All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
180 chapters
Chapter 91
Damson watched as Luis entered the study confidently, like he did nothing wrong and had nothing to be afraid of. "He might not have done anything wrong." Damson thought to himself. If he had, he wouldn't walk in here like he's innocent and he won't also be able to look me in the eyes." "Hm, Luis. What are you hiding from me?" Damson wondered as he looked at him. "You called for me, young master." Luis said, clearing his throat. "I have a lot to do at the office, but I rushed down there as soon as I got your call. Hope everything is okay?" "Yes, Luis. Everything is fine. I know you've been busy and I'm sorry for calling you down here, suddenly." "How long have you worked for my father?" Damson asked, folding his hands. "Was it before I was born, or after?" "I've been loyal to your father ever since he became the heir to Stellarcorp, which was around the same time he got married to your mum, so yes, it was before you were born, young master." Luis replied. "So, you're saying t
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Chapter 92
"May I ask why you want to know, young master?" Luis asked, rubbing his neck nervously. He knew something was wrong right from when Damson had asked when he started working for his father. It wasn't like Damson to ask questions concerning him. He doesn't even care. "I need to know why you were in the hospital, Luis." Damson said again, glaring at him. "I'm asking the questions here, not you and I need answers." "There are some things I'd like to keep private, young master but I promise you, I wasn't in the hospital for any bad thing. If you think I had a hand in Maria's mum's death, I'm afraid you're wrong." "When you asked me to pay for her treatment, I didn't even see her, I didn't enter her room. Walking past her room on Thursday was just a coincidence and to be honest I didn't know she was in there."Damson chuckled. "I'm not asking you for stories or explanations, Luis. All I want is just a simple and straightforward answer. You're making all of this complicated. We're both b
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Chapter 93
Austin was more of a brother to Damson, he saw him as someone he could tell anything and everything. He knew how much Damson struggled after he left the orphanage and how hard he worked to get into the university. Things were different for Austin. He found loving parents who took him in and took care of him. He didn't struggle or have to live from hand to mouth, his Foster parents were comfortable enough. When Damson found out life was much easier for Austin, he got jealous and wished he could be in his position, but it didn't last. He accepted his fate to be a poor, miserable and unlucky person and was happy for his friend. They continued to communicate with each other when they both got to separate universities but it was always hard because Damson was always unavailable. He was busy juggling different part time jobs and couldn't return most of Austin calls, but Austin understood. When Damson started dating Mia, Austin was the first person he told. He was so excited and was gri
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Chapter 94
Mia's parents didn't take it lightly with her after they found out she lied about her diagnosis, her father was disappointed in her and hadn't spoken to her since then. He also blocked her cards, so she could learn a lesson. Mia was furious with Damson and thought of ways she could get back at him but she came up with nothing. She wasn't satisfied and really wanted to bring Damson down for what he did. She lost a lot trying to get the doctor to give her a fake diagnosis and Damson ruined it. He wasn't going to go scott free. She didn't disappear because she was ashamed of what she did at the hospital, but instead, she decided to take some steps herself. She started to stalk Damson, she was desperate to find something to use against him. What she wants is for him to suffer and she'd do anything to make sure it happened. She could have easily paid private investigators to keep tabs on him, but she had no money to pay them, thanks to Damson. She started to follow him around, and on
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Chapter 95
Mia smiled but quickly composed herself, looking sad. I'm here, Damson. She said softly, her eyes tearing up. "I'm such a good actor." She thought to herself. "I knew you'd come for me. You've thought about everything we've passed through and you're here to reconcile with me. I'm sorry for everything I've done and I mean it." Damson glared at her, breathing heavily. "Save all of that, Mia. If you think we're getting back together, you're dreaming. We're done and can never get back together. I hope I'm clear with you?" Mia was shocked at Damson's words, but she covered up the shock with more tears. She didn't expect him to run out to reject her again but she wasn't going to back down. "I love you, Damson. Can't you see that? I'm very sorry for everything, I did everything so I could have you back. I promise you, I've changed. Let's forget about the past and get back together." Damson scoffed. "Forget the past? Mia, you really think what you did can be forgotten? You cheated on me
