All Chapters of The Return Of General Tyler: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
184 chapters
Tyler's expression turned impatient, his eyes narrowing as he snapped, "You should stop asking me questions and go straight to the point. I have many things to do, and I don't have time for your games."Raven's face remained calm, her voice even. "I am here to help you, Tyler. I mean no harm."Tyler's skepticism was palpable. "You're here to help me, or are you here to tell me how bad Judas is because your relationship went sour with him?" he asked, his tone laced with distrust.Raven's eyes widened, a flicker of surprise crossing her face. "Don't tell me you know I'm working for Judas?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of concern.Tyler's gaze was piercing, his eyes boring into hers. "Yeah, you look very suspicious from the first time I set my eyes on you," he said, his voice firm. "I can spot a spy from a mile away, and you, Raven, are definitely hiding something."Raven's eyes flashed with a hint of defiance, but she quickly composed herself. "I'm not a spy, Tyler," she said,
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Wedding cancel
The next day, Adrianna pulled her sleek black car into the garage, the sound of the engine dying down as she shifted into park. Before stepping out, she took a moment to adjust her designer sunglasses and smooth out her luxurious hair. With a confident smile, she emerged from the vehicle and strode into her fashion house, her stiletto heels clicking on the marble floor.As she entered, the receptionist, a poised young woman with a warm smile, bowed her head in respect. "Welcome, ma'am," she said, her voice dripping with deference.Adrianna's response was gracious and warm. "Good morning, my dear. It's lovely to be here."The receptionist's eyes flickered to a nearby tablet before returning to Adrianna's face. "Ma'am, Ms. Raven is here to see you. She has an appointment regarding a wedding dress."Adrianna's brow furrowed slightly as she tried to place the name. "Remind me who that is," she asked, her tone gentle but commanding.The receptionist hesitated for a moment before responding
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Straight forward
Raven's eyes welled up with gratitude as she gazed at Adrianna. "Thank you very much, ma. I really appreciate what you just did for me. I never knew you could console me like that." Her voice cracked with emotion, her body still shaking from the earlier sobs. Adrianna's expression was warm and reassuring. "Don't think about him, Raven. It's his loss that he left you. He will soon regret his action, because it's not easy to betray a good woman like you." She spoke with conviction, her words dripping with sincerity. Raven sniffled, her hand instinctively reaching up to wipe away the tears that had begun to fall again. "You can say that again," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. Adrianna smiled softly. "Don't worry about the wedding dress, Raven. I will refund your money. Don't worry, I'm going to sell the cloth to someone else." Her tone was gentle, her eyes filled with understanding. Raven's face lit up with a smile, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you very much, ma
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Judas's eyes narrowed, his voice laced with accusation. "I knew deep down that you're still working for me. you met Tyler yesterday and his wife today. You completely fooled his wife, I know you're doing all that for me. Just forgive me and let's work together."Raven burst into laughter, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Who's deceiving you? I'm with his wife because I want her to bring him back to his senses and accept my help."Judas's face darkened, his skepticism evident. "What help? I know you don't do anything that doesn't benefit you financially, and I knew Tyler will never pay you to get information from you."Raven's smile grew wider, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Yeah, he won't pay me because he isn't desperate to bring you down. You're the only desperate one here, and I'm not helping Judas because of money."Judas's eyes narrowed, his voice laced with disbelief. "Why are you helping him then?"Raven's expression turned serious, her eyes locked on Judas. "My conscienc
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Judas's face turned red with rage and pain, his eyes blazing with fury. "You'll regret this, Collins!" he snarled, his voice venomous. "You'll regret crossing me!"Collins's smile was cold and unforgiving. "I'm shaking in my boots, Mr," he sneered. "But I'll never regret protecting Raven from scum like you."Raven's eyes filled with tears, her voice pleading. "Collins, please! Let him go! This isn't worth it!"But Collins's grip only tightened, his eyes never leaving Judas's face. "You can't hurt my bad and expect me to just find my hands and watch. "You deserve more than I did to you."Judas's eyes flashed with anger, his face twisted in a snarl. "You'll pay for this, Collins!" he spat, his voice dripping with malice. "You'll pay for humiliating me!"With a sudden jerk, Collins released Judas's wrist, sending him stumbling backward. Raven rushed to Collins's side, her eyes wide with fear. "Collins, please! Let's just leave! He's not worth it!"Collins's eyes never left Judas's face,
