All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
180 chapters
Chapter 51
Damson, who had been watching Madison's mother with growing irritation, quickly stepped forward and held her hand as she grabbed the scalpel. "This is a hospital." He said, angrily. "You're causing a scene and disturbing the other patients. Luke is also a patient, stop handling him like he's not. He's also injured. Can't you see the cast on his leg? You need to let go of him right now."He quickly pried the scalpel out of her hand, handing it to a nurse standing nearby, who quickly took it away. Everyone was shocked. They couldn't believe Damson stood up to Madison's mother after what she had said. "Does he have a death wish?" Linda whispered to Aria. "What is he thinking? He's so stupid." Aria nodded in agreement. "Madison's mother is going to crush him like a bug. What was he thinking, standing up to her like that? He's either very brave or very stupid. I'm not sure which one it is."Linda shook her head. "I think it's a little bit of both. He's in deep trouble today."The two g
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Chapter 52
It had been a month since Damson last saw Maria. He had received many text and calls from her, but he ignored them all. He knew he had done something wrong, but he wasn't ready to reveal his true identity to her, and he was also avoiding her questions. Feeling guilty for ghosting her, he decided to check up on her. He initially wanted to call Luis to pick him up from school, but he changed his mind. Instead, he took a taxi to the apartment. When he arrived, he noticed a black van parked outside. Confused, he walked closer to check it out, that's when he saw Maria struggling with two men. They were trying to drag her into the van."I'm not going with you! Leave me alone! Stay away from me, I'm going to call the police if you don't let me go." Maria screamed, struggling to break free from the men's grip. "I promised to pay you back. It's not two months yet. You can't take me with you! Somebody help me, please! Help!" She screamed, fighting back tears."You can't do this to me!" She
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Chapter 53
Maria woke up with a terrible headache. She sat up slowly, holding her head in her hands. She looked around, taking in her surroundings and found out she was back in the apartment, but she didn't remember how she got there. The last thing she remembered was almost getting hit by a car. She dragged herself out of bed and walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, trying to remember if she came back to the apartment on her own or someone brought her back but she was sure no one saw her leave the house. As she entered the kitchen, she was surprised to see Damson cooking at the stove. At first, she was surprised and happy to see him, but got angry immediately when she remembered what he had done to her. "What do you think you're doing here?" She asked, angrily, folding her arms. Damson turned to her, a smirk on his face. "Oh, you're finally awake. I was getting worried. You seem to forget that I also live here." He said, his tone playful.Maria let out a sarcastic laugh. "'Livin
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Chapter 54
Luis fixed Damsons tie, concern visible on his face. "Young master, are you sure you're ready to face the shareholders?"Damson nodded. "I'm ready, Luis. One way or the other, I have to face them. If I don't do it now, they might sell their shares and before that happens, I need to show them what I'm capable of." Damson rubbed his hands, nervous. He hadn't slept much the night before. The first reason was because of Maria. Last night didn't go as planned. She was angry with him and her reasons were valid. He wanted her to share everything about herself, but he was holding back from telling her the truth about himself. He was also worried about the meeting with the shareholders, he didn't know them and didn't know what to expect. Luis had sent him files about them, including their names and what he should expect from them. There were five of them: Ethan Thompson, Alexander Pierce, Julian Lee, Gabriel Reed and Lucas Brooke. Julian Lee and Lucas Brooke were businessmen who took thei
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Chapter 55
"As for you two. Damson said, pointing at Julian and Lucas. I know all about your silly and foul games. I have the annual financial records with me here and from what I've investigated, the funds you've been receiving in your accounts haven't been matching with what's written down in the records. Do you want me to investigate further and see why there's no balance?" Damson laughed, a cold hard sound. "You want to continue your fraudulent activities, that's why you want to get rid of me? You're very wrong. I'm here to stay and I'll make sure to get rid of leeches like you all from my company. You dare look down on me? You're all crazy fools." The shareholders were shocked and scared, their faces pale. They hadn't expected an outburst from Damson. They thought he was someone they could push around and control, but Damson just proved them wrong. He stood his ground."I didn't agree to this meeting in the first place." Alexander said, sitting up, his voice shaking. "I really don't have
