All Chapters of The Return Of General Tyler: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
184 chapters
"I'll leave this meeting first," Judas said, his voice laced with anger, his eyes flashing with indignation. He stood up, his chair scraping against the floor, and glared at Mr. Albert and Tyler."You should have convinced the general with the proposal you have; maybe he will help you. I don't know why you're this arrogant and think about running away," Mr. Albert said, his voice firm but laced with a hint of disappointment. His eyes narrowed, his brow furrowed, as he tried to understand Judas's behavior."So you expected me to sit here and lick Tyler's shoes?" Judas yelled, his voice echoing through the room, his face red with rage. "I can't do that, Mr. Albert. I don't even know why you're so obsessed with Tyler like a senseless person." Judas's words were laced with venom, his tone biting, as he lashed out at Mr. Albert."What did you just say?" Mr. Albert asked, his voice cold, his eyes flashing with anger. He leaned forward, his hands clenched into fists, as he tried to control h
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"So now that you have told me what's important to you, will you like me to entertain you?" the president asked, his voice warm and hospitable. He leaned back in his chair, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "What will you like to take?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with generosity.Tyler's face lit up with a warm smile, his eyes shining with gratitude. "It has been long since I saw you, so I will take anything," he said, his voice filled with humility. "Anything is fine," he added, his hands spread wide in a gesture of acceptance.The president nodded, his face beaming with pleasure. "Very well, then," he said, his voice firm and decisive. "I will have my staff bring in some refreshments." He clapped his hands together, the sound echoing through the room.Tyler's eyes widened in surprise, his face flushing with pleasure. "Thank you, Mr. President," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "Thank you for your kindness and generosity." He bowed his head, his heart filled with gratitu
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"Judas, the general didn't assign me to the work, so I know nothing about your containers," Alex said, his voice laced with a hint of desperation. "He said the work was too much for me and entrusted it to another person, so I don't know anything about it. And he won't tell a third party about his plan, so I know nothing about it."Judas' face turned red with anger, his eyes blazing with fury. "You told me you're capable, and that's the main reason I gave the work to you. Now you're giving me reasons to doubt your capacity. Judas is planning to ruin me, and he's succeeding with it."Alex's voice was calm and defensive. "If I knew something about it, I would have told you about it. You're just giving me lame excuses, Alex, and I don't need any excuses from you."Alex sighed, his voice laced with a hint of resignation. "Anyway, I will do my best. I will make friends with the other guy to get information from him."Judas' grip on the phone tightened, his mind racing with thoughts of reven
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"I'll do it, if that's what you want," Judas says, his voice laced with resignation, his eyes cast downward in defeat. "I will meet up with Auntie tomorrow and tell her what you just told me. I just pray she accepts."Matteo's expression is calculating, his eyes gleaming with a hint of manipulation. "She'll accept, she loves her husband so much. She will do anything if you promise to rescue her husband," he says, his voice dripping with conviction.Judas nods, his mind racing with the plan. "I have to call Tyler to send a picture of Uncle, so I can confuse Auntie with that picture," he says, his voice laced with a hint of deceit.Marco's expression is skeptical, his brow furrowed in doubt. "That's a good idea, but I'm not sure he's going to send it," he says, his voice laced with uncertainty.Judas's eyes flash with determination. "He will, I'm very sure he will send it," he says, his voice firm and resolute. Marco nods his head, his expression unyielding. "You better do a good job,"
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The cops
"You don't have to call the police, the police can't help you here," Matteo said, his voice laced with a hint of warning, his eyes locked onto his wife's determined face. "Do you even know who you want to report to the police? He is the god of war, General Tyler. Do you think the police will arrest someone like him?"Mrs. Matteo's phone fell freely from her hand, clattering to the floor as her eyes widened in shock. "God of what?" she asked, her voice trembling with surprise."God of war," Tyler replied, his voice firm and commanding, his eyes gleaming with a hint of pride.Mrs. Matteo's face went pale, her eyes filling with fear as she quickly fell to her knees. "I am very sorry, I never knew you are the god of war. I have made a grave mistake," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.Tyler's expression softened slightly, his eyes gleaming with a hint of amusement. "Rise up, you did nothing wrong," he said, his voice firm but gentle.As Mrs. Matteo struggled to her feet, her eyes
