All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
180 chapters
Chapter 71
"Would you like a cup of coffee, tea or water." Mr Baron asked as he sat in front of Damson and Luis. "I can ask my secretary to give you anything you want. Just mention it.""Oh, we're fine, we don't need anything." Damson said. We're not going to be here for a long time. We're busy men and we need to get back to the company as soon as possible." "Ah, I see. You want us to quickly talk about the partnership and stamp the deal. I understand, I can't wait too." Baron said, laughing loudly. Damson and Luis also laughed, but theirs was fake. "It is a pleasure having people from the biggest company in the city here in my company. It is a big deal and I can't wait to boast around to my friends. I'm very excited and honored to have you here. I wasn't expecting it. You must think highly of my company and I'm happy you do." Damson laughed. "Our president sends his apologies. He said he's sorry he didn't consider your proposals and we hope you won't take revenge and reject ours this time.
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Chapter 72
Damson groaned loudly as he loosened his tie. He was exhausted and hadn't eaten all day. He was happy he was able to deal with the situation of Mr Baron and Sasha's father. He didn't want to imagine what would have happened if had waited longer.Sasha's father wouldn't have to depend on Mr Baron before his company would come back up. He already told Luis to send him an email, telling him Stellarcorp is willing to help him get his company back on its feet. He just had to sign some documents. He imagined how happy Sasha would be when she finds out she doesn't have to marry that old bastard but his smile falters whenever he remembers the things she said to him. He had been trying to take his mind off it, but it wasn't working. He didn't expect her to confess to him out of pity, he was excited for nothing. He leaned his head on the window and his stomach growled in hunger. , "Drive me to the nearest restaurant, I'd like to get something to eat. I'm starving." Damson told Luis who wa
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Chapter 73
Over the next few days, Damson and Maria spent a lot of time together. They went out to eat together, watched movies, and attended parties. They had so much fun together. He has also been sleeping in the apartment lately. If he wasn't with Maria, he would either be in class or in the library, burying his head in his books. He also spent some time with Fred and Luke. After the incident with Mr Baron, he had expected Sasha to call him and tell him she wasn't going to get married again, but she didn't. He decided to take Maria's advice and reached out to her so they could meet and talk. He called her and texted her so many times, but she didn't respond, so he gave up. He had gone to meet Lily to ask about her. She told him Sasha took some days off school because she was sick and will resume when she gets better. Sasha could reach out to Lily, but not him. It was enough for him to get the memo. Sasha didn't rate him and truly didn't see him as someone important, even as a friend. If
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Chapter 74
Maria tried to open the door again, again, but it was locked. "Why is the door locked, Andrew? Maria asked, her voice shaking. What is going on? Did you lock the door? If you did, you have to open it right now." "Why not call your sweet boyfriend to open it for you?" He replied, laughing loudly. "Have you forgotten his name already?" "I've loved you since you started working here and all of a sudden, Damson entered into the picture and you fell for him? What about me? You pushed me aside. You run into his arms, every single day without even batting your eyes for me." "Have you forgotten everything I've done for you? I did most of you work, covered your shifts and even told the manager to increase your pay. I did everything possible, only for you to discard me like I'm some garbage." "You picked that good for nothing boy over me and slapped me because of him!" He spat out."That's not true. Sasha said, shaking her head. Damson is not my boyfriend. I promise, I'm not lying. We're ju
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Chapter 75
Damson was furious and landed a heavy punch on Andrew's face. "How dare you?" He said, punching him again. He grabbed him and was about to hit his head against the wall when the police came, stopping him from hitting him. "Stop it, kid. You might end up killing him and you wouldn't want that. We'll take it from here, leave him." Damson looked at Andrew, who had a smile on his face. He didn't feel remorseful for what he did and all he wanted to do was to beat and destroy his face, but he was lucky the police came on time.They cuffed his hands and dragged him outside, putting him inside their car. Maria was asked some questions and after that, they drove off. "Are you sure you're okay?" Damson asked Maria again."I'm fine. Jeez, how many times do you want to ask me?" She said, rolling her eyes. "How did you end up in the store?""He tricked me and I fell for it. I don't think he's mentally stable. Inside the store, I couldn't recognise him. He looked scary and different." "Why
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Chapter 76
Caleb drove back to school from a night party he attended off campus, speeding past Nancy, Diane and Maria. Catching a glimpse of them from his side mirror, he recognised Nancy, he had a fling with her, twice. He wondered what she was doing, standing and looking angry. Out of curiosity, he reversed his car, got out and approached her."Hey, what's going on?" He asked, grasping Nancy's waist, recognising Diane beside her, but couldn't see Maria's face. Maria heard a male voice and quickly covered her face with her hair, feeling embarrassed and didn't want to be seen. Nancy squealed, sounding flirty. "Caleb! It's been so long since I saw you. You just forgot about me. That's not fair!" She pouted her lips. Caleb smirked, enjoying the attention. "Sorry, Nancy. I've been really busy with school and stuff." "Oh, busy with your girlfriend, you mean?" She asked, with a raised eyebrow. "I already told not to worry about her. She's just there for the name, you're still my number one."
