All Chapters of The contracted son in-law : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
83 chapters
Together, no matter what!
"You need to go home and freshen up", Alexander managed to whisper, her voice barely audible before fatigue pulled her back into a deep sleep. Ryan's heart aches with Concern; he couldn't beat to leave her side. He stayed, watching her breathe, hoping she would wake up. Though he didn't want to disturb her, he still finds himself kissing her, hoping his kiss will wake her up. Hours passed and night fell. The dim hospital lights cast a soft glow over the room, highlighting the serene expression on Alexander's face.When the nurse came in to ask him to leave, she found them entwined sharing the narrow hospital bed. Alexander seemed to find peace in his presence, her body relaxing against his. The nurse couldn't bring herself to disturb the scene and left quietly, allowing them this stolen moment.Annie finished her late shift, and rushed to the hospital to check on her friend. She needs to see how she is fairing. She haven't visited since the last time she lunged at Ryan in front of
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The begining of their love
Ryan and Alexander sat down under an oak tree, in the compound. She have been indoors all through a d she wants to get a little fresh air. Sitting close to each other for the first time, after she was discharged. She felt like resting her head in his shoulders, as he had been pampering her, since she returned."You are supposed to go to work, you don't have to babysit me all through. I am fine, really". She says, even though she didn't really mean it, she wants him around, yet, she just had to say it."Are you sure you really want me to leave you? He asked with the most attractive voice, and with his mouth so close to her ears, she could feel his breath, she swallowed hard, and tries to move away, but he pulls her close. "Don't move away from me, and don't tell me to go to work. I want to be with you. You are my job". Ryan says. Causing Alexander to look up at him and their lips almost brushed. She blushed a little and send a strand of hair behind her, then she clears her voice."T
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The tug of heart strings
Ryan woke up with a gentle smile on his face, the warmth of Alexander embrace still lingering in his memory. The night before, had been magical, a culmination of months of growing feelings and shared moments. They had finally professed their love for each other, and everything felt perfect. Yet as the first light of dawn peeked through the curtains, a heavy realization settled in his chest. He had to leave for work. He had been staying with her, since after the accident, not wanting to leave her, especially after finding out that someone close was after her life, but on this very day, he sadly needed to leave for work.Alexander stirred beside him, her eyes fluttering open. "Morning", she murmured, her voice soft and sleepy. "Morning, love", Ryan replied, leaning in to kiss her forehead. "I hate to say this, but I have to get ready for work". He says, guilt evident on his face. He had mentioned it to her last night, and she had agreed, but he was saying it again, somehow within her,
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The night of revelation
The night spent was love filled, a sweet respite from the turbulence both had to face. Ryan wanted to make it perfect for Alexander, ensuring she felt cherished and adored. The kitchen was bustling with sound of clinking pots and pans as Ryan prepared dinner. His movements a blend of grace and efficiency. The aroma of garlic and herbs filled the air, mingling with the soft jazz playing in the background.Alexander wanted to help, she felt useless just sitting and watching him do everything, after all, he just got back from work, he should be resting, after all, she had been at home all day doing nothing. The truth was that she would have made dinner before he returns from work, but she is too worried that her meal won't be half as nice as that of Ryan. She got up to help chop some vegetables, but he stopped her."Relax, Alex", Ryan called out, turning his head to flash a reassuring smile at her. Alexander sat at the dinning table, watching him with a mix of admiration and curiosity
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The unspoken truth
Ryan had been speaking and he continued speaking, even though he sort of heard a low snore, he pressed on still, hoping against hope that she was listening. He needs to take off the weight from his chest, if he really wants their relationship to work. There was no way he could feel okay to be with her, with such huge secret in his heart. It was weighing him down and it was high time, he let it out After speaking for so long with no reaction from her, he paused, waiting again for the inevitable outburst. Not after saying something as grave as that, she would keep silent. He would prefer her yell and throw tantrums at him than for her to just keep quiet, but after waiting for what seem like forever, there was nothing, her head was still rested on his chest, and she held on tight to him. He glanced at her, thinking she was probably crying, but he noticed that she had fallen asleep. Ryan sighs, then shook his head.Ryan felt a wave of mixed emotions washed over him- relief that he did
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The weekend surprise in the woods.
