All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
180 chapters
Chapter 61
Damson shook his head, frowning. He didn't know what had gotten over Sasha and why she was behaving that way. "Sasha, I don't understand you. I don't know why you're saying all these things. I'm not interested in Mia. If I were, I'd have begged to have her back." "I can see your actions, Damson. You say something, but you mean otherwise. Can you explain what happened on the bench then?" Sasha asked, her eyes narrowed. "Mia should be in jail for what she did. She could have killed me.""Why did you tell them to release her? She didn't deserve any mercy. You just had to look away. It's obvious you still have a soft spot for her." Damson knew Sasha was right, he still had a soft spot for Mia, but that didn't mean he wanted to get back together with her. He didn't see himself dating her after what she had done to him. He was still hurt from their break up and the wound was still fresh. "If you were the one, Sasha, I'd do the same." Damson said, softly. "I wouldn't watch them take you
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Chapter 62
Damson narrowed his eyes as he circled around Dr. Kim, his voice cold. "What is the nature of her sickness? What is wrong with Mia?" He demanded. Dr. Kim shook with fear, his eyes darting around the room. "I'm sorry, please forgive me. Please, I had no choice. I was in huge debt, please…" but Damson cut him off, yelling. "That's not the answer I want to hear." He yelled, his face inches from Dr Kim's. I said, "what is wrong with her?" He repeated, his voice low and deadly. He was furious. Dr. Kim gulped, his eyes wide with fear. "She has cancer, she's a cancer patient. I diagnosed her with cancer." "Good, that's the answer I wanted to hear."Damson said, patting his shoulder. "Next question: Does she really have cancer?" Dr. Kim's face turned white and he started sweating profusely. "P-please…I…"he began to say, but Damson flared up again. "Answer my question!" He shouted, slamming his fist on the table. "If I hear you say please again, I promise you, I will not hesitate to cu
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Chapter 63
"What!?" Maria whispered. "What do you mean by that? What money is gone? Don't play with me!" "The money is gone, I used it to sort out some important things. I was broke and had no other option." Her sister said, shrugging her shoulders. "That's a joke right? Tell me that's not true. You didn't do that, did you? Tell me you're lying." Maria screamed. Her voice echoed down the hospital corridor. "Bring out the money right now! Tell me you still have the money!" She demanded, tears streaming down her face, but her sister just looked at her, shaking her head, showing she didn't care. "The money is gone, Maria. How many times do you want to repeat myself? You're wasting your time stressing. What we should be talking about right now is when to unplug mum and remove her from life support. She wouldn't be able to live a normal life if she woke up. She's brain dead! So what's the point?" "You're wasting your time if you think she'll ever wake up. Mum is dead and gone! She needs to rest
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Chapter 64
"I've been sending my mum's hospital bills to my sister's account, which was a big mistake, only to find out she hasn't been paying. She has been spending it on herself." "I worked really hard for the money, I couldn't go to school, borrowed from loan sharks. I'm just like my father, the only difference is that I don't gamble, but I borrow money and run away. Isn't that funny?" Maria said, laughing loudly, her body shaking. Damson watched her, concerned. "I think you've had enough to drink, Maria. He took away her cup, but Maria just laughed and muttered to herself. She was fully drunk." Damson shook his head as he stared at her. "Oops! I'm late for my part time job." She said, gasping and standing abruptly. Damson held her as she stumbled. "I don't think it's a good idea to go anywhere. You have to go home, you're drunk. Let's go home." He held her hand as he paid for their drinks. After a few minutes of trying to get a taxi, Damson finally found one. They got home and Damson la
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Chapter 65
The next day, Sasha packed her bags and headed home, her mind still racing with thoughts of what could be wrong. She had always spoken to her mum and she had always sounded happy, but last night's phone call had been different. Her mum's voice was low and sounded empty and she could tell something was off. She tried to push the thoughts aside and focus on the excitement of seeing her parents. As she unlocked the gate to the house. She called out. "Mum! Dad! I'm home!" She checked the living room, expecting to see her parents waiting for her, but they weren't there. "We're at the dining table." Her mum called out. Sasha smiled and dropped her bag, running to the dining room to hug her mum, who smiled back at her. "Hey, dad." She said, going over to her dad, kissing him on the cheek. "I've missed you guys so much." "We missed you more, pumpkin." Her dad said, smiling, but it didn't reach his eyes. The food on the table looked delicious and her stomach growled with hunger. "The foo
