All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
180 chapters
Chapter 31
"Live with you? I don't understand." Maria said, looking confused. "Not that way…I didn't mean you'd move in with me…I live there…but I don't stay there often. I mostly stay at the dorm." Damson replied, chuckling."I know you're in a tough spot without a place to stay, so I'm offering you a solution. You can stay at my apartment for free, for as long as you need.""I was lucky enough to win a small apartment in a lottery, but I don't spend much time there. It seems like a waste to let it sit empty. So I thought I'd offer it to you. You're welcome to stay there instead of sleeping at your workplace everyday."Maria's voice trembled as she asked. "Do you mean it?" Tears came to her eyes as she tried to stop them. "Thank you so much! I'm so thankful."Damson nodded. "It's no trouble at all, you're welcome. Just give me a few minutes and I'll call Luis to drive us there. You can use the next few minutes to pack up your remaining stuff while I make the call." "It's great to see you aga
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Chapter 32
"I think you've said enough." Damson said angrily, pointing at Linda. "I will not sit and watch you talk to me that way. I don't even know you and the only reason I'm talking to you right now is because you're Aria's friend and I've not forgotten how you treated me the last time.""You don't deserve to mention her name." Linda said angrily, standing up. Everyone in the cafeteria was already gathering around, they didn't understand why Linda was having an argument with Damson. "We all know how you used Aria for your own selfish gain. I am doing a favor by letting Maria know the type of person you are. You're nothing but a cheat, a liar and a thief.""I think you've got the wrong person." Maria said, defending Damson. "You need to stop shouting and calm down."Linda moved closer to Maria to give her a piece of her mind when she noticed Maria's outfit. She was dressed in a uniform. The uniform she wears to clean at the bar. The plan was to go to her place of work after sightseeing with
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Chapter 33
Damson couldn't bring himself to Maria who he truly is, so he avoided her. He didn't go back to the apartment after what had happened in the cafeteria. He told Luis to lie to Maria that he had to stay in his dorm because he had some projects to do in school. He had been staying in his parent's house, moping around and doing nothing. He just wanted to avoid Maria, so he wouldn't have to explain himself.Luis knocked, bringing him out of his thoughts. "I hope you've not forgotten about your high school reunion. It holds today. Have you made up your mind to attend it?""Yeah, I'll go." Damson replied, sitting up. "It can't be that bad. I'll pick it over sitting at home and moping around all day.""What about your outfit? Have you figured out what you want to wear?" Luis asked as he stood in front of Damson, waiting for his orders. "I'll just wear one of my dad's tuxedos. He has some really nice ones and they're just sitting there.""I'm not sure they'll fit. Your father was quite huge,
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Chapter 34
Nora didn't just order the most expensive food and drink in the menu but she also ordered to take home. Smith looked around, proud that he was able to tell Nora to order whatever she wanted. He noticed Damson with the menu, trying to place his order. "Don't bother looking for the cheapest food to buy. I know you do not have much and the food here is expensive. You can order whatever you want, I'll pay for it." Smith said, smiling. Damson felt insulted. Smith made him look like he couldn't afford any of the food in the menu which wasn't true. There was even some really cheap food anyone could afford. He glanced around to see others looking at him with pity. He decided to teach Smith a lesson. He decided to order three portions of the most expensive food and drink on the menu. Damson smiled to himself as he placed the order because he was so sure Smith wouldn't be able to afford it. "I got it covered." Smith said to him, as he handed the menu to the waiter. "Is that a Celestia Aur
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Chapter 35
"What! What do you mean?" Smith asked angrily. "How dare you order three portions of food. Are you joking with me?" He growled angrily at Damson who was smirking at him. He was livid and decided to make sure Damson paid for what he did because he wqs sure he ordered the three portions of food to mess with him. "You need to pay for your food yourself." He said, pointing at Damson. "I decided to help you with your food and you went too far. How can you bite the finger that fed you? You're so unbelievable.""I didn't bite your finger." Damson said, trying to hide his smile. "I didn't beg you to help me, you only decided to by yourself. I don't remember begging you to pay for my food and if I can remember correctly, you told me to order whatever I wanted, so I did.""That's too bad." Smith said mockingly. "I've decided to change my mind. I'm not paying for your food anymore, you need to pay for it yourself""How can you change your mind just like that?" Olivia asked angrily. "No one as
