All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
180 chapters
Chapter 41
The next morning, Damson's phone rang, waking him up. He groggily answered it, and Luus's voice was on the other end. "Young master, there are some people here at the company, they want to see you." Luis said. Damson rubbed his eyes and tried to shake off the sleep. "Who are they?" He asked, his voice still husky from sleep. Luis hesitated for a minute. "I think it's better you see them for yourself, young master."Damson didn't like the sound of that. He wondered who might have come to the company to see him. "Tell them I'm not available today, they can come another day.""Young master, they're not leaving until they see you. I think you should come to the company. This is not something I can explain on the phone" Luis replied. Damson sighed, feeling frustrated and tired. All he wanted to do today was relax and rest. Caleb didn't come back to the room last night which means he could breath and have a good day without his side remarks. He slowly got out of bed, freshened up and m
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Chapter 42
Damson was very angry with Luis. "Why didn't tell me about my father's family? Why didn't you inform me that he had a twin brother?" He asked, his voice loud. "I'm sorry, young master. Your father told me to keep it a secret. He said you had to find out about them on your own." Luis said, bowing, avoiding eye contact. Damson narrowed his eyes. "What's going on Luis. Why are there so many secrets and tests? Can't we just be a normal family like everyone else? How much more secrets do I have to find out myself? What more are you hiding from me?"Luis sighed. "Your father wants you to be strong, young master. He knows that if you want to be in charge of Stellarcorp and the Underworld, you'll face many challenges. He wants you to be able to stand up for yourself and fight for what's yours." Damson rubbed his face, feeling frustrated. "I don't know how much more of this I can take, Luis. I have Marcus's men chasing me, there's Kate too, we're still looking for her. Now I have to deal wi
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Chapter 43
Damson shrugged as he read Lily's message. He didn't need to reply her as he doesn't need to do such jobs again, but he decided to. He's not just anyone, he's the president of Stellarcorp. "I won't be available tonight Lily, I have things to do." He typed, sending the message.Lily replied immediately. "You can't just bail out on us Damson. We've been struggling with all our stuff for weeks since you disappeared. Tonight is important. Sasha will be around and we can't mess things up. We need all hands on deck."Damson smiled when he saw Sasha's name. She was the former leader of the sparkle squad and Damson might have had a little crush on her before she handed her position to Lily. He hadn't seen her in her in a while and the thought of seeing her tonight made him reconsider. "Alright, fine." Damson typed. "I'll be there."Lily's response came quickly. "Thank you! See you at 8pm sharp at the basketball court."Night time came by pretty fast and Damson was looking through his cloth
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Chapter 44
"I can't believe she brought a group of girls here to the arcade without having money to pay. It's just reckless." One of the arcade staff said, shaking his head. "These college students and their entitled behavior, thinking they can just waltz in here and expect everything for free." "Tell me about it." The other staff member replied. "Like, hello, we have bills to pay too, you know?" "I know, right? And now, she's trying to get her brother to pay over the phone. Girl, you should have thought of that before you started telling all the girls to play all the games here. Don't even get me started on the food." The first staff member said, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, and what's with the constant dialing? Does she really think her brother is just going to magically appear with the money?" The second staff member chuckled."I guess she's desperate, but honestly, I'm not letting her leave until she pays up. She's going to iearn a lesson today." The first staff member said, crossing his arm
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Chapter 45
"Your behavior won't be accepted, Damson. You spend weeks away from practice and you return only to cause trouble and steal? You're becoming something else. When did all of these start?" Damson narrowed his eyes, his jaw clenched. "I didn't steal the sneakers." He said, through gritted teeth. "Stop lying!" Coach yelled angrily. "You mean everyone in the locker room lied against you? Everyone admitted to you stealing the sneakers and you're trying to deny it. You need to fix up, Damson. I'm going to make sure you learn the hard way. I'm so disappointed in you." Damson was frustrated, but Coach continued. "You're suspended for two weeks and you will not be playing in the next four games. You may leave." Damson was angry but he knew arguing was pointless. This was all because of David. He glared at Coach, turned and slammed the door behind him as he left the office. He checked his phone to see that Viktor had called him back, but he missed his call. He called him back. "I'll send
