All Chapters of The Return Of General Tyler: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
184 chapters
Judas stormed out of the bar, his mind racing with anger and frustration. He couldn't believe Raven had abandoned him like that. He couldn't believe she wouldn't help him take down Tyler.He drove back to his house, his thoughts simmering with resentment. As he walked in the door, he pulled out his phone and started dialing numbers."Hey, it's Judas. I need you to come to my house. I have a story to tell you."He called three bloggers, all of whom agreed to meet him at his house. Judas paced back and forth in his living room, waiting for them to arrive.When they finally showed up, Judas ushered them in and closed the door behind them. "I have a story to tell you," he said, his eyes gleaming with intensity. "A story about Tyler."The bloggers leaned in, their eyes eager for gossip. And Judas began to spin his web of lies, telling them tales of Tyler's past, of his supposed misdeeds and scandals.Here is the scene with added description and expanded dialogue:"Who's Tyler?" one of the
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"We should have been more careful," another blogger chimed in, her voice laced with regret. "We let our desire for a scoop cloud our judgment, and now look what's happened."The group fell silent, each one lost in their own thoughts. They knew they had made a grave mistake, and they had to face the consequences. "We need to call Judas," one of the bloggers said, their voice laced with desperation. "He was the one who assured us that nothing would happen, we posted wrong information because we trusted him blindly."The room fell silent, the only sound the soft hum of the computer screens. Collins, one of the bloggers, shook his head, his eyes filled with doubt. "Do you even think he'll pick up? He won't pick up, knowing what he did to us. He'll never pick up," he said, his voice heavy with resignation.Just then, Collins' phone rang out loud, the sudden noise making everyone jump. He hesitated, his eyes fixed on the screen as he checked the caller ID. His heart sank as he saw his boss
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Change side
"You guys should get out of my house right this moment!" Judas yelled, his face red with rage. "You're sending us out of your house after you put us all in this mess?" Collins shot back, his voice laced with indignation. "You're the one who called us into your house and gave us a scoop. Don't pretend like a saint, you didn't do that for free. You did it because money was involved. Don't make me look like the bad person here."Judas sneered, his eyes glinting with arrogance. "You didn't agree to post because of the little money I promised you. You agreed because you also needed news about the god of war. You guys should be very happy because I made your companies popular. Who knew about your companies before? You were nobodies!"The bloggers exchanged outraged glances, their faces flushed with anger. "You're going to regret this, Judas," one of them spat. "We are going to spoil your reputation online. You may have offline influence, but we have online power."Judas burst into laughter,
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Only Hope
Judas' face twisted in a snarl as he slammed his fist on the desk, making the books jump. He glared at the phone, as if willing Raven to appear before him. His mind raced with suspicions and conspiracies, his thoughts a jumbled mess of anger and betrayal."How dare she!" he muttered to himself, his voice low and menacing. "She thinks she can turn on me? Me, Judas, the one who made her who she is?"He paced around the room, his eyes scanning the shelves, the furniture, the very walls, as if searching for a hidden enemy. His thoughts turned to Tyler, and his eyes narrowed."Tyler," he whispered, his voice dripping with venom. "He's behind this. He's the one who's been manipulating her, turning her against me."Judas' eyes flashed with determination. He would not be betrayed. He would not be overthrown. He would take action, and he would take it now.With a swift motion, he grabbed the phone and dialed a number, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity. "It's time to take care of Tyler,
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Be warned
Tyler's eyes narrowed as he pulled out his phone and logged into the internet, his fingers flying across the screen with a sense of urgency. He was determined to see for himself what was going on, and his heart raced with anticipation. As he scrolled through the posts, his eyes widened in anger, his face darkening with each negative comment. His fists clenched at his sides, his nails digging into his palms as he read the harsh words.But then, something unexpected caught his eye. Amidst the sea of negativity, there were comments and reactions from people who believed in him, who supported him, and who rallied around him with kind words and encouragement. Tyler's expression softened, a small smile playing on his lips as he read through the positive comments. His tension eased, his shoulders relaxing as he felt a sense of gratitude towards these strangers who had come to his defense.The smile grew wider as he continued to read, his heart swelling with appreciation. He felt a sense of v
