All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
179 chapters
Chapter 21
Mia stood up abruptly and faced the vice chancellor. "Why do you want to hear the side story of a liar, a thief and a stalker? Haven't you been hearing everything that has been going on in the school concerning Damson?""He has been causing troubles left and right, now you're trying to give him the opportunity to tell more lies. It's absurd!" "Mia has been so terrified of him." Caleb said to the Vice chancellor. "He has been stalking her, sending her creepy messages and threatening her because she won't take him back as her boyfriend.""He has been showing up at her locker, watching her everyone and even followed her from school to her dorm one day. She's afraid of what he might do next." "Is this true Damson? Have you been harassing Mia?" The vice chancellor asked, eyeing Damson with disgust. "I have never done such a thing, sir." Damson replied angrily but before he could continue, Mia cut him off."It is true. He has been harassing me. He has also threatened to hurt me if I don'
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Chapter 22
"What is going on here!?" Caleb's father thundered, his voice echoing off the walls. "Who did this to you?" He asked as he walked close to his son, Caleb holding his face. Caleb pointed at Damson who was staring at Caleb's father the whole time since he barged into the vice chancellor's office. "Who are you?" He spat out at Damson. "I am Damson Malc…" Damson started to say but Caleb's father cut him off. "I don't care about your name." He yelled out, startling Damson. "Who do you think you are? How dare you attack my son!?""I didn't attack him." Damson said. "He attacked me first and we got into a fight…""My son does no such thing." Caleb's father said, interrupting Damson. "He never involves himself in fights. He would rather walk away than use his fists. I didn't teach him to be violent."Damson took a step back, as Caleb's father had already moved really close to him. "I..I understand sir." He stuttered. "But, you have to listen to me…"But Caleb's father wasn't having it. "No
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Chapter 23
"Don't you think your father suing Damson and taking him to court is too far?" Mia asked as she helped Caleb apply ointment on his bruises. "What do you mean by that?" Caleb asked angrily, his eyes narrowing. "Have you forgotten what he did to you? Are you taking sides with him?" "No…no…that wasn't what I meant." Mia stammered. "I'll never take sides with that loser…""Then, keep your mouth shut!" Caleb snapped, cutting her off. "You don't get to have a say in this matter. Damson deserves to rot in jail. Dress my wounds and get out when you're done."Mia's eyes widened at Caleb's outburst, but she remained silent as she continued to apply the ointment on his face. She knew better than to argue with him when he was in a bad mood. Damson groaned out as he put an ice pack on his face, trying to numb the throbbing pain he was feeling. He had a pounding headache and one of his eyes was swollen shut. "I told you to lay low for a while and not involve yourself in anything, young master,
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Chapter 24
Luis raised his eyebrow, a look of surprise on his face. "You're a bold one, Mr Kolvoski. I didn't think you had it in you." Mr Kolvoski smiled, a greedy glint in his eyes. "I'm just trying to lake a living and also, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity""I see." Luis said, rubbing his fingers on his jaw. "What makes you think I have more money to throw around?"Mr Kolvoski shrugged. "You're a wealthy man. I know you can afford it.""Well, too bad I cannot afford two more briefcases. This is all I have…""Mr Anderson paid me more than this." He said, cutting Luis off. "You already said you'll pay me three times the amount of money I got if I agree to be on your side.""This is nothing next to the amount of money I got from Mr Anderson." He lied. "Do you want me to back out?"Luis nodded slowly, acting like he was hesitating for a moment before agreeing to his request. "Alright then." He said, finally. "I'll add two more briefcases to the deal."Viktor, who had been standing by si
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Chapter 25
It was the day of the trial. Damson was sitting with a lawyer named Mr Jenkins. He paid him to defend him so it won't look like he knew something was going to happen and that's why he came with no lawyer. Caleb was on the other side but he was sitting alone. Mr Kolvoski was nowhere to be found. The judge looked around the courtroom, frowning. "Where is Mr kolvoski? Isn't he the lawyer representing you, Mr Anderson?"Caleb looked worried. "I don't know, your honor. He was supposed to meet me here this morning, but he hasn't shown up."Damson's lawyer, Mr Jenkins smiled. "Perhaps he realized he had no evidence to support your claims, Mr Anderson. Maybe he finally saw the truth-that my client is innocent."Caleb shook his head. "No that's not it. I believe something is wrong. My lawyer wouldn't disappear just like that. He's going to show up. He will be here soon."The judge sighed. "Alright then. Let's take a recess for 10 minutes until Mr Kolvoski shows up. If he doesn't show up, thi
