All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
180 chapters
Chapter 81
"Mum, who was that?" Sasha asked as looked up from her food. A part of her knew who it was already. "It was Damson. He came just like you said, I think he had something to talk to you about. He said it was important. Are you going to continue pushing him away? I've been hearing your phone ring a lot these past few weeks. I can't keep lying for you." "You can't continue to stay at home. You'd end up seeing him one way or the other. Now that everything has been solved and you don't have to marry that old man, you're free. Why are you still sad and avoiding your friends?""Let's not even talk about the way you've been dragging your feet around and staring at your phone. It's obvious you want to reach out to him. Stop fighting it." "Mum, you can't understand." Sasha said, sniffing. "I said really hurtful things to him and I'm scared of what he might say when we see, I just can't bring myself to face him. I shouldn't have said all those harsh words. I made a very big mistake." "It's fi
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Chapter 82
Damson sat in shock as he stared at his phone. A picture of Sasha tied to a chair, unconscious, stared back at him. "If you cooperate with us, she'd live" was bodly written under it. He read the message over and over again. He stood up immediately and rushed out of the hospital, quickly calling Luis to meet him at the Mansion. He was very disturbed. "Who are the people behind this? When was she kidnapped? Is this the work of Mr Baron or the men that attacked him at the fashion store?" He had so many unanswered questions. "Sasha has been kidnapped." Damson said to Luis as he walked into his father's study. "You were right, the men lurking around were up to no good." "They sent me a message and I have no idea what they're talking about. Why are they asking me to cooperate with them? Who are they? We need to find out who these people are and save Sasha." "I'm afraid that would be impossible, young master. We don't know exactly where these people are located and this obviously looks
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Chapter 83
"They have to help. If they don't Sasha would be in more danger and I can't let that happen. This can't be happening. Who do they think they are to not help?" Damson thought to himself, glaring at the men on the TV. "You have to help. It is an order from me. I am the boss and you listen to my instructions." He snarled, clenching his fist. "You can't deny me. I am your boss!" "You're not our boss!" The third in command yelled. Let me see the tattoo that shows you're one of us. The men both dragged their shirts down, a Raven with its wings spread out was drawn on their pale skin. Damson looked at Luis, who also dragged his shirt down to reveal his tattoo. Damson was surprised, he didn't know Luis was also fully involved in the Underworld. "You're not one of us, kid and at this point we doubt you'll ever be one of us. You have no right to order us around. You haven't even done the three months training and initiation to prove you can be one of us. You are nothing but an ordinary pers
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Chapter 84
"Damson?" Sasha whispered as she opened her eyes, just in time to see a figure slip out of the room. She sat up suddenly, looking around and trying to figure out where she was. Damson told Luis at the door Sasha was already awake and should explain to her as calmly as possible why she was in the hotel. Sasha looked around in fear. She was no longer tied to a chair, her wrists had red marks where the rope was. She rubbed it as she thought to herself. "Did her kidnappers bring her here? What are they trying to do to her? What has she done wrong?" "Is Mr Baron angry about the failed marriage? Is he trying to take me somewhere far away so he can force me to get married to him?" She cried out in fear. Luis knocked and entered into the room, making Sasha run to the edge of the bed. "Stay away from me. She yelled. I'm not interested in marrying him. Go back to Mr Baron and tell him I'd rather kill myself than get married to him." Luis moved closer trying to explain to her but Sasha sc
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Chapter 85
Damson looked at the men in horror as they started to convulse. "What is going on?" He moved closer to one of the men, tapping him. He didn't understand why the both of them started to shake and spit out foam from their mouths. "Young master, you need to see this. The man in the separate room is acting weird." Viktor said, rushing into the basement. "It's the three of them, they're all convulsing. Something is wrong!" "No, no, no." Damson muttered, shaking the men. "You need to answer my question. "Who sent you to kill me!? Who gave you the order!? I need to know!" It was too late, the men were long gone. Damson yelled in frustration, hitting his fist on the wall. "I was so close to getting my answers. This can't be happening!"Damson was livid and frustrated. He thought this was his chance to know who was trying to get rid of him. He looked at the lifeless bodies of the ground, shook his head and left the basement. "Tell Luis to find out what killed these men and make sure they g
