All Chapters of The contracted son in-law : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
83 chapters
"Leave me the hell alone!
Ryan hit his foot against the wall, angry with himself. He didn't mean to do that, what was he thinking, kissing her, but she kissed him back, he defends, but he made the move first, he slapped himself again. Why did he do it? He questioned himself, He concluded that he was carried away. He hated seeing tears, and seeing her in tears, made him want to show her that he actually cares about her well being, and not just about the money or the contract. He wanted to go to her room, that same night to apology andake peace with her, but she has managed to use her stool to block the entrance, she doesn't want him to come in, and it would be best, he respects her decision, he went quietly to his room, hoping to wake up early to see her and speak to her, at least a simple apology would help. He lay on his bed, thinking of how he was going to start with the apology the next day, that he didn't know when he slept off, and only woke up the next day, two hours after the time he was supposed to
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I want a divorce
"What are you doing in my room? Alexander asked, as her eye landed on her pictures scattered all over the bed. she gasped, as she remembers that he must have seen that very bad one. The one she keeps away from everyone, the one she knows is too scary, even for a monster. She started panting, getting ready to scream at him, but her father was quick to speak up. "Your husband have been worried sick about you, is that how you show appreciation to him? But Alexander was not listening, she got even more furious as she noticed that the image he was holding behind him was the one she dreaded the most, she screamed. "Get out everyone". Damien and Lindsay left the room, they have seen her that way before, but Ryan stayed back, as he tries to explain. "I was only looking for a clue, a note or something, just anything that would tell me where you are, and that was why I was going through your things. I thought you probably went to see that your new friend, and I was searching to see if I woul
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"I didn't read this part of the contract".
" am sIorry Dad, it didn't work out". He had his head bowed low, as he spoke shamefully. "We were having too many issues, that she wouldn't let sly, and I couldn't stand her, I am sorry". Ryan started, Still looking down, thinking his father would be disappointed in him and maybe flare up, like he had done the first time he rejected the proposal, but to his surprise, he got up from his seat and hugged him. Ryan noticed he looked very weak, and unhappy, but he wouldn't go back on his words, so he pretended not to notice."I have not been myself since you left this house, and though I wished it worked, but I also want your happiness, that is more important to me than any other thing". He stared long at his father and nodded his head. "Thanks for understanding Dad, I was worried about you, and I thought you wouldn't accept, but I am glad you did. But Dad, are you okay? He had to ask, for his father didn't look so well, and he had a cannula in hand. "I am fine, don't worry about me".
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Who is in charge of the international fund, that passes through the account department?
"What is wrong with my dad? Ryan asked, almost in tears, and the nurse who has a killer smile, turned to face him."Oh! You are his son? Don't worry, your father would be fine, he is getting a high class treatment, and all bills are being paid by Damien Brick". Ryan knows all that, Maybe the nurse needed to explain to him, because she thinks he might be worried about the bills, but he wanted to know what sort of ailment his father has. "I said, what is wrong with my father? He raised his voice at her angrily, The nurse raised a brow, before speaking calmly. "Your father has a rare heart disease. From series of test and research, it is believed that it could be a reaction from the number of years he stayed driving, so he isn't supposed to be working now, he is just meant to eat and sleep. and a personal maid has also been assigned to him, someone that would look after him all the time, and that is why I said you shouldn't worry, because with the sort of treatment he is getting, he will
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You are playing with fire!
Looking straight into Lindsay unwavering eyes, Ryan demanded that she sits comfortably, because his questions will be long, and will need her to answer him, so that as a family, they could find out what is really happening. Ryan made her feel he was speaking with her in a friendly manner, but that was because of the presence of Damien Brick who seem to be loving every bit of what he was doing.Ryan loving the look on Lindsay's face, he brought out the files he had with him, his files are nearly stacked, he had actually walked into the bosses office prepared while he was going through his files, Lindsay wore a confident smile, but one could always tell that she was scared. And the way Damien was looking at her, she could feel her confident wavering. Lindsay was trying really hard to maintain her composure, especially since her husband was very much around, and was not giving her the lovey dovy eye, he was giving her the suspicious look."Like I said, I have been reviewing the expen
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"This is what I have to do! I came for business not sentiment".