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"He is the one who kidnapped your husband, and I have been trying my best to get Uncle out of his custody to no avail, but I know what to do to get him out of there. You just have to help me talk to the president, and you will see your husband," Judas says, his voice urgent, his eyes wide with desperation, his hands clenched into fists.Mrs. Matteo's face remains impassive, but a small smile plays on her lips, her eyes gleaming with a hint of amusement. "I don't need you to help me get my husband out. He will come back home when he is ready to come back," she says, her voice calm, her tone laced with a hint of confidence, her shoulders squared in determination.Judas' face falls, his eyes filled with disbelief, his voice laced with frustration. "Don't you understand what I am talking about? Uncle is in danger! We need to get him out of there fast!" he says, his words tumbling out in a rush, his hands gesturing wildly.Mrs. Matteo's expression turns cold, her eyes flashing with annoyan
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Mrs. Matteo walked into the dining room, the soft glow of the chandelier illuminating the elegant table setting. Rachel had outdone herself, the table looking like a masterpiece from a luxury magazine. The silverware sparkled, the glasses shone, and the plates were adorned with intricate patterns.As she took her seat, Rachel emerged from the kitchen, a warm smile on her face. "Welcome, ma. I hope you're feeling better," she said, her eyes filled with concern."Thank you, Rachel. I'm feeling much better now," Mrs. Matteo replied, her voice warm and appreciative.Rachel nodded, her hands moving with grace as she served the first course. The aroma of roasted vegetables and herbs filled the air, and Mrs. Matteo's stomach growled in anticipation.As they began to eat, the flavors exploded on her tongue, a perfect balance of savory and sweet. She closed her eyes, savoring the moment, the tension of the day slowly unraveling."Rachel, this is incredible," she said, her eyes opening to meet
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Tyler's sleek black car glided to a stop in front of the fashionable mall, the gleaming glass and steel structure reflecting the bright sunlight. Adrianna's face lit up with a radiant smile as she stepped out of the car, her designer heels clicking on the pavement. She waved goodbye to Tyler, her hand fluttering like a butterfly, before turning towards the office building.As she entered the stylish lobby, the secretary's head snapped up, her eyes locking onto Adrianna with a mixture of admiration and respect. The secretary's face broke into a warm smile, and she quickly bowed her head in greeting, her long, curly brown hair bobbing with the motion."Good morning, Ms. Adrianna," the secretary said, her voice warm and welcoming. "It's great to see you again. Please, right this way to your office."Adrianna's smile grew wider as she followed the secretary, her eyes scanning the chic decor and bustling atmosphere of the office. She felt a sense of pride and ownership, knowing that this w
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Fashion stylist
"I'm so glad to have you on my team, J," Adrianna said, her voice filled with gratitude. "So, J, can you drive me back to the fashion house?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with a hint of exhaustion from their intense brainstorming session.J nodded his head with a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Of course, Adrianna. My pleasure," he replied, his deep voice soothing.Adrianna stood up from the chair, her slender figure unfolding like a gracefully cat. She made her way to the garage, her high heels clicking on the polished floor. J followed suit, his long strides keeping pace with hers.As they reached the car, J gallantly opened the door for Adrianna, his hand extended in a gentlemanly gesture. She slipped into the luxurious leather seat, her designer dress rustling softly. J got into the driver's seat, his eyes flicking to hers in the rearview mirror as he started the engine. The car glided smoothly out of the garage, heading towards Adrianna's fashion house.As the ca
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Raven's face lit up with a bright smile as she gushed, "Thank you very much, ma. I never knew you'd be this nice. I'll be looking forward to my wedding dress - I really love you so much!" Her eyes shone with admiration as she asked, "Can I have your number? I'd like to have you as a godmother."Adrianna's expression turned playful, her eyebrows raised in surprise. "A godmother? Common, that's too much!" she said, her voice filled with laughter.Raven's smile never wavered, her voice filled with sincerity. "Yeah, you can actually be my mother, so there's nothing wrong with you being my godmother. But I'll be very sad if you turn down my request." Her eyes sparkled with hope, her voice trembling slightly.Adrianna chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "You're such a cry baby," she teased, her voice warm and affectionate.Raven grinned, her face glowing with happiness. "You can say that again, ma. I'm my mother's last child," she said, her smile radiant, her eyes shining with joy.
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