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Chapter 66
Sasha sat on the floor, crying uncontrollably. "Why did I have to confess my feelings to Damson yesterday?" She lamented. It was as if fate was playing a cruel joke on her. Why was it the same day she confessed her feelings to Damson was when she heard she was getting married to a man old enough to be her father. The thought of it made her cry harder.Damson called her over and over again, but she ignored his calls. She couldn't just bring herself to have a conversation with him at the moment. When Damson realized she wasn't picking, he sent her a text. "Hey, Sasha, you're probably asleep, but if you don't mind, can we meet tomorrow and talk about what happened yesterday? Sleep tight." Sasha read the messages over and over, each time feeling a fresh wave of sadness wash over her. She couldn't meet Damson, not now. She couldn't face him. She switched off her phone, and threw it aside and dragged herself to bed, curling up into a ball and crying herself to sleep. Damson stood in fr
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Chapter 67
"I don't care how you got my address or what right you think you have to be here, but you need to leave right now, if you don't want problems for yourself!" Sasha said, angrily. Damson shook his head. "I'm not leaving Sasha. I'm here to talk about you, about us. You can talk to me about anything. I'm here for you, don't push me away. I know you're not happy."Sasha laughed loudly, a bitter sound. "Here for me? Who do you think you are? You think we have a connection because I said I liked you? Newsflash Damson, I wasn't thinking straight when I said that." "I was feeling sorry for you, that's all. I don't think I can sate or like someone with no prospect or future. We can never be together." "I only started talking to you out of pity. You have no friends and you have a very sad life. I was just doing you a favor. Don't tell me you've gotten attached" She continued, folding her arms. Damson's face fell, but he refused to believe her words. "That's not true, Sasha. I know you're lyi
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Chapter 68
Damson left Sasha's house angrily. He was hurt by her words but he decided to overlook it as he had an important task at hand. He was glad to find out the name of the useless man that wants to marry Sasha and he will do anything to make sure the marriage doesn't hold. He couldn't imagine her spending the rest of her life unhappy. He could see the sadness in her eyes and it made his heart ache. His mind went to the things she said to him and he wished she never opened her mouth to say such things. He expected her to be the last person to utter such words. In the end, She wasn't so different from everyone else. He was disappointed, angry and hurt. He shook his head, trying not to think about it. He brought out his phone to call Luis. "Hello, young master." Luis greeted. "Have you heard of Mr Baron with the company name Baron industries?" He asked, going straight to the point. "Yes, young master. I know him." Luis replied. "Does he have any attachment to the company? Is he a partn
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Chapter 69
Damson sighed heavily as he sat on his chair. He wasn't expecting to see Caleb in the lobby. He shook his head as he remembered all the things Caleb said to him. He chuckled to himself. Little did Caleb know that the 'poor miserable Damson' is actually the president of the company and the one calling the shots. He smiled to himself and leaned back on his chair, waiting for Luis to show up. After some minutes of waiting, Luis knocked and came in. "I'm so sorry for what happened, young master. I should have come earlier, but I was stuck in traffic." He said, bowing his head. Damson brushed him off. "It's fine. How were you able to handle Caleb?" "I deceived him by collecting the proposal from him, telling him to come back and I'll check it out and make sure to hand it over to the president." Luis replied. Damson smiled to himself. "I like that. That was very smart of you. This is just the beginning, but Caleb would regret ever messing with me by the time I'm done with him. He doesn
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Chapter 70
Damson stood in front of Baron industries, it was a moderate looking building. Although it wasn't as big as Stellarcorp. He wondered how he knew nothing about Baron industries until Luis talked about it to him. Mr Baron probably didn't want many eyes on him so he tried to be discreet.,He walked into the lobby with Luis, approaching the receptionist who later referred them to the secretary of Mr Baron. A stern looking lady Damson could tell from a glance would be difficult to talk to. He cleared his throat, so she could know he was standing right in front of her. "Can I help you?" She asked, not bothering to look up from her computer, typing with her long nails that were painted red. Damson wondered how she was able to type with it. "My name is Damson Malcom and here with me is Luis Salvor." The secretary raised an eyebrow. "And who are you here for?" She asked, looking uninterested. "We're here to see Mr Baron. We heard he's willing to help businesses in need and I'm hoping to di
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