and waiting, right? Ryan asked, with a mischievous smile, before stepping out of the room, but then paused at the door. he is supposed to be angry with her, and if he doesn't show her any sign, she might do it again, but he has no plans of scaring her, so he made his threat mild "Next time you try that, I will come in and kiss all your make up off". Alexander opened her eyes in shock, but when he looked away, she almost laughed. Ryan moved to the room next door, which is actually his room. Alexander, puzzled by his sudden appearance, went downstairs to check if he had broken the door again. To her surprise, the door was still locked. Baffled, she returned to confront him, but by the time she got to his door, she thought of knocking
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We need to get to work now!
The next day dawned with a hint of promise. A bright day, and though Ryan was too tired to get off his bed, he knew he still needs to get off the bed.When he managed to open his eyes, Ryan was pleasantly surprised, when Alexander woke up earlier than usual and prepared breakfast- Though only for herself. While he was mesmerized by the aroma and was hoping that their playful banter the previous day, is already bringing out a better side of her. She ate alone, and as if that was not enough, She was about to leave the house, without calling him, and he quickly intercepted her at the door. racing through the stairs, as though he needed to get something important from her."Are you going to leave for work, without your husband? He asked. Alexander winced, taken aback by his assumption. She glanced down at her finger, and held it up to him, Incase he doesn't get the reason she was looking down at her finger in the first place. "You almost had me there, but I don't recall wearing a ring t
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They both got to work almost at the same time, and though Alexander wanted to rush down, and walk in straight, she didn't want to have to discuss with Ryan about what just happened at the mall, but she couldn't do that because there were camera lights flashes everywhere, and she fidgeted for that little while, sitting in the car, she refused coming down, while Ryan got down, he too would have wanted to work in, but he stopped himself, this is the reason he was contracted, he should be able to show her support, publicly, until she is able to get herself back. Ryan went to the other side of her car, and opened the door for her, and the camera followed him all the way to see Alexander's face.Alexander bent down, acting as though she was working on her shoe, but Ryan knew all that, from the way she was shaking, he could tell she was afraid of the camera, so he also bent down to help her, with the same shoe, while whispering to her."You can do this, you don't have to be scared of takin
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Promise me you will never lock me out like that again!
Through out the day, Alexander was just too quiet, she was too reserved, she wouldn't get angry at anyone, not even at those that she would usually get angry at, especially those that always tries to make her feel flattered, and ready to serve her, she feels, they are only like that, because she is the daughter of the boss. She tries very much to stay calm, not because she wants to, or she doesn't have anything to say, but she was thinking about all that happened earlier that day, and though she had posed to be very blunt and free minded, she couldn't help, but wonder just who sent the paparazzi to the company, when there is no special occasion. She was still lost in thought, when her father showed up behind her. towards closure of work."Are you okay, sweetie? He asked, hoping she would look back at him, but she didn't, and she immediately, snapped out of her thought, acting as though she had been working since. If she is to share her problems with anyone at the moment, her fathe
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Did your ex leave you because of the contract?
Alexander was busy on her phone with her new found friend, they were trying to catch up online, and she had a great laugh. At first it was just chat, before they switched it to a video call, and every now and then, she looks at herself on the screen and conclude that she isn't really that bad looking. If she had washed her face, she wouldn't have agreed to a video call with her friend, though her friend is already in her nighty, and no make up on her face."You are already home, aren't you going to wash off your face, you know make up can spoil your skin, if you sleep with it, or use it for too long". Annie says, but that didn't seem to go well with Alex, because her looks changed and she frowned at her friend, that she have been visiting with about old times for the past hour, before telling her that she needed to go take a shower, and then go to bed, because she had to work the next day. Annie, suspecting that her friend must be angry at her request, "Did I say something wrong? Ann
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Why are you doing this. Ryan?
Alexander watch him clear the table, taking away the dishes to the kitchen to wash them, she wanted to help, but she decided against it, but after sitting for too long doing nothing, she felt she should get up and help him, she isnt a lazy child, her mother didn't train her that way, so she walked slowly to the kitchen, but he was on call, almost dome with the dishes. She wanted to walk in immediately, but she decided to eavesdrop just a little. She could already tell he was speaking with his father."I am trying to cope Dad, but I have no regrets, because I can relate with what she is going through. she doesn't think she is good enough, but I want her to know she is far more beautiful that she really sees herself to be". He says, while facing the window. She knew he was talking to his father about her, and she felt bad, that soon, it is all going to end. He may really have good intentions, but she is scared, she might get too attached to him, and by the time, he would want to leave,
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