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Chapter 96
"A student of our school? That's impossible." Damson scoffed, not believing Caleb's words. "I don't think you know what you're talking about." "What do you mean by that? Are you trying to sayv I don't deserve to be a student here or I'm too poor to afford the school fee. I don't understand what you mean by impossible. You already think I don't deserve to be a student? How dare you?" Maria chuckled dryly. "No, no. Relax. That's not what I meant, I'm just surprised. You never mentioned this to me and I didn't know you were processing your admission. When did all of this happen? It's something you should have told me about and it doesn't look like it's meant to be a surprise." Damson explained."You're asking to know too much, Damson." Caleb said, crossing his arms."Does she have to tell you about everything going on with her. What exactly are you trying to play out here. Don't you think all these questions are unnecessary. Why exactly are you always around? You haven't stopped stalkin
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Chapter 97
"How long do we have to wait for?" Laura, Mr Wilson's daughter asked as she typed away from her phone. "I'm tired of waiting and I need want to go home. It's been hours." "Just wait a little longer, Laura, Damson is on his way." Mr Wilson said, sternly. "Have you forgotten how long it took for me to have dinner with me? We don't have a choice here.""She has a point, darling." Mrs Wilson said, shaking her head. "We've been here for two hours and he hasn't shown up, what if he doesn't and we're just wasting our time? You've informed Luis that we've been around for a while, so it's not like he doesn't know we're waiting for him. I have a party to attend and I can't be late." "Enough!" Mr Wilson snarled. "Damson is someone important and if you don't know that yet, it's better you do now. His father was my friend and I know how much I benefited from being friends with him. I'm about to continue that by meeting his son." Logan, Mr Wilson's son, scoffed. "I don't think this so called Dam
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Chapter 98
"Can we not talk about my father' death? It doesn't matter right now, does it? I'd appreciate it if we just focus on our food." Damson said, forcing a smile. "Oh. Oh it's fine. I know it's a touchy topic for you, I'm just curious on how my friend died but I understand why you wouldn't want to talk about it." "How were you able to take care of the company alone? How were you able to cope with school and the workload? It must have been a lot for you and I'm sorry I wasn't there to help." Mr Wilson said with fake concern. "When your father was still alive, he called me whenever there was a problem he couldn't handle and I was always there for him, we figured things out together and solved them. If you know things are difficult, don't hesitate to give me a call. I'll be right there." Damson smiled. "Thank you for offering to help, but I got things under control. I'm able to take care of things myself and I've gotten a hang of everything. I'm doing just fine." Damson wasn't interested
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Chapter 99
Logan, who hadn't said anything since and was watching everything unfold noticed his father start to panic and break out in sweats. He knew there was no such thing as a contract and that his father was lying about the marriage. He couldn't watch his dad get caught and ridiculed for lying, so he decided to jump in and do something fast. Damson was about to ask about the contract papers again when Logan quickly spoke up. "I'm not sure I've done a proper introduction of myself and I doubt you know me." He said, making all eyes turn to him. I know this whole marriage idea came as a shock and you weren't expecting it. Trust me, we all weren't expecting it." "My name is Logan and I'm the heir to my father's company. I'm just a couple years older than you and the fact that you're running a company as big as Stellarcorp is huge and I'm envious. I really need to learn from you. He added, with a fake smile. Logan lied. As soon as he found out Damson was really the president of Stellarcorp
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Chapter 100
Damson stood in front of the fashion store, the event of what happened the last time still fresh in his mind. He remembered how he almost died and also how he wasn't able to catch the men because they escaped. He shook his head as he tried to get rid of the thoughts and focus on why he was here. He looked around to see that the glass door which got broken was already fixed and this time, a thicker and stronger glass was put there. He also made sure Luis bought new camera's and installed them everywhere around the store. He wasn't taking any chances. Damson nodded in satisfaction, happy with the work and also walked in to see how the sales girls and the manager were faring. As soon as he entered, one of the girls recognised him. "Oh, I remember you, our brave customer." She said with a smile as Damson walked into the store. "You were the person those men were looking for. You were really brave trying to fight those men, I could never." Damson smiled at her as she rambled on. The s
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