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Chapter 56
Sasha knocked the passenger window, startling Damson. He quickly got out and opened the door for her, showing his chivalrous side. "Chivalry isn't dead." She said with a chuckle as she got in the car. Damson got back to the driver's seat and started the engine. "Where to?" He asked, looking at her. She typed the location of the beach into the GPS and he started driving."You look really beautiful." Damson said, smiling at her. Sasha blushed and replied. "Thank you." But after that, the atmosphere in the car became awkward and they both fell silent. "This is a nice car." Sasha said, breaking the silence. "I didn't know you had one." "Oh, I rented it." Damson replied, scratching his head. "I didn't want us to go through the stress of getting a taxi." Sasha nodded, impressed by his thoughtfulness. They listened to soft music for the rest of the drive until they arrived at the beach.Damson found a parking spot and they made their way into the beach. As they walked, a feminine voi
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Chapter 57
Mia glared at Sasha and Damson, her eyes fixed on their intertwined fingers, she was furious, still refusing to believe Damson and Sasha were a couple.It was like Sasha didn't mind having Damson as her boyfriend and Mia couldn't accept that Damson was moving on and finding happiness with someone else. She was jealous of Sasha's beauty and everything she had. She wished Sasha was ugly and not prettier than her. Sasha was better than her in every way and she hated it with passion. "We can go to the VIP section if there are no more beach huts." Sasha said, calmly."Where's the VIP section located?" She asked the beach officer. He looked at Damson from head to toe, hesitating to reply. He didn't look lie someone who could afford the VIP section. "The VIP section is quite expensive." The officer said. "Are you sure you can’ afford it?" "What do you mean by that question?" Sasha asked, angrily. "Take us to the VIP section immediately!" "I'm sorry ma'am, but if this young man could af
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Chapter 58
Damson watched in horror as Matt destroyed his car with a baseball bat. He didn't dare try to stop him, fearing Matt would swing the bat at his head next. The boys from the dorm came out to see what was happening and they all stood there, shocked as Matt smashed the car to pieces. "Is that Damson?""What's going on? Who's that guy?" "Whose car is that?" "I saw it at the beach party. Damson must have rented it!" "How will he pay for the damages? He's in big trouble." The boys whispered to each other, watching Matt hit the car with the baseball bat over and over again. After Matt had finished destroying the car, he threw the bat on the ground, panting heavily. He stormed up to Damson, grabbed him by his shirt and started choking him. "Who do you think you are, huh? You think my sister is someone you can just walk all over, you lowlife?" Damson was confused and struggled to breathe. "Release me! I can't breathe! I don't understand what you're talking about!" But Matt just glare
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Chapter 59
The next day, Damson headed to the hospital to see Mia. He had spent the night thinking about what might have happened to her to have such bruises on her body. He had alway known Mia to be crazy and like her brother, very troublesome. He wondered if she had gotten into a fight with someone after leaving the beach, or maybe she had hurt herself. He even thought she might have done something to herself to put him in trouble. This wasn't the first time she would lie against him, so he wouldn't be surprised if she was actually lying. As he entered the hospital, he asked for directions to her room. When he opened the door, he saw Mia's mother crying and her father consoling her. He was curious- what had happened? Was it because of the bruises?He entered the room fully and her parents looked at him with accusing eyes. "What's going on?" He asked, looking at Mia who was fast asleep. She had bruises on her face and her body was covered with a blanket, so he couldn't see if there were more
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Chapter 60
Damson sat in the hospital corridor, lost in thought. He was still trying to process the news about Mia's diagnosis. As he sat there, he heard a soft sobbing sound coming from the person sitting next to him. He turned took, that's when he noticed the girl. She was sitting with her back to him. He bent his head to see if he could see her face, but he couldn't. She looked really familiar, but he couldn't quite place where he had seen her. The girl's crying grew louder and Damson felt pity for her. He wanted to comfort her, but he didn't know if he should. Just as he was about to leave, a nurse called out. "Miss Maria, you can now check on the patient." Damson's eyes widened as he turned around, recognising Maria's name. He couldn't believe he hadn't realized it was her earlier. Maria dragged her feet into the hospital room, her eyes red and puffy from crying. Damson followed her, curious about what was going on. He saw her walk slowly to the bedside of a woman who was hooked up to
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