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"We are deeply sorry, General," Clinton pleaded, his voice cracking with desperation. "We never intended to tarnish your image or spread falsehoods about you. Mr. Judas was the one who confused us, who manipulated us with his lies. We know we were foolish to believe him, but we were blinded by our desire for a scoop. Please, General, you're the only one who can help us now. Our work, our reputation, everything is at stake right now."Tyler's face turned red with anger, his eyes blazing with fury. "And what's my business if your work is at stake?" he thundered, his voice echoing off the walls. "Am I the one who sent you to post wrong information? Did I force you to spread lies about me? You were so quick to believe Judas' lies, but you didn't bother to fact-check or verify the information. You just ran with it, like a pack of wild dogs chasing a scent."Clinton and the other bloggers and reporters looked at each other nervously, their faces pale with fear. They knew they had made a gra
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One problem
"Alex, I'll be right back, I need to meet up with someone," Tyler says, his voice low and mysterious, his eyes gleaming with a hint of urgency. Alex raises an eyebrow, his expression skeptical. "Are you going alone, General?" he asks, his tone laced with concern. Tyler nods his head, his jaw set in determination. "I'll be fine he says, his eyes scanning the room as if searching for potential threats. Alex's eyes narrow, his brow furrowed in worry. "I hope there's no problem, because I don't think going out alone is safe," he says, his voice laced with a hint of warning. Tyler's expression turns cold, his eyes glinting with a hint of steel. "I can fight for myself, and no one dare come near me," he says, his voice dripping with confidence. Alex nods his head, his eyes still filled with concern, but he knows better than to argue with Tyler when he's made up his mind. Tyler walks out of the room, leaving Alex alone with his thoughts. Just as Tyler disappears from sight, Alex's phone
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Alex's phone rang out loud, the sound echoing through the deserted alleyway. He quickly picked it up, his eyes scanning the surrounding buildings as he spoke."Hello, boss," he said, his voice low and urgent."Alex, I've called Micheal back," Johnson said, his voice firm and commanding. "I did that because you told me the general sent you on a secret task, and I believe you. But I also want to warn you, Alex. You're acting suspiciously these days. You're always sneaking off somewhere, and you're never around when we need you. Try to be less suspicious, Alex. You're making me nervous."Alex's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with thoughts. He knew Johnson was right, but he couldn't help it. He had a mission to complete, and he couldn't let anyone get in his way."I understand," he said finally, his voice curt. "I'll try to be more careful."Johnson's tone softened slightly. "Good. I trust you, boss. But remember, the general is always watching. Don't make any mistakes."The line went dea
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"Why would you make a mistake that can ruin you?" Alex says, his voice laced with frustration and disbelief. "You should have contacted me before doing things in your own way. The General isn't someone to toy with." He shakes his head, his eyes filled with disappointment.Judas scoffs, his face twisted in defiance. "I'm tired of hearing this bullshit," he says, his voice dripping with disdain. "Tyler is a human like me, so I can never be afraid of him, never!" He slams his fist on the table, his eyes blazing with determination.Alex sighs, his expression exasperated. "This is the problem I have with you," he says, his voice calm but firm. "You don't want to accept that the General is bigger than you. You should accept that to bring him down." He leans forward, his eyes locked on Judas.Judas snorts, his face reddening with anger. "He isn't bigger than me," he says, his voice trembling with rage. "And you rushed down to my house when you knew you were in trouble." He spits out the word
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"But that man I met today doesn't look like a troublesome person," Janet says, her voice filled with surprise, her eyes wide with wonder. "He even looks more jovial than the general," she adds, her lips curving into a gentle smile. "I thought you were already working for him," she says, her tone tinged with assumption.Alex's expression turns serious, his eyes clouding with concern. "Money will kill you one day, Janet," he says, his voice low and warning. "I know you're doing all these things because of money," he continues, his gaze piercing. "I am working for Judas, I can't deny that," he admits, his shoulders squaring. "But Judas isn't to be trusted," he warns, his voice laced with caution.Janet's eyes narrow, her brow furrowing in skepticism. "He looks trusted to me," she replies, her voice firm, her chin jutting out in defiance. Her eyes sparkle with a hint of naivety, her expression betraying her innocence.Alex's eyes flash with alarm, his face pale with worry. "Janet, don't b
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