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Chapter 46
"Wait, what? Did you just say boyfriend?" Mia asked in disbelief. "That's impossible. How? When did it happen? When did you guys start dating?"Mia glared at Sasha, her eyes scanning her from head to toe. She is a very pretty girl who didn't relate much with everyone. Although, she wasn't in the same department as the rest of them. She was part of the 10 most beautiful girls on campus and Mia couldn't understand how she was Damson's girlfriend. Sasha smiled, unfazed by Mia's glare. "We met a few weeks ago and we started dating soon after. We've been together for a while, maybe a month." Mia's eyes widened in shock. A month? How is that possible? Damson is not even worthy of her. She's way out of his league.Sasha was a low key person, but people who knew her knew she was from a wealthy family. She never showed off her wealth or used it to impress others. She had also told her parents she wanted to make her own money and didn't want their help.Mia was pretty and curvy, but Sasha was
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Chapter 47
Damson sat up straight as soon as he saw Sasha's message on his phone. He was surprised and curious. How did she get his contact? He hadn't given it to her and he was sure he hadn't posted it online anywhere. Why was she asking him about a lottery ticket? He doesn't even know where to buy one. He wasn't expecting her to reach out like this, especially about something as random as a lottery ticket. Damson was still lost in thought, trying to make sense of Sasha's message, when his phone buzzed again. He looked down to see another message from her."Hey, let's meet up tomorrow and get the lottery ticket together. I'm too excited to wait, I want to get it as soon as possible." She wrote. Damson's eyes furrowed in confusion. What was going on? They had met Just the day before, and she hadn't mentioned anything about a lottery ticket. It was as if she had intentionally waited until today to text him. "Is she interested in me? Is she looking for excuses to spend time with me? Does she l
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Chapter 48
Sasha glared at the lady as she slammed the bills on the table. She was determined not to back down, so she pulled Damson to a corner, whispering to him. "I need $2000 dollars, right now." Damson looked at her in disbelief, his eyes wide with shock. "What do you mean, Sasha? We're here to buy just a ticket, not 20 tickets! We didn't plan for this. You're going too far. Let's focus on why we came here." "I know, but I can't let them win. They're trying to intimidate us. They think they're better than us just because they have more money? No way. I need $2000 to show them we do belong on the same level." "We're not riffraffs, but by the time we leave this place without doing anything, we're accepting that everything that everything they said is true." Damson shook his head. " Sasha, think about it, We're students. We don't have that kind of money and even if we did, it's not worth it just to prove a point. We don't even know them. Let's just leave."Sasha was adamant. "Find a way,
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Chapter 49
Damson left the bathroom and went straight to the office where the previous owner, Mr Matthews, was sitting. He barged in without knocking, which made Mr Matthews glare angrily at him. "Who are you and what do you think you're doing in my office?" Mr Matthews asked, angrily. "Have you no manners? Who sent you to my office? I already told my workers to let you all know I have no hand in the winning process. If you're here to beg me for help, I can't do anything. Get out of my office, you rude and mannerless fool." Damson chuckled, sitting down on a chair. "Quiet! Your voice is too loud, you're hurting my ears. I'm right in front of you, you don't have to yell." Mr Matthews was surprised. He saw that Damson was wearing the shirt that had a university logo on it, so he was just an ordinary student. "A university student is right here in my office, telling me to keep quiet? Are you out of your mind?" He grabbed Damson by his collar, fuming with anger. "You must be crazy. You think yo
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Chapter 50
Damson was caught off guard and couldn't react fast enough. He watched as the person dissappear into the crowd, taking the money with him. He immediately stood up and ran after the person. "Stop, thief! Stop running!" He yelled as he chased the person who had taken the bag. "I'll call the police if you don't stop!" He threatened, bumping into people and breathing hard. But the person didn't stop, he kept running and dodging through the crowd and cars. Just as Damson was about to give up chasing after the thief, the person's hoodie fell off, revealing a face he didn't expect. It was Kate! He was shocked. She looked back, smiled, quickly covered her head and ran as fast as she could, with Damson chasing after her. Damson had been trying to find Kate for a while. The last time he saw her was on a CCTV footage, and now he finally had a chance to catch up with her. He pulled out his phone and called Luis, breathing heavily. "Luis, I need your help." Damson said. "I just saw Kate and
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