Ryan walked back straight into his office, expecting to find an empty office, but he was surprised to find Damien Brick in his office, and he dropped a key on his table.Ryan looked shocked at him, wondering what the key is for, and he smiles, before saying. "This is officially your car key to the Royce parked outside". Though he would have preferred the small car he had been driving, he remembered that he had told himself that what he came to do is work, and he wouldn't add sentiment to it. He doesn't know how everyone would feel, when they find out he had sex with Lindsay a night before his marriage to Alexander, they may not listen to him, they may push him away, and he might be left with nothing, so he needed to be smart, to acquire, all that is needed, before the contract ends, if for nothing, for the sake of his father."Thank you sir". He says, and Damien handed him the papers to the car, and his name was boldly written on every document."I will be leaving now, thank you onc
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"Get out of my office!
The next day looked promising, for when he visited his father before leaving for work, he looked brighter than he had been the previous day. It encouraged Ryan to work more, that whatever the Brick family was giving to his father to help him get well, they needed to continue, so that he recovers fully.He left for work, feeling happy.But when he got to work, he didn't feel the usual welcome vibe he got the other day, Something was definitely off. Everyone was looking at him like he didn't something wrong, more like they don't know him, as he walked in slowly into his office after parking his car, he walked slowly into his office, wondering why everyone was staring at him as such, but since he doesn't know so many people yet, he didn't know whom to ask about what was going on. The look they were giving him was worrisome.When he got to his office, he was even scared to sit down, he looked around him and those that are supposed to be working, were busy, looking at him like he had som
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meeting Juliana again
Annie stared long at the closed door, before looking back at her friend. "Somehow, I think he is sincere. what if someone is trying to frame him? She asked and Alexander eyed her. "Who would want to frame a poor boy like him. He has nothing, his parents have nothing, he was born into a poor family and only agreed to this marriage because he needs money, so his type, can never be satisfied, he would always want more. He has nothing, so why will anyone, frame a duns? She had a point, since the marriage was a contract, he is in her life for the money and the benefits, so there is no way, he wouldn't want to do any other thing to get more money, even if it is to show the world, the part of Alexander, that she didn't want the world to see."But why didn't you destroy the picture, after the other surgeries? Annie asked, wondering why anyone would want to keep something, she herself doesn't want to see."I didn't want to keep it, but that image had a bracelet in it. It belonged to my mother,
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Why show up now?
The anger in his heart was melted down immediately, when he reached the house, and sees that she was actually nursing his father, for he was coughing profusely, that he even coughed blood. She didn't seem to notice him, it was his father that noticed him standing by the door, and called out to him, before she turned to look at him, but she looked away immediately. She administered his pills, and soon he was relaxed. "Where is your nurse Dad? Ryan was more worried about that, as he took a step inside, and shut the door, it is already too late for their doors to still be opened."When Juliana came, and said she would spend the night here, the nurse decided to go and attend to some personal problems, but she will be back tomorrow, you don't have to worry, she was with me since morning". Ryan sighed with relief, for he would have asked questions, wondering already, if they stopped the nurse.After a few more minutes, Mr Scott was sleeping and snoring loudly, it is just an hour to midni
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Don't you know when to stop?
The next day at work. Ryan lay his head on the desk, and flashed back to what happened the previous day.It was sad that Damien also thinks he could do such a thing. Somehow, he wished his father isn't involved, he wish he could just walk away from the contract, but he couldn't, unless it was coming from Damien himself, there was no way, he could watch and allow his father go to Jail, for something he could do on his own, his mother would laugh at him, and Julianna would never stop laughing. After the days work, Ryan wanted to see Damien for the last time before going home, for he doesn't know how to act or what to do, but as soon as he got close to the office, he could hear them having a heated argument, about him. Ryan was frustrated. The fact that he is in the middle of it all, was tiring. "Dad, you cannot possibly mean that? How am I supposed to live in the same house with a man like that? Alexander was crying, while Lindsay was furious. She had never liked Alex, and they had ne
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