All Chapters of The contracted son in-law : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
83 chapters
The date
Weeks after Lindsay had been automatically removed from their lives. Everything seemed okay, and Ryan was begining to really enjoy himself with his wife. It felt so good to be in love. They were showing off their love everywhere they went to, and it felt like the right thing to do. Though they are yet to announce their relationship to the world, they were content in just hiding, the feeling was wild.As Alexander sat at her desk, her eyes fixated on the computer screen, but her mind wandering far from the spreadsheet in front of her. She had a restless night, her thought consumed by Ryan. Their relationship had started as a contract, but somewhere along the line, it had become something much more.And though they had established the fact that they feel something strong for eachother, Ryan had refused to take her to bed, which was somehow disturbing. They have shared so many things together, but the bed still remained sacred, it was as though he doesn't feel she is the right person fo
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Media speculations
Still under the moonlight sky, Ryan kept adjusting himself and trying to look better, as though she hadn't seen him on his short and shirtless before. Their date was really an official one, and he was making it as such.She could see what he was doing and she smiles, for it feels good to know that he wants to keep looking dashing for her."You know". He says, and she looks up at him, raising her head a little from his chest."Tonight, is that night that will put an end to the rumors and speculations swirling around our relationship". He tells her and she nodded. He said that because, he had seen the camera flash on them as they had walked into the restaurant, and he even heard the whispers."Tonight is like a dream for me, I never knew this would happen, but I am glad it did, and I hope, that nothing changes". She was pleading with her eyes, and the moment he heard that, he was positive in his heart that nothing would change. To him, as long as Lindsay have been put away, and since
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The unexpected visitor
The Sun was setting, casting a warm glow over Ryan and Alexander's home. They had spent the day in blissful harmony, enjoying each other's company and were now relaxing on the porch, sipping on iced tea. Alexander leaned into Ryan's side, their hands intertwined, feeling the comfort of his presence. It was a serene moment, the kind they cherish amidst the chaos of their busy lives.But the peace was shattered, when a car pulled up abruptly in their drive way. Ryan tensed, recognizing the familiar vehicle. It belonged to Juliana his ex girlfriend. The same girl that had caused the accident that almost took Alexander's life. Alexander sat up, as she seem to also recognize the face of the driver. Ryan noticed curiosity and a hint of unease evident on her face.Juliana stepped out, her expression a mix of determination and malevolence. In her arms was a small blonde haired girl, her innocence blue eyes wide with curiosity. Ryan's heart sank, he had read the articles about him and Alexande
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Little Emily is an Angel
Ryan and Alexander stepped out, and watched Emily sit alone on the couch, playing with the hemp of her dress. Alexander's heart went for her, she looked so innocent and scared, she looked up and noticed they were watching her, she got up, and moved towards them, before she looked down again.Alexander rushed down, and met her half way, she stood staring at Alexander unsure of what to do, no one had said a word to her, since Juliana brought her, and no one seem to be willing to say anything to her."Hello dear, I am Alexander". She introduced , stretching her hand towards her.Ryan stood behind watching the drama before him and he could only fall deeper in love with his wife."I am Emily". Her tiny Innocent voice went out and it sounded like music in their ears."How old are you? Alexander asked, getting down to be on the same level with her."I am going to be four years in four month's time". She says and she looked down, she wasn't expecting the sort of scream she heard."Wow, so y
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The feeling of unworthiness
Juliana was so angry when she noticed that, What was expected isn't what she was seeing, she was so angry when she noticed that their love only grew stronger, and they even came up, showing off the little Emily to the world, and even the media she had thought was going to have something to say to her favour, only insulted her, calling her a home wrecker. she became so angry, that she thought hard about visiting them again, especially since she haven't gotten the money she wanted.She managed to get to the house when the both of them are just returning from work, and seeing her again, this time, Alexander was ready for her. "You can go in with Emily, I can handle this". She tells Ryan and he gladly left her, walking inside the house, but he wasn't surely planning to leave them entirely to themselves, for he would never forgive himself, if anything is to happen to Alexander."You didn't say hello to your mother, is there a reason you did that? He asked Emily, who didn't seem to care if
