All Chapters of The contracted son in-law : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
83 chapters
"Hope you are not getting tired, because we have only just begun (18+)
Sucking on her, gave her the craziest feeling ever, and she never thought she would be screaming the way she was. She held on to his head, urging him to go on, and he didn't stop, he licked her up, showing her he could do anything for her, and that she was just as perfect as he had told her before.Gradually he used his tongue to trace through her tummy, going up to her breast again, she knew this time what was going to happen and she was prepared, she watch him grab her left breast, and fondle with it, while her right breast went straight into his mouth. Now she was the one begging for him to come in already, but Ryan seem to have plans to make her climax many times before feeling his manhood inside of her."Ryan you are killing me, please, just come in". She pleads. "There is no fun in it, if I just get it over with immediately. You are my wife, I am going to make love to you and it takes a beautiful process, because love making is a journey, not a quickie". While he was talking, s
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Let's have it here". (18+)
Just hearing him say that was enough to take her back to the bed she is just coming from. She was exhausted, but as the shower poured down on her, she seem to regain her strength. A strength she thought was lost.She wonders if this is what couples do every day. She wonders if they never get tired. Like her, She is supposed to be tired, but the truth was that, she still wants to know what it feels like to have his manhood inside of her. He had only used his hands alone to make her this exhausted, and famished, then imagine when he actually does the deal.Ryan also has a shower, and only tied a towel round his waist, and went down stairs. When she was done, she had to get another towel, that she tied from her bosom down, even though the towel is too short, and she dare not bend down, else everything he had seen already, would be revealed to him again.She found him sipping on some drink, and she craved for some cheese, and juice, she didn't bother telling him, she just went and helped
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Having it on the couch (18+)
Ryan placed his hands behind her, and grab her butt, then he started to fondle it, like he was trying to smoothen it, causing her to moan silently, trying really hard not to scream out loud, she pressed her lips together and moan inside. She closed her eyes, enjoying his every touch, then suddenly, he carried her up, straight to the couch, where he gently placed her down.Their emotional tussle reached a crescendo, and Ryan, sensing words could no longer bridge the gap, resolved to express his feelings and needs through action. Their lips met, it wasn't just a physical attraction, it was an amalgamation of pent up emotions, longing and unspoken words.At first, trying to make her more comfortable on the couch, caused the kiss to begin tentatively, a hesitant exploration of emotions buried beneath layers of conflict. But as seconds melted into moments, it grew fervent and intense, each movement of their lips carrying the weight of their emotions and needs. Ryan poured his heart into th
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morning gist
As the night gave way for them to embrace the morning. Alexander stretch tiredly on the bed, She had a long night, she could still feel ache all over her body, but when she noticed she didn't feel anyone beside her, she at first feared that he had left her to go attend to business, but then again, she thought. What sort of business will he be attending to, it is still weekend, and Emily is not coming back until the next day, which is sunday. She carefully opened her eyes, and scanned around the room, but he was no where around. She tries to pay attention, to know if he is around the house, but she couldn't hear anything, but what caught her on was the aroma. She loves a good cooked meal, and she long for one, after such a tiresome, but pleasurable night.She smiles, hoping he is in the kitchen, she decided to go and see him, she freshens up first, and changed into something simple, since she wouldn't be going anywhere. When she got down, she went straight to the kitchen, but he was no
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Afternoon exhaustion
Ryan would have been back a long time ago, but he was kept back by Juliana, who happened to show up on the same field, where he was trying to run, and she managed to run into him, and he hit her, knocking off her water from her, and causing her to crash on the floor. The accident had made him take Juliana to a nearby chemist, where she was attended to and he begged that he accompanied her to where she could take something. Because of what he did to her unintentionally, he had to follow her to a nearby restaurant, where she had a light meal."Aren't you going to take anything? She asked him, as she could clearly see that he didn't make any order for himself."I am not hungry, so don't worry yourself. I made something at home, and I would love to eat at home". Juliana, smiles. But she kinda look sad about it. She decided to use that opportunity to apologize to him, which is all part of the plan."Ryan, I am sorry about how things turned out between us, if I could turn back the hands of
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"Have you slept with your son in-law ?
