All Chapters of The Return Of General Tyler: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
183 chapters
Two hours
"What do you mean by he will be using mine?" Judas asked, his voice laced with fear and confusion, his eyes widening in horror as he grasped the implications of Tyler's words."It's exactly what you think it is," Tyler said, his voice cold and menacing, his words dripping with sinister intent. "I'm going to remove your two eyes and instruct the doctors to use them to fix your brother's vision."Judas' face turned red with rage, his eyes blazing with fury. "Who are you? Do you even think you're something?" he spat, his voice trembling with anger, his clenched fist shaking at his side. "If you make me any angrier, I'm going to come for your wife. I'm not someone you can dare," he growled, his words echoing off the walls.Tyler burst into laughter from the other end, a cold, mirthless sound that sent a shiver down Judas' spine. "You should come for her," Tyler replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "If you don't value your two eyes and legs again."The line went dead, leaving Judas se
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Mile away
"But sir, do you think Tyler will leave the girl in the house?" Butler Leo asked, his voice laced with concern, his eyes wide with fear, as he hesitated beside Judas.Judas' face turned red with rage, his eyes blazing with anger, as he turned on Butler Leo. "What are you still doing here?" he yelled, his voice echoing off the walls, his words dripping with venom. "You should be at the hospital by now! Do you want me to remove your second eye? I will remove it and give it to you to eat!"Butler Leo cowered, his face pale and frightened, as he trembled before Judas. "I'm very sorry, master. I can't go to the hospital myself," he stammered, his voice barely audible.Judas' anger seemed to boil over, as he turned to the guards who stood nearby. "Make sure you bring her here alive!" he snarled, his voice low and menacing, before turning and walking back to his garage.He got into his car, the engine roaring to life, as he sped off into the night, leaving Butler Leo and the guards standing
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Brutal attack
A sleek black car screeches to a halt in front of Alex and the other soldiers, its tires squealing in protest. The doors swing open, and a group of heavily armed men pour out, their eyes fixed menacingly on Alex and his team.Alex doesn't need anyone to tell him that they're there to attack them; the intent is written all over their faces. Without hesitation, he reaches for his phone, a high-tech device that serves as a communication tool and a weapon."Over, this is Alex," he barks into the phone, his voice firm and authoritative. "I need backup, we are under attack. Our location is the children's orphanage. Repeat, we need backup now!"The phone crackles to life, and a voice responds, "Roger that, Alex. Help is on the way. Hold tight."Alex's grip on the phone tightens, his eyes fixed on the approaching attackers. He knows he and his team must hold out until reinforcements arrive. The orphanage behind them, with its innocent children and staff, must be protected at all costs.With a
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Blazing anger
"Are you sure, Mr. Matteo sent you?" Alex asks, his voice firm and commanding, his eyes boring into the armed man's face.He wasn't surprised; he had been suspecting Mr. Matteo's involvement all along. And now, it seemed his suspicions were confirmed. Mr. Matteo was the only one who knew they were heading to the orphanage; it was the perfect setup.Alex's gaze narrows, his mind racing with the implications. He signals to the other soldiers, and together, they move swiftly to disarm and subdue the remaining attackers. The sound of gunfire and struggling bodies fills the air as they take down the armed men one by one.With a final nod, Alex gives the order, and the soldiers move in, pinning the attackers to the ground. Alex approaches the wounded man, his gun still trained on him."Tell me, what was the plan?" Alex demands, his voice cold and detached. "What was Mr. Matteo's ultimate goal?"The armed man glares up at him, his eyes filled with hatred, but Alex's grip on his gun tightens,
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Heart race
Tyler's footsteps echoed through the hospital ward as he walked inside, his face pale and drawn, his eyes sunken with worry. Adrianna's voice was laced with concern as she asked, "What did the doctor say?" before struggling to sit up in bed, her movements slow and labored.Tyler's expression was tight-lipped, his voice strained as he replied, "He didn't say much, he said you'll be fine, but you need one more surgery." He was trying to be strong, to hide the truth from his wife, but his eyes betrayed him, revealing the fear and anxiety that gripped his heart.Just then, Mr. Stile, spoke up, his voice firm and authoritative. "Tyler, I'd like to see you outside." Tyler nodded, his eyes darting to Adrianna before he followed Mr. Stile out of the ward, the door swinging shut behind them.In the dimly lit hospital corridor, Mr. Stile's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing as he confronted Tyler. "I know what you said inside isn't true, your face is telling me that something is wrong." Tyler's m