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Raven's eyes filled with a mix of sadness and determination as she gazed at Collins. "I told you, Collins, you can't fall for me. I'm bad news. I love you, but I can't date you. Judas is going to hurt you, and I don't want that for you." Her voice was laced with a hint of desperation, her words tumbling out in a rush.Collins's expression remained steadfast, his eyes locked onto Raven's with a fierce intensity. "I know that guy so well, Raven. He's fond of misusing his power, but you don't need to be afraid of what will happen to me. I can take care of myself." His voice was confident, his jaw set in a resolute line.Raven's eyes flashed with frustration, her hands gesturing in a helpless motion. "You don't understand, Collins. Judas has a way of getting what he wants, no matter the cost. He'll stop at nothing to destroy anyone who stands in his way. And if he finds out about us...about how I feel about you..." Her voice trailed off, her eyes filling with unshed tears.Collins's face
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As they drove to the barracks, Tyler's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and strategies. He could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins, his heart pounding in his chest. He was determined to show them all what it meant to cross Tyler, the General.As they arrived at the barracks, Tyler could see the soldiers gathered outside, their faces tense with anticipation. He nodded to Alex, and they got out of the car, walking towards the soldiers."General Tyler has arrived!" Alex shouted, his voice carrying across the courtyard.The soldiers snapped to attention, their eyes fixed on Tyler. He walked towards them, his eyes scanning the crowd, his jaw set in a firm line."Listen up, soldiers!" Tyler barked, his voice echoing off the walls. "We have a situation on our hands. The board of directors thinks they can push me around, threaten me. But I won't be intimidated. I won't be threatened. I built this company from the ground up, and I'll be damned if I let them take it away from me!"
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Tyler's eyes gleamed with triumph as he leaned back in his chair. "So, go ahead and try to take me down. Try to oust me from my position. But you'll fail. Because I have the truth on my side, and I have the support of the people who matter."The directors shifted uncomfortably in their seats, their eyes avoiding Tyler's gaze. They knew they had underestimated him, and they were starting to realize that they had made a grave mistake."You see, gentlemen," Tyler continued, his voice dripping with confidence. "I've been preparing for this moment for a long time. I've been building alliances, gathering evidence, and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. And that moment is now."Tyler's eyes narrowed as he leaned forward, his voice taking on a menacing tone. "So, go ahead and try to take me down. But be warned: I will not go down without a fight. And I will make sure that those who try to betray me will suffer the consequences."The room fell silent, the directors cowering under Tyler'
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Judas's voice was laced with disbelief and concern, his words tumbling out in a rush. "What! He sacked the shareholders? Can he even manage the company himself? That's a recipe for disaster!"Alex's sigh was heavy, his frustration palpable. "I don't know, Judas. I heard the shareholders got a tip about Tyler embezzling company money. I hope you aren't the one who gave them that fake tip."There was a pause, and for a moment, Alex thought he'd lost the connection. But then Judas's voice came through, laced with a mix of defiance and guilt. "You don't need to ask, Alex. I did it. I thought it would bring him down once and for all."Alex's anger flared, his voice rising. "I told you not to do anything without informing me first! You know how dangerous Tyler is. Now you've played right into his hands!"Judas's response was barely audible, his voice laced with regret. "I have done that before you told me that, Alex. I didn't think it through. I just wanted to take him down."Alex's anger t
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Judas misfortune
Judas stood up from the floor, his legs shaking with urgency as he quickly rushed to the garage. His heart raced with anticipation, his mind fixed on escape. As he burst into the garage, he saw his brother's car pulling in, the tires screeching to a halt. His brother, Matthew, leapt out of the car, his face twisted in anger.Without a word, Matthew strode towards Judas, his eyes blazing with fury. Judas froze, his eyes fixed on his brother's approaching form. Before he could react, Matthew landed a stinging slap on his face, the sound echoing through the garage. Judas's head jerked back, his eyes watering from the pain.As he struggled to recover from the first blow, Matthew struck again, his hand connecting with Judas's cheek with a loud crack. Judas's eyes widened in shock, his ears ringing from the force of the slap."I warned you to behave, I warned and begged you!" Matthew yelled, his voice hoarse with anger. "Now can you see the damage you've done to the company?"Judas's hand i
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