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Lindsay plots with Juliana
Lindsay, the elegant but cold hearted step mother of Alexander, paced in one of her lavishly decorated parlor.She have been trying for weeks to get back to Damien Brick, but all to no avail, yet she sees the love between Ryan and Alexander soaring greater, causing her to crave for some drama. She have done a lot of shady things to keep Damien, she cannot allow some low life, to take Damien away from her.There was no way Ryan would ruin her life and her relationship with her husband, and expect to stay happy. Her disdain for their relationship festered like a wound. She had always been a master of manipulation and she knows that if she is able to get things done against the couple, she would achieve getting back with her husband, all she needs to do is use the information she have gathered about Juliana, against them.She came into Damien's life for the money, she also knows that Juliana is showing up now, for the money. They have a lot in common.Through her network of contacts,
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Hoping for a blissful night with her husband
Alexander was enjoying the way her relationship was going with Ryan and she prays daily that nothing comes to put a stop to it. Her father have been happy About her new attitude to things, and she is happy to see him happy, she is begining to understand him more, and why he did all he did all those times, forcing her to come out and take charge of her life, she feels better, being in charge of her life, than when she allows people dictate for her, on how she is to live, but she noticed that her step brother looks sad, because his mother was sent out of the house.Maybe they could still give her another chance, because of her child, but that can only happen, because they don't know half of what she has tried to do. Alexander is sure that things will get better, and everyone will love forward as though nothing ever happened, but for now, her thought is for her husband.She met with Her friend Annie at a coffee shop one evening after work, she had told Ryan to go home that she needed to
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The plan for night
Ryan stood in the middle of his apartment, the room, dimly lit by the soft glow of candles placed strategically around the space.The scent of lavender filled the air, mingling with the faint aroma of freshly brewed coffee from earlier in the day. His heart raced, a mix of excitement and nerves flooding his senses. Tonight was the night he was finally ready to take the next step with Alexander.For weeks, Ryan had held back, uncertain if he was worthy of the love and devotion she had shown him. Truthfully, he doesn't feel worthy of her. Lindsay's toxic presence in his life had left deep scars, and even after her departure, he found himself questioning his value. Juliana too had posed, as a constant thorn in his side, her jealousy and Manipulations nearly driving a wedge between him and Alexander. But with both of them out of the picture, he should have nothing holding him back anymore.He knows that as soon as Alexander walks in, she would want to know where Emily is, but befor
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The kiss got aggressive (18)
Once again, Ryan heard the soft click of the front door opening, and his heart skipped a beat. This time, he is sure, he hadn't imagined it, she was finally here.He stood up, removing his shirt, as he made his way to the entrance.He would like his appearance to be appealing to her.Alexander stepped inside, her eyes lighting up as she saw him, she had no idea of any plans whatsoever to surprise her, or to fullfil her dreams, but she was happy to see him, especially shirtless. She looked stunning as always, her beauty, taking his breath away. But it was the look in her eyes that really captured him. The love and trust she had for him, shining bright in those deep soulful eyes.She was speechless seeing him without his shirts on, and she unconsciously licked her lips in admiration. "Hey", she said softly, her voice like a melody that always managed to soothe his nerves."Hey", he replied, stepping closer to her. He reached out, taking her hand in his. "I'm glad you are finally her
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This is their night
Alexander lay on the bed and unconsciously folded her legs together, unsure if she should open up her legs, it would be her first time, being that naked with any man, except after her accident with her mother, when she had to go through series of surgeries, to get her back in shape, but then, this is what she had always wanted since she realized her feelings for him, and so she is prepared, but she doesn't know what to expect. She fears she would disappoint him, with her naivety."I am no expert, but I will see you through it all, we are going to do this together". Ryan tells her, and she smiles, relief, evident on her face. "Don't you think I should shower first? She asked, worried that she might not be smelling as good as supposed, because she just got back from work and she was yet to freshen up, while he had been at home and he probably have freshen up, before cooking and doing all the chores that he did, which must be the reason he was shirtless when she walked in, but his respo
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