All Chapters of The Return Of General Tyler: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
184 chapters
"As for Judas's fate, that will be determined by the legal system," Matthew continued. "We will not tolerate any illegal activities within our company, and we will take all necessary steps to ensure that those responsible are held accountable."The reporters nodded, their eyes gleaming with excitement. They sensed a big story brewing, and they were determined to get all the details."Mr. Matthew, can you tell us more about the investigation?" one reporter asked, her voice piercing through the din.Matthew nodded. "The authorities are conducting a thorough investigation, and we are fully cooperating with them. We will provide any information they need to ensure that justice is served."Another reporter spoke up. "How did you discover Judas's illegal activities?"Matthew's expression turned serious. "We have a robust internal compliance system in place, and our team discovered some irregularities in Judas's transactions. We immediately launched an investigation and reported our findings
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Judas paced around the cold, dreary cell, his footsteps echoing off the grey walls. He couldn't believe he had ended up in this place, a prisoner of circumstance, a victim of his own brother's deceit. He knew Tyler and his shareholders had nothing to do with his predicament; it was all his brother's doing. With a sigh, he walked over to the office phone in the cell and dialed Alex's number. The phone rang only once before Alex picked up, his voice firm and reassuring. "Alex, please, I need to see you. I really need your help. I can't be trapped here for something I didn't do. My brother was the one who sent me to do all this. You're the only one who can help me," Judas pleaded, his voice laced with desperation. "Say no more, I'm almost there," Alex replied, his words a lifeline to Judas. "Thank you so much, I know I can count on you in a time like this," Judas said, his relief palpable. As he waited for Alex to arrive, Judas' mind raced with thoughts of his brother's betrayal. He
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Build up
As they approached the exit, Judas' heart raced with anxiety. He knew he was walking into a trap, but he had no choice. Tyler's grip on his arm was like a vice, holding him in place. He could feel the weight of the handcuffs digging into his wrists, a constant reminder of his captivity.Once they were outside, Judas was shoved into a waiting car, Tyler and the lawyer following close behind. The drive was silent, the only sound the hum of the engine and the soft rustle of the lawyer's papers.Judas' mind raced with thoughts of escape, but he knew it was futile. He was trapped, at Tyler's mercy. And he knew Tyler had no intention of showing him any.As they arrived at their destination, Judas' heart sank. It was a luxurious mansion, surrounded by high walls and guarded by men with cold, hard eyes. He knew he was in for a long and difficult journey, one that would test his limits and push him to the edge.But he refused to give up. He would find a way out, no matter what it took. He woul
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Unexpected guest
Adrianna locked the door to her fashion house, exhausted but satisfied with a day's work well done. She had spent the afternoon designing a new collection, and her team had worked tirelessly to bring her vision to life.As she walked home, she couldn't help but think about Judas. She had heard about his release from prison, and she can't wait to see the fall of the powerful.When she arrived home, she was greeted by the warm aroma of cooking food. Her daughter, Julianna, was already in the kitchen, preparing dinner for the family."Hey, daughter," Adrianna said, giving her a hug. "What's for dinner?""Your favorite, mija," Julianna replied, smiling. "Chicken enchiladas, with all the fixings."Adrianna's stomach growled in anticipation. "Sounds delicious," she said, setting the table.Just then, the doorbell rang. Adrianna's heart skipped a beat as she saw Tyler standing in the doorway, a hesitant look on his face."Hey," he said, his voice low. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
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Big share
"How do you wanna end this?" Tyler asks, his voice firm and commanding. "And how did you even enter my house?" He takes a step closer to Mathew, his eyes blazing with anger and suspicion.Mathew smiles, his eyes glinting with amusement. "I have my ways, Tyler," he says, his voice dripping with confidence. "I'm here to warn you. I know what your plans are. I know you're trying to use Judas to bring me down." He pauses, his eyes locked on Tyler's. "But you don't know what I can do. I am here to visit your wife and see if she's doing fine. Since I have seen she's doing fine, I will leave." He turns to go, but then turns back to face Tyler. "But before I leave, leave all the plans you have to bring me down. Because your family is the one that will suffer the damage."Tyler bursts into laughter, his eyes shining with disbelief. "You think you can threaten me?" he asks, his voice dripping with disdain. "You think you can intimidate me?" He moves closer to Mathew, his eyes blazing with anger
