All Chapters of The Return Of General Tyler: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
184 chapters
Consider me
"You can't drag me out of the party!" Judas yelled, his voice echoing through the room like a thunderclap, his face red with rage, like a volcano erupting. "You promised to give me this contract! You can't drag me out of here like a nobody! I paid so much money to be able to get this contract!" he shouted, his words tumbling out like a waterfall, his eyes blazing with indignation, like a wildfire burning out of control.Mr. Albert's expression turned cold, like a winter frost, his voice dripping with disdain, like a slow-dripping faucet. "You can't say you spent money; do I collect a dine from you? Did I promise to give you this contract? I never promised you; you're the one who made your imagination run wild," he said, his words cutting like a knife, his eyes piercing like a sharp gaze."Why will I give a contract to someone who's not worth it? Do you think I didn't hear all the news about you?" he continued, his voice rising like a crescendo, his words painting a picture of disgust,
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Sharp knife
"Guards!" Mr. Albert called for the second time, his voice echoing through the room like a thunderclap. Two burly men rushed to his side in a swift, fluid motion, like a well-oiled machine. Their faces were stern, like granite statues, their eyes fixed on Judas with a firm gaze, like a hawk zeroing in on its prey."Take Judas out of here," Mr. Albert commanded, his voice firm and authoritative, like a general leading his troops. The guards nodded in unison, their heads bobbing up and down like puppets on a string. They moved closer to Judas, their footsteps echoing through the room like a drumbeat."You guys shouldn't come near me!" Judas yelled, his voice rising like a siren, his eyes blazing with anger, like a wildfire. But the guards were unfazed, their faces expressionless, like a blank canvas. They grabbed Judas by the arms, their grip like a vice, and dragged him out of the place, his legs kicking and flailing like a wild animal."You can't do this to me!" Judas yelled, his voic
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"When? Next week? Next month? Next year?" Marco asked, his voice heavy with sarcasm, like a weight crushing Judas's excuses. "You've had three days already, and what have you done? Nothing!"Judas shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes avoiding Marco's piercing gaze, like a guilty criminal avoiding a detective's spotlight. "I'll go get him, I promise," he muttered, his voice barely audible, like a whisper in a hurricane.Marco's face turned red with anger, his eyes flashing like a knife. "You'd better, Judas. You'd better bring Uncle home safe and sound, or you'll have to answer to me," he warned, his voice low and menacing, like a predator stalking its prey.Judas nodded, his head bobbing up and down like a puppet on a string, his eyes fixed on the floor, like a guilty man staring at his own shame. He knew he had failed, and he knew he had to make it right, or face the consequences."I will, Marco. I swear it," he said, his voice laced with determination, like a warrior preparin
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The private investigator sent the address to Judas, and he walked out of the gate, his long strides devouring the distance as he assembled his remaining guards. Their faces were etched with worry, their eyes darting nervously at each other, but they didn't dare show Judas they were scared. They knew better than to betray any weakness."I need you all to go get my uncle from this address," Judas said, his voice cold and detached, like a snake slithering through the grass. The guards nodded, their faces expressionless, their voices low and hesitant. "Yes, sir."As they replied, a message popped into all their phones, and they checked their screens to see the address Judas had sent them. One of the guards, a burly man with a thick beard, spoke up, his voice laced with hesitation. "Barrack, sir?" he asked, his eyes flicking up to Judas's face.Judas's expression turned glacial, his eyes freezing into ice chips. "Yes, do you all have any problem with that?" he asked, his voice dripping wit
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"I need to find a way to bring Tyler down, he thinks he is bigger than everyone!" Judas exclaimed, his voice seething with anger, his eyes blazing like hot coals. He paced back and forth in his luxurious office, his expensive shoes clicking on the marble floor.Butler Leo walked to where Judas was, his footsteps silent on the carpet. "I have a suggestion, sir," he said, his voice low and measured, his eyes fixed on Judas's face."Suggestions?" Judas asked, surprised, his eyebrow raised in curiosity. He stopped pacing and turned to face Butler Leo, his hands clasped behind his back."Yes, you can try getting closer to Tyler's favorite man, you can get information to bring Tyler down from him," Butler Leo said, his voice calm and collected.Judas's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with the idea. "And do you think he will agree to do that?" he asked, his voice skeptical, his hand tucked into his pocket."Yes, he will agree," Butler Leo said, his eyes never leaving Judas's face. "It's not f
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Alex's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with calculations. He had always been a strategic thinker, and this offer was too good to be true. But what if it wasn't? What if Judas was genuinely willing to make him richer than Tyler?"What do you want in return?" Alex asked, his voice firm, his eyes locked on Judas's face.Judas's smile grew wider, his eyes glinting with triumph. "I want you to help me take down Tyler," he said, his voice cold and calculating. "I want you to use your skills, your knowledge, and your influence to bring him down. And in return, I'll make you richer than you ever imagined."Alex's eyes widened, his mind reeling with the implications. Take down Tyler? The God of War? It was a daunting task, but the reward... the reward was too tempting to resist."I knew that you don't have a good plan," Alex said, his voice laced with disgust, his eyes rolling in disbelief. "You expected me to betray my superior just because of you? And do you think I will do something as low a
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Pawn in a game.