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Chapter 26
Damson stood in front of the Red Diamond Club, the smell of smoke and alcohol hung heavy in the air. He looked around to see that the car park was empty but it looked like people were inside the club. He took a deep breath in, fumbling with the emergency watch Luis gave him and approached the bouncers that stood by the entrance. The bouncers, two large men with imposing faces, stared down at Damson, a look of curiosity on their faces. "Why are you here?" One of the bouncers with a bald head asked Damson, folding his arms. "I'm here for a drink." Damson replied, licking his lips. The bouncers looked at each other and laughed. "A drink?" The other bouncer asked, his voice dripping with disdain. "Who did you come with?"Damson hesitated, he knew he couldn't give the real reason for his visit. "I came with…uh…no one." He said, trying to sound confident. The bouncers looked at each other again. "First time here, huh?" The bald headed one asked, his eyes narrowing. Damson nodded, try
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Chapter 27
"You need to keep your head in the game Damson!" The coach yelled as he blew his whistle, making Damson shake his head as he tried to focus on the game. He has been struggling to take his mind off the CCTV footage he watched in the club three days ago. He was shocked, surprised and disturbed to see Kate on the footage. He wasn't expecting it. The coach blew his whistle again, snapping Damson back to reality. He shook his head, again, trying to clear his thoughts. He needed to focus on the game, but his mind was elsewhere. His face scrunched up as he thought back to the event. Kate had lured him into the hotel, but she wasn't there when he was attacked and his card got taken away from him. She had also visited him when he was in the hospital, showing that she cared. He had suspected Caleb for a long time, thinking he was in possession of the card but decided to not use it. Now he wasn't so sure. He saw Kate enter and leave the club a number of times, now he was confused. "Who is s
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Chapter 28
Damson looked at the coach and wanted to explain that all the claims against him weren't true, but he decided not to. He wasn't ready to argue with Caleb who was still glaring at him. It was him against the rest of the team and Damson knew he wouldn't come out on top. Instead, he picked up his bag and made his way out of the room and back to his dorm.As he walked out of the locker room, he could feel the eyes of his teammates on him, judging and condemning him. He knew he hadn't done anything wrong to not deserve to be the captain of the team, but he also knew trying to defend himself now would be pointless. Caleb had probably poisoned the minds of most of the boys and Damson was outnumbered. He got to his dorm and went to the bathroom to take a cold shower. He had wanted to be the captain for a very long time. He worked hard for it, showed up for every practice and never missed any days but because of his slip up today, he wasn't able to defend himself and it was all because of
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Chapter 29
"Who are you? What's your business here?" The boy asked, sneering at Damson."Well, we're in the public and since you decided to do this where everyone can see you, I don't see why it isn't my business." Damson said with a straight face."The lady said she's not interested and it is expected of you to let her go. You don't understand what 'No' means? Don't you know how to act like a gentleman?"The boy's face turned red with anger. "How dare you? This is between me and her. You think you're some kind of hero, don't you? Coming to the rescue of a damsel in distress? Well, let me tell you something, dude. She's not worth it.""I'm not doing it for her, I'm doing it for you. You're clearly not used to hearing the word 'No', and someone needs to teach you some manners." Damon said, calmly."See this fool acting like he's clever. You're not as clever as you think you are and you're not as tough as you think you are." The boy said, smiling smugly. "I don't need to be tough. I just need to
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Chapter 30
Damson's eyes widened as he took a step back, as he remembered who Maria was. She was the lady who saved his life. He remembered Luis showing him her picture, telling him how she had found him bleeding in the hotel room and called for help. If not for her, he would have never made it out alive. He was surprised to see her standing in front of him. "Do you remember me now, young master?" She asked again, smiling."Yes, yes I do." Damson replied, scratching his head. "What are you doing here? What happened to you? I thought you'd be…somewhere else…doing something." He was surprised to see her working as a cleaner in a bar after the money he told Luis to give her as a reward for saving him. "It's a long story and we can't talk here." She said softly, glancing around. "If you don't mind, can I quickly grab my things so we can go somewhere else to talk? Standing here and talking won't be convenient and I'll also not rather discuss it here." Damson nodded understandably. "Of course, Tak
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