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"I don't know, my heart..." Adrianna screamed, her voice piercing the air, her words trailing off as she clutched her chest, her face contorted in agony."Fuck!" Tyler exclaimed, his profanity laced with worry and fear, his eyes wide with panic as he rushed to her side.In one swift motion, he swept her into his arms, cradling her like a child, her frail body trembling against his chest. He raced out of the extra room, his footsteps echoing down the hospital corridor, his heart pounding in his chest.He gently laid her on the bed in the ward, her eyes closed, her face pale, her chest rising and falling with each labored breath. Tyler's face was a mask of concern, his eyes fixed on Adrianna's face, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios.Without hesitation, he sprinted to the doctor's office, his feet pounding the floor, his heart racing with urgency. "Doctor, my wife..." Tyler said, his voice laced with desperation, his words tumbling out in a rush.The doctor stood up almost immed
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Tyler's long strides carried him swiftly out of the ward, his determination and urgency evident in every step. He rushed to the garage, his eyes fixed on his car, his mind racing with the thoughts of the crucial interrogation ahead. He got into his car and drove off to the barracks, the wheels screeching as he sped through the gates.As he arrived at the barracks, he walked down from the car, his presence commanding attention. Everywhere, soldiers bowed their heads to greet him, their eyes cast downward in respect, while some saluted him with crisp precision, their faces set in solemn expressions.The sound of boots snapping and fists clenching echoed through the air, a symphony of discipline and loyalty, as Tyler's authority and leadership were acknowledged by his troops. His eyes scanned the scene, his jaw set in a firm line, as he strode towards the building where Matteo was being held.Matteo sprang up from the floor, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and relief, as soon as he saw
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Tyler burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the room like a wave of mockery, as if he hadn't heard the veiled threat in Judas' words. "And you think I am going to release him just because you ask me to?" Tyler asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm, his smirk twisting his face into a cruel grin.Judas' eyes narrowed, his voice low and menacing, like a storm cloud gathering on the horizon. "You don't have a choice but to release him if you don't want to see my wrath," he growled, his words hanging in the air like a challenge.Tyler's laughter exploded again, the sound mocking and dismissive, like a slap in the face. "I called just to tell you to prepare for me, because I am not going to go easy on you and your family," he sneered, his words dripping with malice, his eyes glinting with a sinister light.The air was electric with tension, the threat hanging like a sword of Damocles, waiting to strike. Judas' face darkened, his eyes blazing with anger, as he realized that Tyler w
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I need to see
Tyler walked back to the house, his footsteps echoing through the silence like a solitary drumbeat, his eyes fixed on the door like a magnet. He entered the house, his presence like a dark cloud, and made his way to the bathroom, his movements swift and purposeful, like a predator stalking its prey.As he entered the bathroom, the soft glow of the lights enveloped him, like a warm embrace, and the sweet scent of lavender filled the air, like a soothing balm. He walked to the towel stand, his eyes fixed on the plush towel, like a haven, and placed it neatly on the rack, like a soldier standing at attention.Then, he turned to the jacuzzi, its bubbling waters like a siren's call, beckoning him to come and relax. He slipped off his clothes, like shedding a skin, and stepped into the warm, swirling water, like a baptismal rebirth. The jets of water massaged his tense muscles, like a gentle lover's caress, and he closed his eyes, letting out a deep sigh, like a storm finally subsiding.As
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You can’t do this to me!
The assistant, a slender figure with a calculating gaze, like a surgeon assessing a patient, nodded curtly at Tyler before turning to the bouncer."Is there a problem here?" he asked, his voice crisp and efficient, like a scalpel slicing through tissue.The bouncer hesitated, like a student unsure of the answer, before nodding towards Tyler. "He claims to have a card, but I haven't seen it."The assistant's eyes locked onto Tyler, like a laser targeting a precise point. "I see. And who are you, exactly?"Tyler's jaw clenched, like a vice tightening, as he struggled to maintain his composure. "I'm Tyler. I was invited to this event by Mr. Albert himself."The assistant's expression remained skeptical, like a scientist examining a dubious experiment. "I wasn't aware of any such invitation. Let me check."He pulled out a phone, like a gunslinger drawing a weapon, and dialed a number, his eyes never leaving Tyler's face.Tyler's heart raced, like a rabbit in a snare, as he waited for the
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