All Chapters of The contracted son in-law : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
83 chapters
Caught red handed
His slumber was interrupted by an angry Alexander. "Are you sleeping in the office now? Ryan got up almost immediately, and wiped his face. The thought of the previous incidents have been pressing on him. "You don't have any shame. You even have the guts to sleep out with your girlfriend. You exhausted yourself, and now, all you can do is sleep here?". She sounded angry, but before he could say anything, Damien walked in, looking angrier. With his first finger pointed at him, he warns."You signed a contract Ryan, but you have been pushing me terribly these days, I wouldn't want to loose my temper with you, so please, respect our contract. I know you don't love my daughter, but bringing your girlfriend to your house, after what you did to my daughter, What exactly was it for? To celebrate her sorrows, or is it another slap to her face? He was raising his voice and those left at the office, were listening, but acting like they were not. What was supposed to be kept secret is now kno
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Alexander's Misadventure
With the thought of what she had seen in mind, Alexander finally went to sleep. It wasn't easy falling asleep, because she kept turning and tossing and wondering if she had misunderstood Ryan, and accused him wrongly. And if the paparazzi guy had been lying or telling the truth? As she finally gave in to sleep, she noticed.The sunlight streamed through the sheer curtains, bathing the room in a warm, golden glow. Alexander stirred, a contented smile playing on her lips as fragments of her vivid dream lingered in her mind. She stressed lazily, feeling an unusual sensation of warmth and satisfaction. She finds herself smiling and not ready to get up from bed, but then, with a start, she bolted upright in bed."Oh no". She gasped, glancing at the clock. The red digits flared back at her: 8:45 Am. "I'm late! But didn't I just fall asleep? She asked rhetorically.Alexander tumbled out of bed, her limbs entangled in the sheets. She stumbled towards the bathroom, her mind racing. It had
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A disheveled mess
She bolted up again, and sat up. Trying to wrap her arms around what she just read. She read it again, and this time, she could hear him laughing at her, while writing the note. Her door is still not fixed, and she wondered. What if he had watched her all through while she screams and calls his name in tamed excitement. She had been acting all strong and mean, but only a dream, a wet dream have exposed her. And what does he mean by "Interesting? Alexander repeated, her cheeks flushing. "Oh God, I must have done something embarrassing? She replayed every possible scenario in her mind, cringing at each one. Could it be possible that she was touching herself and calling on him? She was getting even more confused, and knowing that she was going to see him at work, she contemplated going. After pausing to think for what seem like forever, she made up her mind.And In a whirlwind of motion, she grabbed her bag and keys and dashed out the door. Her phone buzzed with notifications, as she st
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Before the close of day, Annie had arrived and was waiting for her outside. She sounded urgent when she called. As soon as Alexander heard Annie was already in the parking lot, she decided to sneak out, before anyone would approach her, but then, she was stopped by her father, who just walked into the office, at the same time, she was about to leave."Alex my daughter, you have been on your own all day, I hope you are fine? He asked, sounding concerned."I had a lot of files to attend to, that is why I couldn't come out to see you". She says, and was still trying to gather a few more things, when her father tries to strike a conversation with her, but she cut him short."Annie is waiting for me outside, I have to run". She says, and rushed passed him. Damien was not sure, if he was seeing right, but he was confused about her attitude, that he thought it must have something to do with Ryan Scott again, so he planned to approach him. If his daughter wouldn't speak to him, he is sure,
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The crash
The world spun around Alexander, as she bolted out, her mind racing faster than her legs. She had seen them kissing. The kiss-oh, that kiss had changed her mind and everything she thought she was begining to feel for him. She have heard about Juliana in the passing. She had even asked him about her, but he never speaks much about her. It was as though he didn't feel anything for her, but what she had seen tonight, had answered all her unasked questions.One moment she was trying to escape the hunting memories of Ryan, and the next, she is caught in a whirlwind of emotions. Her heart pounded like a drum, as she fumbled with her car keys, her hands trembling.Ryan turned to look at Juliana, wondering why she had all of a sudden, forcefully kiss him, when they were just having a discussion on his father's progress, but upon seeing Alexander, he knew what happened and why Juliana had done that. He was angry with her, but he needed to explain to Alexander first, before showing Juliana, j
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" I regret hiring you".