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Chapter 86
“What have you done?” Caleb yelled at Damson as he held the broken joystick.“What do you mean? You broke it. Don't you dare try to lie and turn this against me.” The others on the boat noticed it had stopped and were worried. They walked up to the control room where Damson and Caleb were to try to figure out what might have gone wrong. “Is that the joystick used to control the boat?” Noah asked, his eyes wide. “Why is it with you? What did you do?”“I didn't do anything. Caleb was steering the boat away from the others and I tried to stop him. He wasn't listening.” “Can you stop lying?” Caleb cut him off.” You walked up here and steered the boat like you could handle it. You broke the joystick and you're trying to lie. How dare you?”Damson was dumbfounded. How could Caleb just lie on the spot? “That's not true. I only came here to stop you and you fought back, that's why the joystick broke. Stop with the lies. “You're being ridiculous.” Valerie, a girl that David brought along
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Chapter 87
"I'm sorry ma'am but we can't help you." The receptionist said, still smiling at Sasha. "I understand, but this is quite important to me and I'm sure you can help. Please I just need to confirm something." "We're not the right people to meet. You need to contact the customer service for any problems you might have. Our hands are tied." "Dammit!" Sasha yelled, hitting her hands on the counter. "I just need to check put something. It wouldn't take time, just take me straight to the technical room. Is that too much to ask for?" The receptionist looked at Sasha like she was crazy but decided to not say anything. "I'm sorry ma'am. You can reach out to the customer service about your claims." She said, handing her a card. Sasha glared at the receptionist as she collected the card and squeezed it in her hands. She knew what would happen if she called the customer care. They'd take forever to respond to her and when they do, they would tell her there was nothing they can do. She turned
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Chapter 88
The phone stopped ringing and Sasha grabbed Damson again to give him a kiss, but the phone rang again, making them stop. Sasha huffed in annoyance, all she wanted was to feel Damson's lips on hers. "Sorry. I need to see who's calling." Damson said, looking at his phone to see that Maria was calling. "Why is she calling this late?" He wondered. He answered the call and Maria's voice filled his ears. "Damson, where are you? I need…you here." She cried out, her voice breaking. "What's going on? What happened? Talk to me."You…need…the…hospital. She replied. "I don't understand, you need to speak clearly." "Just come to the hospital, please!" She said, before hanging up. Damson was worried, he looked at the time to see it was midnight. He didn't know why Maria had called but it sounded really urgent. He stood up and quickly put on his clothes. His friend needed him and he had to show up. "What's going on? Where are you going? Does it have to do with the call you just picked?" Sa
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Chapter 89
Anne glared at Damson. "You need to back off. You're not part of our family and you have no right to decide on anything concerning us.""I've heard that so many times. Try to say something else." Damson said, rolling his eyes. "We're talking about something else here, stop trying to change the subject." "I have no idea what you're talking about and I'm not trying to change anything. I'm not begging you to believe me but I know nothing about it." "Then we'd confirm." Maria said, crossing her arms. "To make sure you know nothing about it and you're telling the truth, we'd check the CCTV footage." "That's ridiculous!" Anne yelled. "We're family, and you can't just see me as a suspect. You should believe my words." "I'm going to stand here and watch you repeat the same thing over and over. We're checking the footage and we will see what you have done." Maria said, hitting her shoulder with Anne's as she walked up to the nurse at the reception. "My mum's machines were unplugged and I
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Chapter 90
"You really think you have a say here?" Maria chuckled. "All you keep doing is showing signs that you're really involved in what happened. Your hands aren't clean.""I don't care what you think, but I'm not going anywhere. The next line of action is to find a way to figure out mum's funeral, not this rubbish you're doing. Mum was already as good as dead before and what happened was for the best." Maria's sister said, smiling smugly. "While you go ahead to figure out who had done this, I'll ask the nurses about the charity organization, to see if they can pay for the cremation and all the necessary payments. They should be able to do that, don't you think?"Maria clenched her fist tightly, trying to control her anger. She was angry her sister was not bothered about everything which made her want to know who had unplugged the machines more. She would make sure she faces the consequences of her actions. Her sister already proved that she didn't care about family, and she would also sho
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