Juliana took the pictures her camera man had taken to Lindsay, and she seem very pleased to have something so clear and implicating at hand."This is good". She commended, as she went over the images from the begining. The first one she saw was when Ryan helped Juliana up, after she fell to the ground on purpose, acting like she couldn't walk. Then the second image was when he was trying to help massage her legs and she screamed, causing him to carry her in a bridal style to the chemist, with her head buried under his neck and her hands across his neck. She also smiles, when she saw the one with their hands entwined, across the table, and though nothing was on his table, the hands together, was enough intimacy.The other picture was when his hands was on her butt. That last one looks so real, and implicating. She loves the last one the most. "We are going to get started. Ryan must leave that family, then you can have him all to yourself, while I have my family back and everyone is hap
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An anonymous message
Sunday seem to come too early. Alexander didn't even want to get out of bed, she wanted to spend the entire day with Ryan on the bed. She watch him go to make breakfast for them, and their visitors that are going to arrive anytime soon. She love to have family members around, but she is just beginning to enjoy her marriage and her life, since her mother passed. She wants to have more time to spend with him and though she loves the way he holds her and kisses her at will, she wish she wouldn't have to restrict himself, because a child is looking at them. Somehow, she wish to go back to bed and realize time have been moved backwards, but wishes aren't horses, so while he makes the meal, she help him in getting other things done, and though he tries to stop her, which is his usual way, she refuses. She just wants to keep her mind busy, because if she sits and stare at him, she would only end up imagining things, and wanting to go back to the bed with him. Soon they were through with maki
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Shadows of doubt
The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting a soft, golden glow over the house. Ryan placed the length of his room, a nervous energy bubbling within him."What is really going on? Is this some sort of a prank?Tonight was supposed to be special. He had meticulously planned every detail, from the candles that flickered in the bedside table to the music that hummed softly in the background. His heart raced with anticipation, yet there was a nagging feeling he couldn't shake. Something was off.Alexander had been distant all evening. Her laughter, usually so bright and infectious, had been subdued. She had barely touched her dinner, and when their eyes met, there was a shadow in her gaze that Ryan couldn't quite decipher. She would have winked at him or licked her lips to show him that she admires humans the moment they had shared together, but she looked away, like he was some virus.He had brushed it all off, telling himself that she was just tired, that perhaps the weight of the d
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Silent treatment
With the hope that the next day would be better, Ryan finally gave in to sleep, but then, it was a really short sleep, because he had spent a good number of his time, looking up at the ceiling and wondering what he had done, to deserve all the silent treatment Alexander was giving him, but little did he know, that the morning will bring even more.The first rays of dawn seeped through the curtains, casting a golden hue across the room. Ryan stirred his internal clock waking him as usual. He glanced at the figure beside him, and he was shocked that Alexander lay curled up, her back turned to him, her breathing soft and steady. He was so happy, but he didn't want to disturb her. There was a time, when he would gently brush a stray lock of hair from her face and kiss her awake, but today, a strange tension in the air held him back. she had told him she was sleeping in Emily's room, but she ended up in his bed, how it happened, is still a surprise. He decided to use this opportunity to ki
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As soon as Alexander walked into the cafe where she is supposed to meet with Annie, she noticed that Annie had changed from their usual spot, where they could see people and laugh at silly things they do to a more private inn, called the VIP. She had sensed that the discussion would be intense, from what Ryan had told her, so she wanted to have some time with her friend.Alexander sat across from Annie in the dimly lit cafe, her fingers wrapped tightly around steaming cup of coffee in front of her. She had been restless all day, unable to focus on work, her mind replaying the message she had received. Annie was patiently waiting for her to start the conversation on what was bothering her.Alexander started to tell, and tears started to rush down her cheek. She doesn't like the fight, but she is just scared of playing the fool again.Annie sensing her friend's distress, spoke up with assurance."Alex, you have to believe me", Annie pleads, her voice laced with concern. What you just
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