All Chapters of The contracted son in-law : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
83 chapters
What if it was already too late?
Ryan sat on the couch, his eyes fixed on the clock, the soft tickling sound the only thing breaking the silence of the night. Hours had passed since Alexander said she needed to see Annie, and with each minute that dragged by, his anxiety grew. The once comforting warmth of their home felt cold and empty.The shadows cast by the dim light seemed to stretch across the walls, echoing the dark thoughts that plagued his mind.He replayed the day's event, over and over again, trying to make sense, of Alexander's sudden change in behavior. The quiet drive to work, her refusal to have breakfast, her avoidance of him when it was time to go home, and even when she had spent the night at home, she preferred to spend it with Emily. It was unlike her to be so distant, so closed off. Ryan could feel something was deeply wrong, but he could not place his hands on what it could be.Unable to bear the silence any longer, he reached for his phone and called Annie. If anyone knew where Alexander was o
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The wrong move
He could see the walls of his life crumbling before him, piece by piece.The feeling that Juliana have something to die with his present situation was something he could not rule out. The more he thought of it, the more he became desperate to learn the truth.Without a second thought, he grabbed his keys and stormed out of the house, leaving the door ajar in his haste. The night air was cool, It was a sharp contrast to the storm of emotions raging within him. His mind race with every step he took, the tension in his muscles building as he made his way to Juliana's house.When he finally reached the door, he hesitated for a moment, his fist hovering just above the wood. Was this really the right thing to do? He needed answers, and she was the only likely enemy that could give them to him. Taking a deep breath, he knocked firmly on the door.Juliana who seem to have seen him through the window, knew why he had come so late in the night, and she opened the door after the first knock, wit
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The smile of victory
The poison she had slipped into his drink would keep him unconscious for hours, That is plenty of time, for her to set her plan into motion. She would lay with him naked, and then take pictures of the both of them in bed, she will then send the pictures to Lindsay first, so she could give her more money, then she will send the pictures to Alexander and that will destroy whatever remaining trust Alexander had in him.It was not easy for her taking Ryan to her room, he felt too heavy, but she needed to do it before the position wears off. When she got to her room, she pushed him in the bed, and undressed him, just taking off his shirts, then she covered his legs with duvet. She also undressed, she set her phone, to take the pictures after few minutes. She lay there with him, holding him tight as the flash illuminated his pale face, his expression peaceful and unaware of the chaos about to unfold.After she was sure, she had taken enough oppressing pictures, she sent them to Lindsay, who
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"Something is not right".
"What am I doing here? Ryan asked, shocked to be in a strange room and Alexander in tears, standing Infront of him."What do you mean by that Ryan? You don't have to lie, because she is here. You said it yourself last night,that she isn't giving you what you want, that it is me you want". Ryan was lost, for he doesn't even understand a thing he was hearing. He pushed her aside, and tried to move but he had a spinning head ache, but he needed to fight it, just to be with Alexander."I swear Alexander, it is not what you think. I don't even know how I ended up in the room". He tries to explain."You don't know how you ended up in the room in the bed with her? Oh dear, I will help you remember. You came here to celebrate hurting me, you both had a few drinks and you ended up in bed". Alexander says, as she allowed her tears flow freely. she had initially promised herself that she wouldn't cry, but she just couldn't help it."I am not supposed to be here, but I still want you to say it to
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"Things are usually not how they seem".
