All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
176 chapters
Chapter 11
As Damson walked home from the cafeteria, a satisfied smile spread across his face. He was happy about the turn of events at the cafeteria and he was proud of himself for having the last say. The look on Mia and Caleb's face was priceless. He replayed the moment in his head, chuckling to himself. He had never felt so confident and in control. For once, he wasn't belittled. He came on top by surprising them with the card and him paying 20,000 dollars and he felt amazing. As he walked on, he heard a rustling sound, which made him look back, but all he saw was pitch black as it was late already. Most of the students were in their dorm, while some were scattered around but far away from him. He shrugged the noise off and continued walking. He figured it might just be his imagination. He continued walking but stopped again after hearing footsteps and rustling sounds. He knew he wasn't alone. “Luke! Fred!” Damson called out. His voice echoed, but there was no response. He knew Fred an
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Chapter 12
Damson laid on the floor, groaning in pain, his body trembling as he took in hard breaths. He was bleeding heavily, his vision blurring as his eyes struggled to stay open. He tried to shout for help, but he couldn't, the pain was unbearable. He placed his hands on the wound, applying pressure. As he laid on the floor, he couldn't help but think that this was the end. This was how he was going to die. No one knew he came here, he was far away from the school and didn't tell anyone he was leaving. He tried to move his body, to crawl towards the door, but his body wouldn't respond. "Help…Somebody help me.." He used his last energy to cry out. He could feel himself slipping away, his vision fading to black and his words slurring when he heard the door opening and a shrill scream filled the air. Damson struggled to stay focused, his eyes blurry, and saw the hotel cleaner standing in the doorway, her eyes wide with panic.. She was dressed in a bright yellow uniform, her tag reading Mar
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Chapter 13
The room fell silent as they listened to the doctor speak. Maria's face widened in shock and Luis's face held the same reaction. "What? What are you talking about? Luis asked, shock evident on his face. How can young master be in critical condition? Impossible!""A liver transplant?" Maria repeated, her voice low and barely above a whisper. How soon does he need one?""We're already searching for a matching donor, but time is running out. Every minute counts. We need to act fast if we want to save his life.""His family members need to be here. We need to test and check if they are a match with the patient." The doctor said, excusing himself. As soon as he left, Luis immediately called Damson's parents. "Sir!" He said as soon as Damson's dad picked up the phone. "Damson was attacked and he's in the hospital right now. He's in a critical condition and needs a liver transplant as soon as possible."Few minutes later, Damson's parents rushed into the hospital, their faces filled with
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Chapter 14
It's been weeks since the death of Damson's father. He couldn't shake off the guilt and responsibility of his father's death. His mother became a shadow of herself. The loss of her husband came as a shock as she didn't see it coming. Damson stayed in the mansion after he was discharged. He didn't return back to school or stay in the dorm. His friends reached out to him but he didn't respond to their calls and messages. "Young master, can I come in?" Luis asked as he knocked on the door of Damson's father's study. He has been there since his father's death."Come in Luis." Damson responded, his eyes fixed on a framed picture of his father. Luis came in with someone following him closely. He had a huge frame, a rugged face and a scar above his left eyebrow. "Your father was a great man." Luis said, as he watched Damson's gaze fixated on his father's picture. It's a shame he had to die so soon but he made the right decision by picking you over him. "He left a great void in our heart
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Chapter 15
"Look who we have here." Caleb said, clapping his hands, smiling as he moved around Damson. "You've decided to come out of hiding. I thought you were arrested, or dead somewhere and that would have been better. A thief shouldn't be left lurking the streets."Damson clenched his fist as he moved towards Caleb, about to land a blow on his face, but Fred held him back. "It's not worth it Damson. Let it go." Fred said to him as he held his fist. "Did I hit a spot?" Caleb said as his smile grew wider. "Oh, come on Damson. Don't play dumb. I know all about your little extra curricular activities.""I don't have time for your little game Caleb, you're not worth exchanging words with." Damson said with a firm voice as he pushed past Caleb. "I'm out of here." "Do you remember Aria?" Caleb asked quickly, stopping Damson in his tracks. "The girl who took pity on you and gave you food when you starved, not once or twice, but frequently."She pitied you because you were so poor and miserable. To
