All Chapters of The Return Of General Tyler: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
182 chapters
God of war
"Do you think they won't come for us again?" Adrianna asked, her voice trembling with fear as she glanced nervously over her shoulder, her eyes wide with anxiety. "I'm scared, I don't really know why they let us go!" She shook her head, her long, curly hair bouncing with the motion.Tyler let out a smirk, his eyes glinting with a fierce determination. "They can't do anything," he said, his voice low and menacing. "He doesn't know who I am, and I will stop at nothing to make them all pay for what they did." His fists clenched at his sides, his jaw set in a firm line.Adrianna raised an eyebrow, her expression skeptical. "Do you think you can do that?" she asked, her voice laced with doubt. "Do you think you can make them pay? Just let them go, as far as they released us out of their good wills." She shrugged, her shoulders barely moving.Tyler's smirk grew wider, his eyes flashing with amusement. "So you don't believe I'm a powerful person now, Adrianna?" he asked, his voice dripping w
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Genera order
"I am going to prove it if you give me the chance to," Tyler said, his eyes shining with determination, his voice filled with conviction. "I'm ready to prove it to you guys, I came back to do that and I promised you one thing, you guys will never lack any good things, your suffering has come to an end." He spoke with a passion that was hard to ignore, his words dripping with sincerity.Adrianna raised an eyebrow, her expression skeptical. "You can't do that with ordinary mouth making," she said, her voice laced with doubt. "I just hope you don't run away again." She crossed her arms over her chest, her eyes narrowing slightly.Tyler's smile was warm and reassuring. "I won't, let's go meet our daughter first, I'm going to take you both out today." He said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'm going to change your wardrobe and make sure you both have nothing but good things." He gestured expansively, his hands painting a picture of a brighter future.Adrianna's expression softened s
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As the phone call ended, Tyler's grip on the phone relaxed, his eyes still fixed on Adrianna's face, his mind racing with thoughts of revenge and protection. He knew that the Wilson's would stop at nothing to get what they wanted, and he was determined to put an end to their schemes once and for all.He turned to leave the room, his movements swift and purposeful, his mind already focused on the next step in his plan. He knew that Alex would not fail him, and that soon he would have the information he needed to take down the Wilson's.As he walked out of the room, he felt a sense of resolve wash over him, a sense of determination that he had not felt in years. He was going to protect his family, no matter what it took, and he was going to make sure that the Wilson's paid for their betrayal.The hallway outside was quiet and empty, the only sound the soft hum of the hospital's machines and the faint beeping of the heart monitor in Adrianna's room. Tyler's footsteps echoed off the walls
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Low caliber
"Let's just go to the hospital, I'm tired of listening to your bullshits," Mr. Stiles says, his voice laced with frustration and anger, his face red with exasperation. He turns to leave, his movements swift and decisive, his eyes flashing with annoyance."What would you say about the soldiers that I asked to keep you safe, since some hours now?" Tyler asks, his voice calm and collected, his eyes fixed intently on his father's face.Mr. Stiles spins around, his eyes narrowing in accusation. "It's very obvious you paid them off, to stand as one of your people," he says, his voice laced with disbelief and skepticism, his eyes searching Tyler's face for any sign of deception.Tyler's expression remains calm, his eyes filled with a deep sadness. "I am very sad that you, as my father, didn't believe me," he says, his voice laced with hurt and disappointment. "Anyway, you are going to see for yourself," he adds, his eyes glinting with a hint of determination, his voice firm and resolute.The
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Tyler's eyes never leave hers, his gaze piercing and intense, his phone held up like a shield, the screen displaying a message that makes the sales representative's face pale: "Tyler Stiles, Owner and CEO, Stiles Corporation".The sales representative's face turns white as she realizes her mistake. She takes a step back, her eyes fixed on Tyler's phone, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water."I... I apologize, sir," she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper.Tyler's expression remains stern, his eyes still fixed on the sales representative. "See that it doesn't happen again," he says, his voice firm and commanding.The sales representative nods, her eyes still fixed on Tyler's phone, her face pale. "Y... yes, sir," she stammers."Where's the manager's office?" Tyler asked, his voice firm and commanding, his eyes scanning the luxurious interior of the store."Over there, sir," the representative replied, her voice respectful, her hand extending in a graceful gestu