By the time they got to Alexander's aunt's house, she was already outside waiting for her."Your father called already, he says you didn't show up at work, and you are not at home. he says he met your child at home, that she was all alone, all by herself, you weren't there, neither was Ryan. What is going on? She asked.Alexander sat on the couch as she stared blankly at the cup of tea placed before her.She thought of Emily and her father. He already went to the house to check on her. She doesn't know how to tell him, that Ryan isn't the man he thought he was."Things are really crazy right now". She says.Her aunt Mercy sat across from her in an armchair. She had watched Alexander grow up, had seen her go through the ups and downs of life, and now, seeing her in such turmoil, her heart ached. She waited for her to speak up. only then can she advise her, after all, she is still a teenager."I thought I have finally found that one person that would make me very happy for the rest of
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Taking the first step
Later that evening, Alexander decided to leave aunt Mercy's house, for her house, she was thinking of Emily all through, and she didn't want her to be alone again.After she left, aunt Mercy called Ryan. She should speak to him first, before Alexander speaks to him.Ryan's heart pounded as he stared at the phone, his hands trembling slightly. He just finished speaking with Alexander's aunt, the woman who held more sway, over Alexander's decision, than anyone else. Her voice had been calm, yet firm, offering him a glimmer of hope in which felt like an endless night of despair. He knew this was his chance to make things right, but the weight of his mistakes, pressed down on him like a leaden cloud.Ryan had barely slept, since the incident at Juliana's apartment. The image of Alexander's face, filled with doubt and hurt, haunted him. His mind replayed the moment he saw Juliana beside him in bed, the horror of realization sinking in that he had been drugged and manipulated. The thought o
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The walk, down memory lane
Staring blankly at the floor, as he sat on his bed, he allowed his heart to beat fast, as Aunt Mercy's words still echoed in his mind. A reminder of her words, stirred something deep within him, a mixture of wisdom and challenge. There is no way he could just give up like that, this was a fight, and Alexander was worth all the fight.He would fight for her, even if that was the last thing he does. Juliana cannot come and destroy what he had tried to build. He cannot let Juliana's manipulations, get in the way of his feelings.He nodded his head, agreeing with her, that she was right. He couldn't let this end like this, not without a fight. The relationship between them have been something he had never really anticipated, he beat his chest, telling himself the truth. He loves her, and she was worth everything, just telling himself isn't enough, she needs to be reminded of what they shared, the moments shared and what it meant to him and he is sure, it meant the same to her. With dete
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The message
After receiving his message, she quickly opened it. She have actually been waiting to hear from him, somehow, she wants him to convince her beyond reasonable doubt that he is still with her. So as she sat on the edge of her bed, her phone resting in her palm like a weight she wasn't sure she could bear. She thought of all she had read. Ryan's message had come through just minutes ago, but it felt as if the words were crawling through her veins, wrapping themselves around her heart in a slow, and steady grip.Her first instincts was to ignore, even though she have wanted to hear from him. She had also thought of blocking him severally, but that wouldn't give her the peace she craves, but something about wanting to hear from him, tugged at her. She found herself reading it again, every word pulling her further into the memories she had tried so hard to suppress. She even smiled at some point, because his words felt like he was standing close to her, and speaking to her heart. Her fing
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"You don't belong here".
Upon reaching her father's house, she noticed her father was receiving medication, he seem stressed and sick. She was surprised, because her father have never been sick. Her step brother was there, he looked scared too. She waved at him as though they are strangers. He had never really been friends with her, even while she was living in the same house with him, all those years when she used to lock herself up, he never for once, cared to know what was going on with her, instead, he was always with his mother, surely scheming on how to steal, but since his mother was exposed, and sent away, he seem to come out more. She even heard, he had started working at one of the Damien Brick companies."What happened? She asked, not particular asking him, but Derick answered."I was in the house, and he just slummed and here we are". Alexander stared long at him, before shocking him with her angry response."I was not asking you Derick". Damien opened his eyes, and tried to control the chao
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"I can't do this anymore".
Alexander called Annie immediately, asking her to come to the house, as she didn't want to leave Emily all by herself. Annie as usual, was willing to see her friend, and she came after few hours, she came with her things for a sleep over, as she would leave for work the next day, from her house.The house she once visited, that was full of life, was now very empty, with silence.She stood outside for a while, before pressing on the door bell. Alexander had sounded urgent on the phone, so she is as desperate as the voice she had heard."Annie we need to talk, something is not right, I will call my aunt later to find out what she figured, but I have to do my own work too".Hey, slow down, I don't understand a thing you just said, start from the begining". She says, relaxing on the couch. "Okay, so I told you I got a call from my dad, about his health right? She asked and Annie nodded. "So I went to the house, and I met Derick, but he isn't really the problem. While I was speaking with
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