Ryan arrived at the hospital, and with feasibly shaky hands, he managed to call her parents, bracing himself for the inevitable blame. He already blames himself for the accident, so there really isn't anything anyone can say again that would add or reduce the way he was feeling at the moment. biting himself up was the only ideal thing he could do. He watched as Alexander was rushed to the emergency room.In the emergency room, doctors and nurses were working tirelessly to stabilize Alexander. The beeping of monitors, the rush of medical staff and the urgent voices giving orders to get one thing or another, created an atmosphere of controlled chaos. They were administering IV fluids, checking viral signs, and preparing for possible surgery, if there should be any. Their aim was to stabilize her condition and prevent any further complications.Ryan sat on the floor with his hands on his head.He kept looking at the entrance, but the moment he looked away, burying his head in between h
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" I regret hiring you".
Ryan arrived at the hospital, and with feasibly shaky hands, he managed to call her parents, bracing himself for the inevitable blame. He already blames himself for the accident, so there really isn't anything anyone can say again that would add or reduce the way he was feeling at the moment. biting himself up was the only ideal thing he could do. He watched as Alexander was rushed to the emergency room.In the emergency room, doctors and nurses were working tirelessly to stabilize Alexander. The beeping of monitors, the rush of medical staff and the urgent voices giving orders to get one thing or another, created an atmosphere of controlled chaos. They were administering IV fluids, checking viral signs, and preparing for possible surgery, if there should be any. Their aim was to stabilize her condition and prevent any further complications.Ryan sat on the floor with his hands on his head.He kept looking at the entrance, but the moment he looked away, burying his head in between h
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The resolution
The hospital refused to allow anyone stay in the room with Alexander overnight. Therefore, as Visiting hours ended, everyone had to leave. However, Ryan was adamant about staying. Not like he told anyone, he just went to the parking lot and his himself behind one of the cars.He couldn't beat the thought of not being there, when she woke up. Once he was certain that everyone had left, he discreetly snuck back into her room, taking the back door, dressed like one of the janitors. The nurses were too tired to take a second look at anyone. Ryan was discreet, quietly taking a seat beside her bed. He watched her as she slept peacefully, her eyes closed, her breathing steady."I'm sorry", he whispered, his voice barely audible in the dim room. I'm sorry you had to see that. Juliana, she did it to hurt you. She knows I have nothing to do with her and never will, and that's why she did it". He sniffed, wiping away a tear that had escaped down his cheek. "But you surprised me, and you also
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i need a second chance
Ryan spent the night in the parking lot, unaware that dawn had broken until a bright light shone on him. He winced, opening his eyes to see Lindsay and Damien Brick. Startled, he quickly stood up. "Sir, good morning, he stammered. Damien stared at him for a long while, not sure what he was looking at."Did you sleep here? Damien asked. Ryan wiped his eyes and nodded. "I told you to get lost. Sleeping here won't change anything, and it won't make me change my mind", Damien said firmly. As they walked away, Lindsay spoke to Ryan."You came to finish what you have started, right? She asked rhetorically. Ryan wasn't surprised by her words; he knew she had brought Damien early to see if her plan had worked. He had his own plans waiting for her to realize the truth."What are you talking about ma'am? He asked, but she had already hurried after Damien, eager to witness the doctors and nurses confusion. Inside, everyone greeted them warmly. Lindsay, confused, assumed they hadn't checked on t
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"I am not sorry for kissing you".
After Ryan checked on Alexander and he found her still sleeping, he began to fear. wondering , if she, by any means, took the substance given to her. He left and came back the next day and he kept visiting like that until exactly two weeks after the accident.Ryan carefully eased open the door to the room, his heart pounding with a mix of hope and dread. "I hope I don't worsen her situation". He prays. The nurse had called him that she woke up earlier, but he wasn't there. He wants to be there when she opens her eyes. Inside, he found Alexander, who was propped up in bed, and a nurse, standing by. The nurse's eye narrowed as she noticed Ryan's entrance. It was way past the visiting hours, and though Ryan had been coming often, she still needed to tell him."You can't be in here", she said firmly.Alexander, however was already awake and gave a soft reassuring gesture. "Allow him in", she said, her voice carrying a faint trace of relief. Ryan took a deep breath and stepped into the r
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