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Chapter 77
Maria's eyes widened as she heard Diane mention the secret. It's something she had been keeping for years and the only reason she was able to find out about it was because she eavesdropped on her conversation with Matilda. "You better not say anything Diane." Maria said, clenching her teeth. Diane laughed out loud. "Aw, are you scared of how he would look at you when he finds out? Or you're worried he won't trust you again?""Shut up!" Maria yelled, startling everyone. "The secret was a big deal to her and she didn't like how Diane was joking about it.""You shouldn't have taken our money and run. You knew it would take you a lot of months and hard work to pay back, that's why you ran away. You're a thief and a liar, you sly fox." Damson had never seen Maria that angry before and he wondered what secret Diane was talking about. She was breathing heavily, trying to control her anger and he knew this was the wrong time to ask about secrets. He decided to focus on why they were here i
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Chapter 78
"What do you mean by that? You also think I'm a failure, poor and miserable? Are you agreeing with everything they said? You don't believe I can pay the money?"Maria signed. "No, I believe you. I'm sorry, that came out wrong, but you're making a big deal out of this." "Caleb isn't someone you'd want to have around you, he's not someone you can trust or share your phone number with. He is a very terrible person." "I think you just have a problem with him. Maria said, shaking her head. "He paid my debt and if not for him, only God knows what Nancy and Diane would have done." "Let me be the judge of his character, if he's someone I can trust or not. He helped me and that's the least I can do so, please let's not argue, let's just forget about what just happened. We still have to go to my new place of work. Let's keep the mood light, please." Maria pleaded. Damson tried his best not to say anything again, he wasn't satisfied with how the conversation ended. Caleb is very cunning and
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Chapter 79
The man snarled as he tightened his hands around Maria's neck, he was enjoying the way she gasped and struggled to breathe. "You need to let her go." One of the men said to him. "She's the only one that can tell us where Damson is. "If you kill her we will lose and the boss already told us to make sure we come with his head." The man holding Maria's neck growled angrily. He didn't want to let go of her. The aim was to kill her for not answering his questions. Angrily, he threw her aside, making her crash into a set of mannequins. Maria held her neck, crying and gasping for breath, her body was shaking with fear. She thought she was going to die. "Where is Damson?" She thought to herself, looking around. She was worried because if these men should find him, they'll kill him on the spot. One of the men walked up to Maria, dragging her back to the middle of the room. "You need to answer our questions if you want to leave this place alive." He spoke to her gently but Maria knew it was
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Chapter 80
Damson groaned as he struggled to stand up, he was badly bruised. He tried to walk fast to the door to check for the car's plate number, but it was too late, they were already gone. He hit his fist on the wall in anger. He didn't get to catch the men who attacked him. Maria approached him carefully. She could see he was angry and didn't want to cause him more annoyance. "Are you okay?" She asked, trying to look at his face Damson gritted his teeth, ignored her and avoided eye contact. He didn't want to snap at her because he wasn't in the mood for questions. He was so mad at himself for not catching at least one of the men. He looked around for signs of Luis but he didn't see him. "You should go to a pharmacy and treat yourself. You have a cut on your lip." He said to Maria before he dragged himself out of the fashion store. "Where do you think you're going?" She asked, blocking his path. "You also need to go to the hospital, your face looks terrible." "I want to be alone for now
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