Ryan kept watching Alexander as she continues to act strange, making secret calls, even though she didn't show him, she was angry or something, he feared that something was up, but he prays that it better be something good that he could relate with. While Ryan had his plans all set out about how he was going to spend the weekend with her, and at the end, he would tell her the secret he had been hiding, he got a shock.The next day was Saturday, but for them, weekends didn't mean to rest, contrasting Ryan's plan of rest.When Ryan woke up, he noticed she wasn't beside him, but then he was pulled up by the smell of breakfast waiting through the kitchen house. He found her in the kitchen, humming softly as she flipped pancakes. "Good morning", she greeted him with a smile that seemed to brighten the room. She even pulled him into an embrace."Good morning", he replied, wrapping his arms around her from behind. "What's this surprise you have planned? He asked, unable to hide it anymore.
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picnic at Mr Scott's garden
The next day was Sunday, but still Alexander woke up before dawn, her mind racing with plans for the day. She slipped out of bed quietly like she did the day before, careful not to wake Ryan who seemed too tired from the activity of yesterday, which she also planned.She headed down stairs. A soft knock on the door signaled the arrival of her packages. She opened the door to greet the delivery man, who handed over several boxes. Alexander thanked him and began loading the packages into a truck parked in the drive way.Ryan stirred by the noises, rubbed the sleep off his eyes and followed the sounds downstairs.He paused on the staircase, watching Alexander with a curious gaze. She noticed him and flashed a bright smile, her eyes twinkling with excitement."What plans have you made again. I thought you should be in bed? He asked, still feeling sleepy."Good morning, sleepyhead ", she teased gently. "I've planned something special for us today".Ryan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What
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A duty to his father in-law
Ryan Scott came prepared to uncover so many things on this special day. He had taken too much rest, with his wife, and now he was ready to work.He had barely settled into his office, when the first file he had to face was that of discrepancies. The other day he came into the office, he was supposed to have seen that file, but his mind was filled with the thought of Alexander, but knowing that she is okay, and she is happy with him, was enough to make him focus on work.At first, they were small, a missing receipt here, a duplicate invoice there. But as he checked on, the anomalies grew glaring. Ryan's diligence and attention to detail had always been his strong suit, and he was determined to uncover the truth.He needed to do some findings, but as the days went on by, he kept noticing from one anomaly to another.One afternoon, as he pored over the latest batch of financial reports, Ryan's eye narrowed at yet another suspicious transaction. The amount was significant, and the recipi
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"What happened to you".
Over the next few days, Ryan continued his investigation, gathering more evidence of Lindsay's fraudulent activities. He worked late into the night, meticulously documenting every irregularity and cross referencing them with official records. He discovered that the Louis and Luisa enterprise was a shell company, created to siphon funds from the business.Ryan's findings painted a damning picture of Lindsay's deception. She had been funneling money into personal accounts, using it to fund a lavish lifestyle, that included expensive vacations, luxury cars and designer clothes. Not for herself alone, but for her son and his girlfriend, and also her boy friend. Her husband was oblivious to her schemes, trusting her implicitly with the company's finances.It was about to come to an end.One evening, as Ryan was compiling his final report, he received an unexpected visitor. It was Joseph, the head of the company's legal department and a close friend of the CEO. He had heard about Ryan's in
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Lindsay is exposed
Lindsay kept turning and tossing, holding on to her stomach, acting like she was going to die any moment, but the truth was that, she didn't want Damien to have any reason to leave the hospital. She wanted him to stay with her, she wanted to buy more time. Thinking that after what happened to her,at the office, there was no way Ryan and Joseph would want to still show him the evidences against her, just yet. She was going to buy the time, and while they are planning to get at her, she would strike them both, but she was wrong. Her scream was becoming too much that the doctor had to give her a sedative."What is wrong with her doctor? Damien asked, looking at his wife that had finally fallen asleep, after the sedative injection was given to her. She had been screaming like someone who had lost it. "From every test carried out on her, I cannot see anything that should cause her to keep acting that way, but I believe, by time she wakes up from this sleep i just put her to, she will
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