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Tyler's smile grew wider, his eyes glinting with a sense of power. "Yes, Mathew. I have been quietly acquiring shares in your company for months now. And with my latest purchase, I have secured a significant stake in your business."Mathew's face turned red with rage, his eyes bulging with disbelief. "How did you...? How did you manage that?" he stuttered, his mind racing with the implications.Tyler chuckled, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "Let's just say I have my ways, Mathew. And now, I have the upper hand. You see, I've been watching you, studying your moves. And I know your weaknesses."Judas's eyes darted back and forth between the two men, his mind racing with the tension. He had never seen Mathew so rattled before, and it was clear that Tyler had the upper hand.Mathew's face contorted in a mixture of anger and desperation. "You'll never be able to control my company, Tyler. I'll fight you every step of the way."Tyler's smile grew even wider. "Oh, but I think I will,
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"Miss Clumsy" He said in pleasure."I want your shirt off your body" He said, releasing her lips.The lady whose name is Sanya sat up on the bed and removed her shirt, leaving only her bra.She smiled at him as she slowly removed her bra and her twins popped out meeting Alexander's hungry eyes.His head sparked with lust as he beheld them for the second time.His hands welcome them in his palms and Sanya throws her head back in ecstasy, her eyes closing on its own."Mmm" She moaned when he started giving her b**bs soft presses.Her eyes flew open when he latched his sweet electrifying mouth on them.Her hands grazed and draw circles on the bed and her moaning spree started as he began s*cking her like a baby. Yes, indeed he's her cute grown baby!Her hands tugged tightly on the bedspread as he took her to cloud twelve, this feeling surpassed cloud nine."Couch!!" He bite her n*pple and rolled his tongue on it.He dipped his hand into her skirt and grabbed her fleshy big @ss into his p
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The next morning, Mathew slowly opened his eyes, groggily taking in his surroundings. He was met with the sight of Sanya lying beside him, her beauty shining even in sleep. He quickly dropped some money on the nightstand for her, not wanting to wake her. He then hastily put on his clothes, grabbed his car keys, and hurriedly made his way out of the room."Fuck, I can't believe I slept off," he muttered to himself, his voice laced with frustration. He rushed to where he had parked his car, his feet pounding the pavement. He got into his car and drove off, leaving Sanya behind.Sanya's eyes flickered open, and she looked around, disoriented. She didn't see Mathew anywhere. "I can't believe I lost my virginity to that evil man," she said to herself, her voice filled with regret. "That's just a bigger sacrifice to get close to him." She sighed heavily, her eyes welling up with tears.She picked up her phone and dialed her friend's number. Sharon answered immediately. "Sanya, did you meet
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Matthew had not expected that something as simple as a one night stand would stick to him like glue. He thought he had dismissed the encounter as a mere blip on his radar, a fleeting moment of pleasure with no lasting consequences. But as he walked into his living room, tossing his car keys in the first direction he found, he was ambushed by a mental image of her. The memory of her flashed in his mind like a neon sign, refusing to be extinguished.He groaned in frustration, his eyes rolling heavenward. "Now this is just stupid," he mumbled to himself angrily, flopping down on the closest couch. He had barely been able to get a bath and properly wash himself that morning, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of her. He had thought that the warm water would erase the memories of her, but it seemed they were etched in his brain like a tattoo.He ran his hands through his hair, his eyes fixed on the ceiling as if searching for answers. Why was he still thinking about her? He had more import
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"Fetch me a private investigator," Matthew barked, his voice like a whip cracking through the air. "At least you should be capable of doing that," he sneered, his eyes blazing with contempt. "And I need a response in less than 15 minutes…" He trailed off, his sentence hanging in the air like a challenge.The pathetic servant at this point wanted the ground to just open up and swallow him whole. How was he going to be able to get the contact of a private investigator? He had no connections, no resources, no idea where to even start. He was just a lowly servant, tasked with menial duties like pouring wine and answering doors. Matthew's demand was like asking him to move a mountain.Matthew quickly noticed his dilemma, and this only grew his anger. He sprinted up from his seat, his body tense like a coiled spring, as if he was about to leap into a marathon. Then, in a flash of rage, he smashed the wine glass in his hand, the shards shattering on the floor dangerously close to the servant
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