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Chapter 16
Minutes after the call ended, the salesgirl got a notification that the store's account had been credited with 10 thousand dollars. "Your payment is successful and has been verified. Thank you for shopping with us." The salesgirl said happily. "Oh my God." The two girls said in unison, shocked as they couldn't believe what just happened. They stood in silence, their mouths opened as they watched Damson calmly walk out of the store like he just didn't spend 10 thousand dollars on bags. They had been so sure that Damson was a fraud, a thief who had stolen a card and not won the lottery money. One of the girls, still in shock, finally found her voice. "W-what just happened?" She stuttered. How could he afford all of those bags? As soon as Damson stepped out, he told Viktor to confiscate the girls' phones because they had recorded a video of him paying for the bags. Viktor quickly approached the girls, his huge frame intimidating them. "Hand over your phone, ladies." He said gruf
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Chapter 17
Dorothy and Linda both gasped, their eyes fixed on the bag. “Oh my God, is that…?” One of them said, her voice trailing off. “That's a birkin bag! A limited edition, black Hermes bag with golden designs around it!” Linda exclaimed, her eyes wide with amazement. “How did you get this bag? How could you afford it? This bag cost more than your entire wardrobe put together!”Damson started to feel uncomfortable as the friends closed up on him, pushing him to a wall. “You need to step away from me. I have no reason to answer your questions.” Damson said. “You stole that bag!” Dorathy accused him, her voice loud. You are a thief Damson. “You stole this bag so you could be invited to this party.”Damson was getting angrier by the moment. “Shut up!” He snarled, trying to grab the bag but they quickly hid it behind their back. “Where did you get the money to buy it?” Linda demanded. “Did you steal it? Did you involve yourself in illegal activities?”Damson's eyes darted back and forth be
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Chapter 18
Damson's face stung as he made his way back to the dorm, with Aria's slap still resounding in his mind. He was furious and frustrated, his mind going back to what played out at the party. From the moment he met Aria's unreasonable friends to the lies Caleb spewed against him. He pulled out his phone and dialed Viktor's number. “I will not be going to the new apartment tonight.” He growled out, not giving Viktor a chance to respond. “I'm going to stay in the dorm. Don't argue with me, don't try to follow me and don't question me, viktor. It is an order.”Damson was still furious when he arrived at the dorm and he slammed the door behind him as soon as he got to his room. He was happy Fred and Luke weren't in the room to question him about what had happened. He flopped on his bed, his eyes fixed on the ceiling as he tried to calm himself but his mind still played out what had happened at the party. He couldn't believe Aria could turn against him that easily. He never liked her to
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Chapter 19
Damson was frustrated and desperate for answers. He had been trying to find out who took the video of him at Aria's party for days, but every lead he followed ended on a dead end. He had confronted Caleb countless times, but Caleb denied it everytime, telling Damson to never bring it up again. Damson knew Caleb wasn't the one who took the video. Caleb was with him towards the end of the incident but he still believes that Caleb was the one that pulled it off. He might have asked one of his minions to record the video for him while he was talking to him. Luis suggested that it might be one of Marcus's men but Damson disagreed. He believed that they wouldn't stoop that low. They don't do childish things. The last time they attacked him, they tried to kill him. They wouldn't do something as little as taking a video of him and projecting it. Damson already canceled out Damson's men from his suspicious list and still believed Caleb was the one that pulled off the stunt. As Damson ste
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Chapter 20
Damson's head snapped back from the force of the punch, and he stumbled backward, his eyes wide with shock."What the hell, caleb?" He shouted, his hand covering his bloody lip. Mia continued to cry, playing the victim perfectly. "He's been threatening me for weeks, Caleb. I've been so scared." She sobbed, clinging to Caleb's arm."He's a monster, Caleb. He's not the man I thought I knew. Please, you have to protect me from him." She pleaded, her eyes wide with fear. Caleb's face scrunched up in anger. "You're a dead man, Damson. You think you can threaten and hurt my girl? I'll destroy you." He snarled, his fists clenched at his sides. Damson narrowed his eyes, pointing at Mia. "You're believing her lies, Caleb? You're really that stupid?" Mia kept up the act, crying and trembling like a leaf. "Don't listen to him, Caleb. He's just trying to manipulate you." She whispered, her voice trembling.Damson shook his head. A mixture of anger and disappointment on his face. "Caleb, you'
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