All Chapters of The Return Of General Tyler: Chapter 181 - Chapter 185
185 chapters
Tyler's eyes scanned the room, his mind racing for an answer that refused to surface. He shuddered at the thought of the potential disaster if he had given Matthew a response. Seeking solace, he turned to Sanya. "Sanya, thank you for your unwavering support as a team," he said, his voice tinged with gratitude.Sanya's face lit up with a warm, reassuring smile. Her eyes sparkled with encouragement.Alex, standing beside her, chimed in, his deep voice filled with conviction. "Tyler, as well as I know you, you're not a weak man," he said firmly. "You know exactly what to do, and as your friend, you have my full support." His steady gaze locked onto Tyler's, conveying unwavering loyalty.Sanya's voice trembled with concern as she warned, "The next thing to do is to watch your steps. We all know Matthew is dangerous, and he's doing this to trap Tyler." The meeting room fell silent, the weight of her words sinking in. With a sense of finality, the meeting drew to a close. Tyler's eyes scann
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Smith's expression turned guarded as he stood up, his tall frame towering over the room. "That is one of the boys working for me," he explained, his deep voice measured. "He came to give me a report of what happened at the last operation he went for."Matthew's eyes widened, his curiosity piqued. "Oh really?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with a mix of surprise and skepticism.Smith's eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze piercing. "Yes, is there anything wrong?" he asked, his tone neutral, but with a hint of defensiveness.The air was thick with tension as the two men locked eyes, the silence between them palpable. The dim lighting in the room seemed to intensify the mood, the shadows cast on the walls like skeletal fingers. The soft hum of the air conditioner provided a subtle background noise, but it did little to ease the strain.Matthew's eyes darted to the young man, who stood quietly, his eyes fixed on the floor. There was something about him that didn't quite add up, something that
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Judas paced restlessly within the confines of his room, his mind haunted by the ghosts of his past mistakes. The weight of his regret hung heavy, a constant reminder of the lessons he'd learned the hard way.His thoughts turned to Matthew, and a mix of concern and anxiety creased his brow. What was Matthew up to? What sinister plans did he have brewing against Tyler?Judas's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched in determination. He knew Matthew's potential for darkness, the capacity for evil that lurked within him. He couldn't bear the thought of Matthew repeating his own mistakes.With a sense of urgency, Judas reached for his phone and dialed Matthew's number once more. The call went straight to voicemail, and Judas's disappointment deepened.He stopped pacing, his gaze fixed on the floor as his mind raced. Matthew's silence only fueled Judas's unease. What was he hiding?"I would never, ever support whatever it is Matthew is doing against Tyler," Judas vowed aloud, his voice firm and re
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Smiling face
Alexa's voice dripped with malice as she spat out the words, her eyes blazing with determination. "It's not over, until it's over."Sanya's expression turned grave, her voice low and urgent. "Tyler, this is the time to fasten our seatbelts or Matthew will outrun us."Tyler's jaw clenched, his mind racing with the weight of the challenge ahead. He knew he had no time to waste; every minute counted. The safety of his family hung precariously in the balance."I have to get Adriana and Juliana out of this city tonight," Tyler declared, his voice firm and resolute.The room seemed to darken, the shadows cast by the fading light mirroring the ominous threat that loomed over them. Tyler's eyes locked onto Sanya's, a silent understanding passing between them.With a deep breath, Tyler steeled himself for the battle ahead. Matthew's ruthless tactics would stop at nothing, and Tyler knew he had to be just as relentless to protect his loved ones."Yes, I support that," Sanya said, her voice firm
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Rita's brow furrowed, concern etched on her face. "Is it money?" she asked, her voice tensed, her hands clenched into fists.Sanya's expression remained calm, reassuring. "No, not money. I have a sister who wants to relocate to this city for a month, but she's having accommodation problems. Would you be willing to help with that?"Rita's eyes narrowed, skepticism written across her features. "Sanya, I know you very well, but how do you expect me to cope with a stranger?" Her voice trembled slightly, betraying her unease.She paused, collecting her thoughts before continuing. "I know you'd never intentionally put me in harm's way, but how can you be certain your sister won't be a problem for me?" Rita's gaze locked onto Sanya's, searching for reassurance.She sighed, her shoulders sagging under the weight of her concerns. "You know the stakes of living with a stranger – safety, privacy, everything. What if she's not trustworthy?" Rita's voice trailed off, her eyes pleading for understa
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