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Until I am done with my revenge
Mr. Smith nods eagerly, his face flushed with excitement. "I understand, sir. I'll make sure to choose the best clothes for her. She'll be the most beautiful woman in the store."Tyler's face breaks into a wide smile, his eyes shining with satisfaction. "That's what I want to hear," he says, his voice filled with a sense of anticipation. "I can't wait to see her in those clothes. She's going to be stunning.""I'll get started on that right away, sir," Mr. Smith says, his fingers flying across the keyboard as he starts typing away on the computer."Great, I'll leave it in your hands," Tyler says, his eyes scanning the store once more before he turns to leave. "Oh, and Mr. Smith?""Yes, sir?" Mr. Smith asks, looking up from the computer screen."Make sure those clothes are perfect. I want her to feel like a queen," Tyler says, his voice filled with a sense of importance.Mr. Smith nods, his face serious. "I understand, sir. I'll make sure of it."Tyler nods, a satisfied smile spreading
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CCTV Footage
"Tyler, you shouldn't talk to him that way, let's go, please," Mr. Stile whispered to Tyler, his voice laced with a hint of concern, his eyes fixed on the scene unfolding before him. But Tyler just chuckled, a low, menacing sound, his eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity."Father, I thought you aren't scared again, just sit at a corner and watch," Tyler whispered back, his voice firm and commanding, his eyes fixed on Matteo with a skeptical gaze.Matteo chuckled, a smooth, confident sound, before moving closer to Tyler, his long strides eating up the distance. "I'm not here to cause trouble, General," he says, his voice smooth and persuasive, his eyes fixed on Tyler with a hint of sincerity. "I just came to apologize on behalf of my family."Tyler burst into laughter, a loud, mocking sound, his eyes fixed on Matteo with a hint of disdain. "On behalf of who?" he asked, his voice laced with sarcasm, his lips curling into a sneer. "Are you their spokesman?"Matteo's face remained calm,
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The doctor's expression changed, his eyes narrowing slightly as if he was unsure what to make of Tyler's request. "I see," he said slowly. "Well, let me check if that's possible."The doctor nodded, his eyes fixed on Tyler with a hint of curiosity. "Let me just check with the hospital administrator," he said, his voice calm and professional. "Please, have a seat, Mr. Tyler."Tyler nodded, his eyes fixed on the doctor as he sat down in the chair opposite the desk. His father stood behind him, his eyes fixed on the scene with a hint of concern.The doctor picked up the phone and dialed a number, his eyes fixed on Tyler as he waited for someone to answer. "Hello, Administrator? I have Mr. Tyler here, and he would like to see our CCTV footage...Yes, I understand...Okay, thank you."The doctor hung up the phone and turned to Tyler. "The administrator will be here shortly to assist you," he said, his voice calm and professional.Tyler nodded, his eyes fixed on the door as if willing the adm
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One of your eyes
Tyler's phone rang out loud, the shrill tone piercing the air, and he quickly brought it out from his pocket before swiping to answer the call. "Excuse me!" he said to Adrianna, his voice firm and apologetic, before walking to a corner, his eyes fixed on the phone as he awaited the caller's words."Hello, Sam," Tyler said, his voice low and commanding, his eyes narrowing as he listened to the caller's words."Boss, information getting to me now is that the Wilson's family are looking for another person to use," Sam said, his voice laced with a hint of urgency, his words tumbling out in a rush.Tyler's face darkened, his eyes flashing with anger. "I knew they were going to do that, I don't want them to get anyone," he said, his voice firm and resolute, his jaw clenched in determination."But they're currently at Lawrence's place, I think they want to forcefully take his daughter away," Sam said, his voice laced with a hint of concern, his words painting a vivid picture in Tyler's mind.
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What if I am not careful?
He shot Butler Leo in the left eye, and blood gushed out in a crimson torrent, flowing down his cheek like a river of pain. "Ahh!" Butler Leo wailed, his voice echoing through the room as he clutched his eye in agony, his face contorted in a twisted grimace.The guards who had been standing by Butler Leo's side cowered away in fear, their eyes wide with terror as they backed away from their fallen comrade. Tyler's gaze was cold and unyielding, his eyes glinting with a hint of satisfaction as he surveyed the damage he had wrought."I am sure you will know what it means to have one or no eyes by now," Tyler said, his voice dripping with menace, his words hanging in the air like a challenge.He turned to face his guards, his eyes commanding obedience. "Tie him to the back of his car, and take him back to his master's place with the guards he came with," he ordered, his voice firm and authoritative.As the guards hastened to obey, Mr. Lawrence moved closer to Tyler, his eyes brimming with
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