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Chapter 36
Smith watched everyone as they grumbled angrily. He didn't want to be blamed but wanted to be the one to pay his bills. He was surprised Damson could offer to pay for his food. If he could decide to pay for his food, that means he has the money. But how? He was confused.The waiter collected Damson's card and processed the payment. It was successful. Everyone was surprised and stunned. They didn't expect it to work. Damson collected his card and walked out of the hotel."Is that the same person we attended high school with?""How was he able to afford the bills?""Where did he get that card from? What if he had more money in it?""Wow! What is going on?"Smith was shocked. He didn't know how Damson was able to afford the money. He expected the card to decline or not even have the sufficient funds. "How could you guys fall for that?" Smith asked, facing the others. "Something is fishy. We all knew the type of person he was growing up. He never had money. He begged us for our snacks
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Chapter 37
Nora burst into laughter as she watched Damson stand confidently in front of her. "Do you mind repeating yourself again?" she asked, holding her stomach and trying to stop herself from laughing. "I work in this company." Damson said, again confidently. "Who? You? Who gave you a job in this big company? You think it's accessible for people like you? You must be out of your mind.""Do you know how long it took me before I was acknowledged here, before I got to do my internship? It was solely because of the connections my father had here. You're just a nobody, claiming that you work here. You must be delusional." "See how you're dressed. Your clothes are old and worn out. Don't even get me started on your shoes. You got a job here looking like that? Must be a joke.""Who gave you the job? What do you do here? What job were you offered? I'm sure you're lying." Nora said, folding her arms. "Oh, oh, oh. I think I get it." The security guard said suddenly, laughing. "You must be a cle
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Chapter 38
Nora was ashamed. She wanted the floor to open up and swallow her. She never imagined herself pleading with Damson for a job offer. Last night, during the reunion, she hated the idea of Damson sitting next to her or being around her. Today, she's willing to do whatever he wants her to do to get her internship. Damson stared at her as he thought to himself. He wanted to have no mercy on her, but he decided that it's not the time yet. For now, he will have mercy.If he decides to cancel her name out of the internship list, he was hundred percent sure she would go around telling people about him and he needed her mouth shut."You said you'll do anything I ask and want right?" Damson asked, looking straight into her eyes. "Yes, yes. I will do anything to get the internship." She said, bowing her head, avoiding eye contact. "You have two major offenses that can make you not to get this offer, but I'm willing to overlook it.""You will get the internship offer if and only if you do not
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Chapter 39
"Instead of trying to hide behind the fact that the pay is too high, how about you come clean and say you cannot afford the payment." Caleb snorted."I think it's no news Damson hasn't been able to afford the prior payments and according to what I heard, his card is no longer with him. He bought food in the cafeteria with his girlfriend and was unable to pay. She ended up paying for both of them.""I think it all makes sense now. The card he stole has either been taken away from him, or he has spent all the money. He's back to ground zero." "There's no reason to try to lie, or hide behind that. We'll just do what we always did before, when you couldn't pay the maintenance fee.""You will do our laundry and we'll overlook the fact that you didn't pay."Caleb said with a smile Damson burst into laughter, shaking his head. "I will not be doing that, I'll rather lick your feet than do your laundry again." "You had no problem doing it back then, you were always happy washing the clothes.
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Chapter 40
"What do you mean everything went black, mum?" Caleb asked, confused."I mean that I fainted. The shock of seeing your father lying on the floor…it was too much for me. I couldn't handle it.""I woke up to see the maids trying to revive your father, but he wasn't responsive, the ambulance came within minutes and they took him to the hospital."Caleb hugged his mum. "Oh, mum, I'm so sorry. You must have been so scared."His mum nodded, tears streaming down her face. "I was. I'm still scared, Caleb. We don't know what's wrong with your father yet. All we can do is hope and pray that he will be okay.""Don't worry, mum, I'm sure it's nothing serious. Caleb said, trying to reassure her. Sad will be okay."His mum smiled weakly. "I hope so, I really do."After what felt like an eternity, the doctor finally came to update them on their dad's condition. "I have good news." He said with a smile. "Mr Anderson is awake, he's going to be just fine."Caleb, his mum and Emily all exchanged a reli
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