Alex nodded, feeling a sense of unease. He knew he had to think carefully about this decision. He couldn't just betray the General without considering the consequences."Alright, Janet. I'll think about it. But I need some time alone to consider everything," Alex said, his voice firm.Janet nodded, her smile still plastered on her face. "Take all the time you need, Alex. But don't take too long. Judas won't wait forever."Alex nodded, feeling a sense of pressure. He knew he had to make a decision soon, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.As he walked out of the room, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. He looked around, but there was no one there. Shrugging it off, he continued on his way, his mind racing with thoughts of Judas, the General, and his family's future.Little did he know, Janet was watching him from the shadows, a calculating glint in her eye. She knew exactly what she was doing, and she was determined to get what she wanted, no
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50% Chance
"So, can you do the surgery today?" Tyler asked, his voice laced with anxiety, his eyes fixed intently on the doctor's face."Yes, we will come change her ward to the surgery room," the doctor replied, his voice calm and reassuring. "She's perfectly fine for the surgery now. As I told you earlier, the surgery is a 50/50 chance, so you should be very prayerful."Tyler's face darkened, his eyes narrowing in anger. "I don't want a 50/50 chance," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "You should do your work perfectly, and I don't want anything to happen to my wife. If something happens to her, I'll make sure I lock down this hospital."The doctor's expression remained calm, but a hint of unease flickered in his eyes. "We will do our best," he said, his voice steady, but with a hint of defensiveness.Tyler's gaze lingered on the doctor, his eyes burning with intensity, as if daring him to fail. The air was thick with tension, the weight of Tyler's threat hanging heavy in the room.The d
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Tyler's face turns red with anger, his eyes blazing with a fierce protectiveness. "You're not listening to me!" he explodes, his voice echoing through the hospital room. "She's my wife, and I know her better than anyone. She's strong, she's capable, and she doesn't need to be monitored like some fragile patient!"The doctor's expression remains calm and professional, his eyes filled with a deep understanding of the situation. "Mr. Tyler, I understand your concerns, but please trust us. We're not just monitoring Adrianna's health, we need to ensure she's safe and healthy."Tyler's anger slowly gives way to frustration and helplessness. He looks at Adrianna, who is watching the exchange with a calm and gentle expression. Her eyes are filled with a deep understanding and trust, and she reaches out to take Tyler's hand in hers."Tyler, please," she says softly. "Let them do their job. I'm in good hands."Tyler's face softens, his eyes filling with tears as he looks at Adrianna. He nods
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Familiar scented
"Alright, I will get it done before tomorrow," Alex said from the other end of the line, his voice firm and resolute, but laced with a hint of unease."Alright, I will be expecting it tomorrow," Judas said, his voice dripping with anticipation and a hint of triumph, before ending the call with a click."Yes!" Judas exclaimed immediately, his voice echoing through the room, his eyes gleaming with excitement and a hint of maniacal glee. "This calls for celebration! I knew I was going to bring him down, Tyler is so easy for me," he said, his words dripping with arrogance and confidence."Guards, let's go to the club to celebrate!" Judas shouted, his voice booming through the room, his fists clenched in triumph, as he began to pace back and forth, his mind racing with thoughts of victory and revenge.As they made their way to the club, Judas's mind raced with thoughts of how he was going to finally bring Tyler down. He had been planning this for months, and it was all coming together perf
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